Three Lefts Make a Right, and Three Rights Make a Left


I didn’t need to advance it with my response when @cricket advanced it AND proved my point all at the same time. I suppose I could have just emojied my approval.

I certainly didn't prove one of your points so I can only assume you are busting my balls, which is fine.

You ready? You look ready.
Well, I got some bad news for white people then: it’s going to get worse.

And yes, racism is definitely no joke. That’s why more white people need to wake up to it.
"This is that human freedom, which all boast that they possess, and which consists solely in the fact, that men are conscious of their own desire, but are ignorant of the causes whereby that desire has been determined." -Baruch Spinoza

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I certainly didn't prove one of your points so I can only assume you are busting my balls, which is fine.
You posted a random image of officer involved shootings and didn’t parse the data, and you posted quotes from a white dude explaining to black people how other white people were not racist.

Don’t sell yourself short.

Even granting every premise, at this point it should be obvious that trying to beat white people over the head with racism, and not talking to them about it unless they just sort of submit to the accusation uncritically, is not particularly effective.

You ready? You look ready.
Like I said, I’m at work and can’t be trudging through data and posting links. Not that I would if I wasn’t at work. This thread isn’t about racism.

Trouble with a capital "T"
From that chart of police shootings that Cricket posted, it looks like whites should be stomping their feet about police shootings, as white suspects are the ones being killed the most.

BTW, the majority of shootings by cops involved the suspect having a gun. It's a myth that cops routinely fire their guns, they don't, and it's an myth they target unarmed black people to's BS.

Just because some outspoken members of the black community believe there's a cop conspiracy to kill black people, it's no more truer than the idiotic belief that the US government invited AIDS to kill off blacks. And that AIDS conspiracy is a prevalent belief among many black Americans. Just like conspiracy theories in general, humans delude themselves to create all sorts of bizarre narratives so as to justify their own negative feelings.

Law Enforcement Today
National discussion has focused on the killings by police of unarmed civilians, but fewer than one percent of the killings we found were of people who were unarmed. Some 65 percent possessed a firearm during an encounter with police. The rest were armed with other weapons, such as knives and bats, The Washington Post.

I guess that goes back to which is more polite: replying when you can't really reply just to say "that proves my point!" or waiting until you can reply in-depth to explain why it does? I'd lean towards the latter.

Nobody's gonna give anyone grief for just being busy, of course.

You posted a random image of officer involved shootings and didn’t parse the data
You can look these things up anywhere you see fit.

and you posted quotes from a white dude explaining to black people how other white people were not racist.
No, that's exactly what Donald Trump said to the media before his words and the whole situation got taken out of context. You can't accuse a guy of siding with white supremists while he's literally condemning them.

You ready? You look ready.
Btw, last I checked, the Confederate States of America was racist. But yeah, I suppose defending a monument to it is ok

Just more of that useless stuff I know, though.

Does everyone know that Trump dated a black woman for 2 years? I wouldn't call it proof that he's not racist but I think it's better evidence than anything that says he is.

Btw, last I checked, the Confederate States of America was racist. But yeah, I suppose defending a monument to it is ok

Just more of that useless stuff I know, though.
You know who else defended it? Condoleezza Rice, yea, a black woman who I'd vote for as president in a second. There's many reasons to defend the statues that have nothing to do with racism.

They lost. Too bad. So sad.
I understood the argument for both sides so I didn't care. The point is that it's supposedly evidence of Trump's racism when in fact, to anyone who is fair, it's evidence to the contrary.

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I understood the argument for both sides so I didn't care. The point is that it's supposedly evidence of Trump's racism when in fact, to anyone who is fair, it's evidence to the contrary.
I suppose that is one way you could look at it. But I'm not one for defending a lost, racist cause.

I suppose that is one way you could look at it. But I'm not one for defending a lost, racist cause.
I just think the word is watered down and there's been no evidence that I've seen that says that is what he is. If people want to say inappropriate, insensitive, or words of that nature, I don't think there would be a big issue. Labeling with such an ugly word is also ugly, and it's offensive to a lot of people.

my political gospel-

and people still argue about race, fools
they don't care what color you are, who you have sex with,
only the size of your ambition on getting them more money, power and control
america successfully turned the entire world into a big shopping mall
alternative solutions? just look at granada and try your luck
but i'm starting to care less and less about that, like one poet once said,
even if we destroy this planet, we will go extinct, but the planet will eventually reconstruct itself,
it might take millions of years, but it will overcome anything we do to it in our search for conquer

You ready? You look ready.
I just think the word is watered down and there's been no evidence that I've seen that says that is what he is. If people want to say inappropriate, insensitive, or words of that nature, I don't think there would be a big issue. Labeling with such an ugly word is also ugly, and it's offensive to a lot of people.
If someone wants to get bent out of shape by it this is America and they are free to do that, but it's not my fault they were born white. They gotta take that one up with their parents. I already made my peace with mine.