The 2014 MoFo Prom!!!


I never go because I sit in the corner and feel stupid.
I sit in the corner and feel like everyone else is stupid. Am I a narcissist?

I sit in the corner and feel like everyone else is stupid. Am I a narcissist?
More like a cynic probably. You can't stop seeing the ridiculousness and pointlessness of it all, while it actually is an occasion to just be ridiculous and pointless. Partying is a form of escapism, but if you're unable to escape, it's no fun at all.
Cobpyth's Movie Log ~ 2019

Did any of you guys go to Homecoming? I went to a couple of those.

Would go with this, but waiting to match Godoggo
That should be mine, since orange is my favorite color.

Oh geez. I forgot about this band and just how awful they were.

I actually saw them in concert once (they opened for Aerosmith). Yuck. Though I suppose it's no worse than the music that really does get played at school dances.