Top 10 favorite movies


waterisforcowards,waterma kesyouweak
Originally Posted by Reloadedrocks
1. Star Wars Empire Strikes Back
2. Ocean's Eleven (The 2001 Clooney/Pitt version) - watch it at least once a week!
3. Matrix
4. Matrix Reloaded - new to the list!
5. The Hunt for Red October
6. The Shawshank Redemption
7. The Blues Brothers
8. Field of Dreams
9. Bandits
10. Dr. Strangelove
you've got to be bull****ting me the original eo eleven was way better than the 01 flick

Originally Posted by linespalsy
no magnolia this time?

As much as I love Magnolia [and believe you me, I do], I don't think it's one of the greatest films of all time, or even [for that matter] of the 90s. It would, however, probably be somewhere in my top twenty [or maybe even fifteen] of the decade.

Originally Posted by linespalsy
also, i saw on one of your older lists that you had 'f for fake' up there. that's a personal favorite of mine. i'd like to see how you rank welles' films. have you seen his adaptation of kafka's 'the trial'?
I've not seen The Trial, no, but I do love F for Fake. Of the all the Welles that I've seen, I'd rank his pictures thus-ly:

01. F for Fake (1973) ****
02. Citizen Kane (1941) ****
03. Touch of Evil (1958) *** ½
04. The Magnificent Ambersons (1942) ***
05. Macbeth (1948) **

waterisforcowards,waterma kesyouweak
Originally Posted by Frank-thing
o.k guy's here's mine.

7/ THE THING 82 version.
9/ ALIEN 3.
10/ BLADE 2
HELL YES!(bigdaddy)
I used to love the highlander the movies, the series, the hole god damned bit

So many good movies, so little time.
I've never seen F is for Fake- can't wait to see it, but my top 5 Welles movies are :

1. Citizen Kane
2. The Third Man
3. Touch of Evil
4. The Stranger
5. Magnificent Ambersons

5 tremendous movies and the Ambersons could have been the best if it wasn't chopped up.

"Those are my principles. If you don't like them I have others."- Groucho Marx

Originally Posted by uconjack
2. The Third Man
The Third Man (1949) was directed by Carol Reed.

So many good movies, so little time.
If we are talking Orson Welles movies you have to include The Third man even though he didn't direct it or write it and was only in it for 10 minutes. May soon become my favorite Orson Welles movie.

A system of cells interlinked
Always changing, and currently standing like so.......

1. Blade Runner (Seems to always have the #1 slot)
2. Chinatown
3. 12 Monkeys
4. Mulholland Drive
5. Vertigo
6. Solaris (Soderbergh version)
7. Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
8. Raiders of the Lost Ark
9. Taxi Driver
10. Pulp Fiction

This list always changes. almost from day to day, with some titles staying for a long time while other slots seem like a revolving door.

Other films that have been on the list lately include:

Donnie Darko
The Usual Suspects
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Do you know my poetry?
My Top Ten Favorite Films of All Time:
1. 2001: A Space Odyssey [1968] - Directed by Stanley Kubrick
2. Raging Bull [1980] - Directed by Martin Scorsese
3. Amadeus [1984] - Directed by Milos Forman
4. Goodfellas [1990] - Directed by Martin Scorsese
5. A Clockwork Orange [1971] - Directed by Stanley Kubrick
6. Taxi Driver [1976] - Directed by Martin Scorsese
7. The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly [1966] - Directed by Sergio Leone
8. Raiders of the Lost Ark [1981] - Directed by Steven Spielberg
9. Once Upon A Time in the West [1969] - Directed by Sergio Leone
10. Throne of Blood [1957] - Directed by Akira Kurosawa

Originally Posted by uconjack
May soon become my favorite Orson Welles movie.
But it's not an "Orson Welles movie".

1. Almost every movie released in 1982.
2. Clint Eastwood westerns that he doesn't sing in.
3. Harrison Ford movies where he uses a whip or
has a wookie for a friend.
4. Schwarzenegger movies that don't have him pregnant or
co-star Sinbad.
5. Any movie where a chainsaw becomes an appendage.
6. Zombie flicks!
7. Comic book movies except The Crow sequels.
8. Universal monster movies.
9. Crocodile Dundee 1 & 2
10. Kung-fu flicks!

1. Cold Mountain
2. Memento
3. Dogville
4. Donnie Darko
5. The Godfather
6. North by Northwest
7. Ladyhawke
8. Merlin
9. Pulp Fiction
10. Either A Clockwork Orange or Eyes Wide Shut
"What you have lost will not be returned to you. It will always be lost. You're left with only your scars to mark the void. All you can choose to do is go on or not. But if you go on, it's knowing you carry your scars with you." -Charles Frazier

"I would kill someone in front of their own mama for a ten speed. And if anyone testifies against me I'll gouge their eyes out."

RIP 2002-2010
because it gets boring repeating the same top 10 favorites over and over again... 10 random favorites

A Place in the Sun
Rebel Without a Cause
All About Eve
Of Human Bondage
They Shoot Horses Don't They?
King of the Hill
Grand Hotel
The Cowboys
The Americanization of Emily
"A candy colored clown!"
Member since Fall 2002
Top 100 Films, clicky below

RIP 2002-2010
Originally Posted by Shickadance
2. Clint Eastwood westerns that he doesn't sing in.
I got five fingers but the middle one is especially for you.

Originally Posted by iluv2viddyfilms
I got five fingers but the middle one is especially for you.

So your a fan of Paint Your Wagon?

RIP 2002-2010
Originally Posted by Shickadance
So your a fan of Paint Your Wagon?
Oh absolutely. I love it to death. I mean c'mon, three of my favorite actors, Jean Seberg, Clint Eastwood, and Lee Marvin in one movie... too good to be true. It's also the film that had the most influence in getting me over my grudge against musicals some years ago. I also love the type of humor that runs throughout. From Lee Marvin interupting a funeral for something more important (gold), to Jean Seberg explaining how "she knows what she's had" to Quaker kid explaining to his pa how women's the best of the three sins he's recently committed.

Really I don't care what anyone says about it, good or bad. It's one of my favorite films, and my favorite musical. Basically it's full of great moments throughout, of which my favorite very well could be Marvin struggling through "Wanderin' Star" which makes the song all that much more heart felt.

also click here if ya got the energy

Originally Posted by iluv2viddyfilms
Oh absolutely. I love it to death. I mean c'mon, three of my favorite actors, Jean Seberg, Clint Eastwood, and Lee Marvin in one movie... too good to be true. It's also the film that had the most influence in getting me over my grudge against musicals some years ago. I also love the type of humor that runs throughout. From Lee Marvin interupting a funeral for something more important (gold), to Jean Seberg explaining how "she knows what she's had" to Quaker kid explaining to his pa how women's the best of the three sins he's recently committed.

Really I don't care what anyone says about it, good or bad. It's one of my favorite films, and my favorite musical. Basically it's full of great moments throughout, of which my favorite very well could be Marvin struggling through "Wanderin' Star" which makes the song all that much more heart felt.

also click here if ya got the energy

You've convinced me. I'll take that finger now.

waterisforcowards,waterma kesyouweak
[quote=iluv2viddyfilms]Oh absolutely. I love it to death. I mean c'mon, three of my favorite actors, Jean Seberg, Clint Eastwood, and Lee Marvin in one movie... too good to be true. It's also the film that had the most influence in getting me over my grudge against musicals some years ago. I also love the type of humor that runs throughout. From Lee Marvin interupting a funeral for something more important (gold), to Jean Seberg explaining how "she knows what she's had" to Quaker kid explaining to his pa how women's the best of the three sins he's recently committed.

Really I don't care what anyone says about it, good or bad. It's one of my favorite films, and my favorite musical. Basically it's full of great moments throughout, of which my favorite very well could be Marvin struggling through "Wanderin' Star" which makes the song all that much more heart felt.

my dads favorite movie... he also likes blazzing saddles, casablanca, and
anything john wayne

waterisforcowards,waterma kesyouweak
Originally Posted by reservoirdogs
remember the titans
resrevoir dogs
the godfather
van wilder
donnie brasco
edward scissor hands
wild things
there's something about mary
the count of monte cristo
Terminator 2, Halloween, Nightmare on Elm Street

waterisforcowards,waterma kesyouweak
Originally Posted by reservoirdogs
the count of monte cristo
Terminator 2, Halloween, Nightmare on Elm Street
Rebel without a Cause, Goodfellas, Tommyboy

Australian Pride
10 eh?

Apocalypse Now
The Blues Brothers
The Terminator
Jurassic Park
Finding Nemo
The Shining
Pulp Fiction
Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl
Raiders of the Lost Ark
Marvin: I already told you I don't know anything about any f__king setup; you can torture me all you want.
Blonde: Torture you? That's a good idea. I like that.