The Buffy Re-Watch Club


28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Buffy trying to date someone normal, but it turns out that he likes the danger. Buffy's life is full of danger and she doesn't want to introduce him to it because it could get him killed. She should be more focused on the Annoying one...oops, the Anointed One.

Another forgettable episode in my opinion. I'm waiting for Nightmares and Prophecy Girl to come up. Those are two episodes in season one worth remembering. I might even through in Out of Mind, Out of Sight in there too if it weren't the second to last episode.

The next episode is Xander centric.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

Watched Teacher's Pet and Never Kill A Boy On The First Date. The main connection I felt between the two episodes was Buffy's need (and enjoyment) of finding someone who was interested in her. First the teacher who, I think, is the first person to want Buffy to do well for her own sake. Giles wants her to slay, her mother wants her to behave, as much for herself as for Buffy's, Cordelia and Willow want a friend, for different reasons I'll grant you, while Xander just wants her full stop. Owen wants her for herself, too, but is far more interested once he catches a glimpse of what's beyond the schoolgirl. Sadly, not only is that not Buffy, it's not what she wants to be.

So, what did I like about Teacher's Pet? Well, let's start with the casting of Musetta Vander as the teacher. Beyond the obvious sex appeal, there's something animal about her appearance which works wonderfully She's dangerous from the moment you see her but you can completely see they any worries you had would be overcome by her sexuality and beauty. Poor old Xander never stood a chance... And neither would any other teenage boy.

I also liked that it pricked the usual teenage boy machismo and had Blayne turn out to be a virgin. So often the truth we all suspected at school. I also love that he threatens to sue, should they tell anyone.

I also liked the bug sandwich, but I'm not sure why. Something to do with her being a non-human monster, but still putting her food between two slices of bread.

Three quotes/exchanges that I really liked.

"Should I change or... "
"NO! it's the most beautiful chest.... dress I've ever seen"

"Your hands are really... serrated"

And, lastly, Giles.

"You were right all along... about everything... Well, no, you weren't right about your mother coming back as a Pekingese"

I don't really have a great deal to say about Never Kill A Boy On The First Date. I loved that we had more Cordelia and her disbelieve when the universe doesn't revolve around her. We are starting to see that, to her, Buffy's started to become weird like the losers she hangs out with.

I liked Xander looking in shame at his Tweetypie watch as Owen and Buffy did the "big hand, little hand schtick."

I like that they got the prophecy wrong and that it's a small child. Always evil. I got neg repped on the site when I joined for saying that the next Terminator (T3) should be a six year old girl with her two front teeth missing. A little girl beating the crap out of Arnie? That's how you get me in my seat to watch T3.

Only one quote that really struck me from the episode. Buffy all flustered in the library, talking to Owen about books and Emily Dickinson

"Oh, I think you can read"
5-time MoFo Award winner.

Another forgettable episode in my opinion. I'm waiting for Nightmares and Prophecy Girl to come up. Those are two episodes in season one worth remembering. I might even through in Out of Mind, Out of Sight in there too if it weren't the second to last episode.

The next episode is Xander centric.
I don't care for Nightmares too much. But Out of Mind, Out Of Sight is one of my favourites of this season.

The Pack, next. Love The Pack. It's the one which cemented Buffy for me as a show I wanted to watch.

Chappie doesn't like the real world
I like Never Kill a Boy a lot better than Teacher's Pet. I forgot how much funny dialogue is in this episode. Zander's bit about trying to cover up slaying with laying and to the mind of a teenager that just makes it worse; Buffy's one liner about the slayer button, even The Master proves himself to have a biting sense of humor. (Ha! See what I did there?)

This episode serves the purpose of showing us how far Buffy's duties remove her from a normal social life. The "I just want a normal life" is a very common theme among the teenage supernatural shows, but it's never handled as well as in Buffy. Everyone wants to be outstanding and special in some way but Buffy is really good at making us feel the sacrifices that come along with that specialness in a way where they really do feel like more than just the whining of a teenager that thinks everyone has it easier than him/her.

The Cordelia/Buffy rivalry is also furthered. I think that Cordelia, especially in season 1, is a constant reminder of the Buffy that could have been. In a lot if ways they are a lot alike.

Also it brings focus to Buffy's love life. Given how difficult dating Owen proved to be,it's almost as if Buffy is really limited to either Zander or Angel.

Like HK, I love that the anointed one is a child. In my mind there is nothing creepier than a creepy child.

Standing in the Sunlight, Laughing
Someone used the word "forgettable" and yeah, omg, so very much so. This show gets interesting on Monday for this rewatch. Never Kill a Boy and The Pack both really bore me. They're more stand-alone stories with little depth. If the show had been all like this, I don't think it would have seen a second season. If it's your first time through, hang in there: things are about to get better.
Review: Cabin in the Woods 8/10

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Finally watched Never Kill A Boy On The First Date. Is it wrong I hoped Owen was dead because the guy playing him is the worst actor ever. I want more Angel guys. How long do I have to wait?

P.S. IMDB says to spell Xander with an X, lets get some uniformity going here.

Chappie doesn't like the real world
I forgot to move on to the next episode Thursday. I think we can fit it in before Monday. It's called The Pack and it's one I don't care for very much.

Seanc, the episode after that is titled "Angel"

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I was spelling it with an X cause of the name Xavier. Then I saw a couple people spell it with a Z so I had to check. I really could have seen either way.

I was spelling it with an X cause of the name Xavier. Then I saw a couple people spell it with a Z so I had to check. I really could have seen either way.
It was probably me who spelled it with a Z. I already knew it was supposed to be Xander, but one of my friends goes by and spells it Zander so it was subliminal.

SeanC, how much about the show as of right now, do you know? Do you know what's up with Angel? Do you know future baddies or relationships?

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
SeanC, how much about the show as of right now, do you know? Do you know what's up with Angel? Do you know future baddies or relationships?
I am a rookie so I know nothing. I never even knew Angel was a spin off of Buffy until watching the pilot. I have never seen any of that show either. I just find him the most intriguing character thus far. Maybe I am under his spell like Buffy or maybe I am jealous because I can not pull off a wife beater under a leather jacket like him.

Chappie doesn't like the real world
It was probably me who spelled it with a Z. I already knew it was supposed to be Xander, but one of my friends goes by and spells it Zander so it was subliminal.
Me too. I always spell it with a Z because of my friend. His full name is Zander. It's not short for anything.

Chappie doesn't like the real world
Today we should be on the 7th episode entitled "Angel" This also means we are halfway through the first season.

I finished "The Pack" it's probably my least favorite episode of the series. Once again it takes normal everyday high school problems and throws the supernatural at it. This time it's school bullies who literally become "a pack" Xander ( happy Seanc? ) gets thrown in with them too due to an exhibit at the zoo they were not supposed to see. This has always bothered me. Xander progresses into possession just as rapidly as the mean kids. Given that we are supposed to see parallels between high school cliques and pack behavior Xander's involvement muddies those waters a bit. Since Xander did not already exhibit those behaviors that the mean kids did, wouldn't he be able to resist a little more or at least question and feel bad about his behavior a bit? If the show was trying to show that we all have that side to us by including Xander, I don't think they delivered that message successfully. The Pack is an example of how much the storytelling wasn't up to par compared to future seasons

Will be back with "Angel."

Standing in the Sunlight, Laughing
Angel - this is where this show starts to take off, if you ask me. This is the first episode where everyone starts to seem comfortable and focused. GREAT chemistry between Buffy and Angel. And we start getting the great back-story on Angel and Darla and who he was before (and before that).

A word about Kristine Sutherland (Buffy's Mom): Awesome. Hearing these lines, I can't help but think how easy it would have been to go Edie McClurg with this and make Mom a caricature. Because KS makes Joan vulnerable and sweet and intelligent (if befuddled), she stays fresh and relevant. Working counter to types and avoiding cliches is a lot of what gave this show legs.

Two fun little call-outs in this episode made me smile: Darla's attack on Buffy reminds me of Pris in Blade Runner - another great example of a femme fatale. And The Master's line to the Anointed One about "with power comes responsibility". Need I explain?