18th Mofo Hall of Fame


Everyone ok with me entering post reveal?
Siddon announced from the start that he was okay with people joining after the announcement, so I can't really object. Just make your nomination quickly.

Siddon announced from the start that he was okay with people joining after the announcement, so I can't really object. Just make your nomination quickly.
Will do

Trouble with a capital "T"
And our final nomination...so far
from @CitizenRules

Valley of the Dolls (1967)

I may or may not be drinking and doing pills during some of these films I make no promises....
That is NOT my nomination, why did you put that? Change it to the correct one. I told you I was going with Abandon Ship also known as Seven Days from Now (1957).

That is NOT my nomination, why did you put that? Change it to the correct one. I told you I was going with Abandon Ship also known as Seven Days from Now (1957).

I thought you were iffy on that one and went with your first choice...

Originally Posted by Citizen Rules
OK, maybe I should have went with my first choice. I'm pretty sure if I nominated Valley of the Dolls it would come in near last.

It's not going to come in last

Trouble with a capital "T"
I thought you were iffy on that one and went with your first choice...
You misunderstood me. I was making small talk and saying I had considered VOD but I know it would come in last. Anyway my nom is Abandon Ship aka Seven Days Away

EDIT: Thanks for changing it.

Weird is relative.
This looks like an interesting HOF.

The only ones I've seen were Snow White when I was a child, and Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close back when it was released.

Never heard of 1989's Split or CitizenRule's correct nom.

Bubba Ho-Tep, Road to Perdition and The Florida Project have all been on my "must watch list."

I think though that unfortunately I'll have to skip this one... haven't been able to decide on a nom and as I said earlier I have piles of stuff to watch. If I can get that out of the way hopefully I can join another HOF soon.

If I do end up watching any of these titles during the run, I'll stop by and share my review (though obviously I wouldn't take part in the voting).

And we've got two more entrants...

Coming in at Nomination number 10 from @Yam12

a film on the 1001 films to see before you die, the film that almost broke Martin Scorsese

The King of Comedy (1982)

And here we are at #11 from @Nathaniel

we started this list with Snow White I figure we would end with it's almost opposite version the horror/thriller anime

Perfect Blue (1997)

Only seen my nom out of all of these.

Out of the nominated films, Perfect Blue and The Florida Project are the ones I want to see the most.

Originally Posted by Iroquois
To be fair, you have to have a fairly high IQ to understand MovieForums.com.

The Little Stranger is a film that is difficult to genre classify it's quite clearly an adaptation of a novel as you can practically see each chapter break in the film. The basic plot of the story is a doctor (Domnhall Gleeson) is called to a ramshackled estate of the Ayers family. Strange things happen the story progresses and when the film ends you are left with a number of questions. If you enjoyed Jane Eyre, Rebecca, and The Haunting this film is up your alley. If you need things explained to you or you are not willing to accept different interpretations of character and motive this film is going to be a huge problem for you.

My biggest problem was with the casting, Gleeson and Wilson are both very good, however you've got continuity issues with the ages of the characters and the actors. All the characters are really compelling, Gleeson is a very stiff upper lip repressed man in his late thirties/early forties. He's sort of an in-between dealing with commoners who disgust him and the wealthy caste who view him as a tool. Ruth Wilson plays an older unmarried sister, stuck in a sort of spinster role. She's put-upon to take care of the estate and her brother a damaged WWII pilot who thanks to gender roles is "running the house".

The film touches on a number of issues from the economical to the social to the mystical to at it's core the psychological. Faraday(Gleeson) is an extremely compelling character and you reach a point in the film where your perspective shifts. The problem though is that it feels like it's so close to being a classic but it's just missing a few things but I was moved and affected by it, and others will as well.

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937) is an historically significant film this was the first of Disney's 57 features and watching this film again as an adult I well....didn't care for it. Snow White is the story of a princess who is also a servant who falls in love was a prince and the Queen decides because she's pretty she has to die. I mean when you really break down the plot of the film it makes almost no sense.

Snow White is then tipped off by the woodsman and she finds shelter with seven dwarfs who mine diamonds yet they all live in a ramshackle cabin...why are they doing this...who knows once again watching this film 80 years later the plot doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Also Snow White as a character...kinda sucks she's needy, bossy and single minded she's led by romantic desires and a sense of achieving the ultimate goal...being a homemaker.

Really what this movie is about is set ups for each musical number which I enjoyed for what they were. The animation is fairly rudimentary as the character movements don't seem to fully seem normal I think you have to wait till Pinochio and Fantasia before the films feel finished. What I love about the film is the non-animated handdrawn stills you see pop up every once and while.

When you can just take a step back and enjoy the art of the film it's fantastic.

Trouble with a capital "T"
My nom, Seven Days from Now (1957) aka Seven Waves Away aka Abandon Ship! has never been released on DVD so it won't be at your library or on pay per streaming. I do have a couple of links for it. PM me if you need them.

I suggest watching it sooner than later in case those links go missing. It's a short film, only 90 minutes and I guarantee you won't be bored.

For my own reference:

The 18th MoFo Hall of Fame
1st Review by February 11th
2nd Review by February 25th
4th Review by March 11th
Final Deadline: April 12th

* * *

Abandon Ship! (Richard Sale, 1957) IMDb
Length: 1 hr, 40 mins
Nominated by Citizen Rules
Rewatch?: No
Source: YouTube
Review: January 29, 2019 /

Brimstone (Martin Koolhoven, 2016) IMDb
Length: 2 hrs, 28 mins
Nominated by pahaK
Rewatch?: No.
Source: Library
Review: February 17, 2019 /

Bubba Ho-Tep (Don Coscarelli, 2002) IMDb
Length: 1 hr, 32 mins
Nominated by me
Rewatch?: Yes
Source: my collection
Review: February 25, 2019 /

Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close (Stephen Daldry, 2011) IMDb
Length: 2 hrs, 9 mins
Nominated by neiba
Rewatch?: No.
Source: Library
Review: February 5, 2019 /

The Florida Project (Sean Baker, 2017) IMDb
Length: 1 hr, 51 mins
Nominated by rauldc14
Rewatch?: No.
Source: Amazon Prime
Review: February 15, 2019 /

The King of Comedy (Martin Scorsese, 1982) IMDb
Length: 1 hr, 49 mins
Nominated by Yam12
Rewatch?: No.
Source: Amazon Prime
Review: February 5, 2019 /

The Little Stranger (Lenny Abrahamson, 2018) IMDb
Length: 1 hr, 51 mins
Nominated by Siddon
Rewatch?: No.
Source: Amazon Rental
Review: February 25, 2019 /

Pâfekuto burû (Perfect Blue) (Satoshi Kon, 1997) IMDb
Length: 1 hr, 21 mins
Nominated by Nathaniel
Rewatch?: Yes
Source: my collection
Review: February 8, 2019 /

Road to Perdition (Sam Mendes, 2002) IMDb
Length: 1 hr, 57 mins
Nominated by edarsenal
Rewatch?: Yes
Source: mom's collection
Review: February 4, 2019 /

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (William Cottrell, David Hand, et al., 1937) IMDb
Length: 1 hr, 23 mins
Nominated by Ahwell
Rewatch?: Yes
Source: my collection
Review: January 30, 2019 /

Split (Chris Shaw, 1989) IMDb
Length: 1 hr, 25 mins
Nominated by Joel
Rewatch?: No
Source: YouTube
Review: February 2, 2019 /

The Square (Ruben Östlund, 2017) IMDb
Length: 2 hrs, 31 mins
Nominated by MovieMeditation
Rewatch?: No.
Source: Library
Review: February 24, 2019 /

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
Really enjoyed the reveals @Siddon, VERY nicely done!!!

Abandon Ship! (Richard Sale, 1957) IMDb Never heard of this one but looking forward to it

Brimstone (Martin Koolhoven, 2016) IMDb It looks familiar, but I'm pretty sure I haven't seen it. Still, should be up my alley

Bubba Ho-Tep (Don Coscarelli, 2002) IMDb Have seen this and was surprised at the time that I didn't enjoy it. We'll see.

Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close (Stephen Daldry, 2011) IMDb Haven't see this one

The Florida Project (Sean Baker, 2017) IMDb Not familiar with this one but I DO enjoy Defoe

The King of Comedy (Martin Scorsese, 1982) IMDb Another I didn't like the first time around but who knows. . .

The Little Stranger (Lenny Abrahamson, 2018) IMDb Unknown but looks intriguing

Pâfekuto burû (Perfect Blue) (Satoshi Kon, 1997) IMDb LOVE this one!!

Road to Perdition (Sam Mendes, 2002) IMDb My choice, quite the favorite of mine

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (William Cottrell, David Hand, et al., 1937) IMDb ALWAYS in the mood to see some very old school Disney.

Split (Chris Shaw, 1989 this should be quite the interesting crap shoot.
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

Bubba Ho-Tep (Don Coscarelli, 2002) Have seen this and was surprised at the time that I didn't enjoy it. We'll see.
Is it wrong that I'm kind of hoping you still won't like it? I mean, really I hope everyone enjoys it (and votes for it for the horror countdown ) but it would make me feel less bad about the fact that I pretty much never like your noms.

Incidentally, the one thing I remember about Road to Perdition was that I didn't like it.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
Is it wrong that I'm kind of hoping you still won't like it? I mean, really I hope everyone enjoys it (and votes for it for the horror countdown ) but it would make me feel less bad about the fact that I pretty much never like your noms.

Incidentally, the one thing I remember about Road to Perdition was that I didn't like it.

tell ya what, we'll promise each other to simply hate each other's nom on this one

But yeah, it was kinda funny when I saw it and thought, "Well, here's a first. A Miss Vicky nom I don't absolutely love. Hmm."