Allen v Farrow


Interesting post from @Siddon.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

When I can figure out how to make my own Oreos and Cap'n Crunch, I'll let you know.
I’ll bring the milk.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I side with Woody...and here's why

  1. The notion that Woody is this huge star and had this massive backing is well...bull. Mia Farrow through her friends and Ronan Farrow has ties to most major media outlets, from Variety Fair to The Times, to The Washington Post to MSNBC to HBO. The more compelling documentary that actually breaks down the case is on Youtube.
  2. The crime doesn't make sense from a practical point of view. Dylan's belief that she was molested in a crawlspace with a train set going seems like a fantasy from a seven year old. Keep in mind the allegation isn't rape so no physical evidence can conclude that a crime occurred. This also occurred in a crowded house where two witnesses that did not support Mia.
  3. Nanny Monica Thompson and Moises Farrow both claim Mia Farrow pressured them to support the accusations. This is important because unlike 4 year old Ronan and 7 year old Dylan these are people with cognitive abilities to recognize dishonest behavior.
  4. Moises Farrow claims Mia made him strip naked in front of his family. Soon Yi claims she was assaulted by Mia Farrow. Two of Mia's children died due to suicide one due to poverty and another child has a gofund me. None of the children Mia has conflicts with are her biological children and all of her children that she has a conflict with are not white.
  5. Stacey Nelkin claims Mia asked her to lie about the age she ended up with Woody Allen going from 17 to 15.
  6. Sexual Abuse is a compulsion, it's very rare to go from post pubescent girls (teenagers) to pre pubescent ones. And in the 30 years after the allegation not a single other allegation has come about Woody.
  7. Mia Farrow had a motive, her allegations allowed her not only to keep her children and "win" the case but she also got to work with non-profits. She has a job as an ambassador even though she has abuse allegations about her.
  8. Mia was taken in by Andre Pevin and his wife, Mia's friend Dory Previn. Mia broke up the marriage and Dory ended up in a mental asylum. Dory passes away in 2012....a year after her death Maureen Orath writes another article about Woody(20 years later) the GG's and Ronan and Dylan rehash the abuse allegations in 2014.
  9. In 2016 we start to question Ronan's parentage, and Mia potentially committing fraud, 1 year later Ronan launches the #Metoo movement against Harvey Weinstein.
  10. This case has never gone to civil or criminal court, this has only been tried in the media a media that believes women and has stronger ties to the Farrows.
All of that is interesting. But the really interesting thing is your #4 Moises Farrow claims Mia made him strip naked in front of his family. Soon Yi claims she was assaulted by Mia Farrow.

According to what I read Moses said his entire family watched him being forced to strip naked by Mia, including an adult André. If that story can be collaborated it is sexual abuse of a child by Mia Farrow. The very act of forcing your child to strip naked in front of your family including adults is an act of: Control and Sexual Humiliation, two traits that sexual predators embrace.

All of that is interesting. But the really interesting thing is your #4 Moises Farrow claims Mia made him strip naked in front of his family. Soon Yi claims she was assaulted by Mia Farrow.

According to what I read Moses said his entire family watched him being forced to strip naked by Mia, including an adult André. If that story can be collaborated it is sexual abuse of a child by Mia Farrow. The very act of forcing your child to strip naked in front of your family including adults is an act of: Control and Sexual Humiliation, two traits that sexual predators embrace.

When it's an allegation of coercion hearsay doesn't apply. I think one of the reasons this case didn't go to civil court is the fact that Mia's of coercion towards witnesses.

You also don't have any physical evidence that a crime occurred and also it begs the question why does a man who has joint custody of a child decide to molest her in a house filled with people who hate him?

You also have this Christmas card Mia sent to Woody

And as we saw in the documentary she was taping their conversations. Woody took a polygraph...Mia didn't. Mia is alleging that Woody is recording her so she's recording him, it's never been substantiated that Allen did that.

Trouble with a capital "T"
When it's an allegation of coercion hearsay doesn't apply. I think one of the reasons this case didn't go to civil court is the fact that Mia's of coercion towards witnesses.
Do you mean the charges against Woody or the charges that Moses made of being forced to strip by Mia?

Just watched part 2, which ended up getting really ugly, despite the way it started. The beginning almost seemed like it should have been part 1, with the overview of Mia's career and the beginning of her personal and professional relationship with Woody. Loved seeing Mia's audition for Liesl in The Sound of Music. I remained calm and objective until they played those taped phone calls between Woody and Mia. Some of the things he said to her...I found those phone calls way more damaging to Woody's character than Dylan's recall of what happened, though I wanted to throw up when she said Woody told her "I have to do this." That's disgusting.

Do you mean the charges against Woody or the charges that Moses made of being forced to strip by Mia?

I mean Stacey Nelkin, Monica Thompson and Moises Farrow have all come forward with claims Mia tried to change their stories about Woody.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I mean Stacey Nelkin, Monica Thompson and Moises Farrow have all come forward with claims Mia tried to change their stories about Woody.
Ah, I see, thanks for posting that.

Just finished part three and to be perfectly honest, I still don't know who I believe. What I do know is, guilty or innocent, I will never be able to look at Woody Allen the same way again. He has always struck me as an extremely arrogant man who has always overestimated his sex appeal, but this is not about sex appeal. What has really rocked my opinions about Woody are those taped phone calls with Mia...not necessarily damning in terms of the allegations, but they just make Allen look like complete slime. These phone calls have easily been the most fascinating part of this documentary for me, revealing, in my opinion, the REAL Woody Allen. The things he says to her, my God! And I can't believe the stupidity and the cajones of him, with everything that had happened, to try and sue for custody of Dylan, Satchel, and Moses. With everything that had happened, no court on the planet would have given that man custody of those kids not to mention the fact that an unfit mother would not be allowed to adopt children. It's amazing all the different people who interviewed Dylan and how many different opinions were offered, though I have to say Dylan's account of what happened was a little vague and contained words and phrases I don't think a child would use, giving the accusation that she was coached by Mia some merit. It was different than Leaving Netherland, where those two boys told what happened when they were alone with Michael Jackson in his bedroom and their stories and the details of said stories were absolutely IDENTICAL.. No two people in this story say the same thing. It seems to be kind of like the JFK assassination or the death of Marilyn Monroe,,,we will never know exactly what happened. I loved when that guy said he can't watch Woody's movies anymore and I'm not sure I'm there, but there's no way I can never look at Woody himself the same way again.

Well I finally got around to the 4th and final part where objectivity and balance disappeared and the gloves came off. I'm still not totally convinced one way or the other who is telling the truth, but I have to admit to leaning a little more toward Woody's side because, despite everything that happened, Woody, for better or worse, has gone on with his life. Dylan seems to have centered her entire life around this and I understand that sexual abuse is something from which victims never recover, but they do find a way to get through it and I don't think Dylan has put a lot of effort in working through her own issues regarding what has happened to her. It's not just that she seems to quietly enjoy the celebrity this has brought her, but, and I'm not sure anyone will like this, but there's a point, especially in this final part, where Dylan comes off as an actress playing the part of a sexual abuse victim named Dylan Farrow. Every word out of her mouth, every gesture, every hair toss, seemed directed and rehearsed. What was really sad was the way these events tore the rest of the family apart. That sounds callous, but it's just my opinion. This documentary was definitely worth the time commitment and the most important thing I got from this film...I'm sure glad I never lived in that house.

What has really rocked my opinions about Woody are those taped phone calls with Mia...not necessarily damning in terms of the allegations, but they just make Allen look like complete slime. These phone calls have easily been the most fascinating part of this documentary for me, revealing, in my opinion, the REAL Woody Allen. The things he says to her, my God!
Is he verbally abusive to Mia in the calls?

I don't what you would consider "verbally abusive" but the man talks to her like dirt and even threatens her directly and indirectly. He's also very condescending to her, talking to her like she's a complete moron.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Is he verbally abusive to Mia in the calls?
I don't what you would consider "verbally abusive" but the man talks to her like dirt and even threatens her directly and indirectly. He's also very condescending to her, talking to her like she's a complete moron.
I haven't seen Allen v Farrow and I haven't heard the phone call in question. But logic dictates that either Woody is guilty of child abuse...or he's been falsely accused by Mia Farrow...and if Woody was falsely accused of child abuse as pay back by Mia, then it's very understandable that he would lash out at her and say the cruelest things. I mean who wouldn't be verbally abusive to someone who falsely accused them of a horrible crime?

In others words Woody's phone conversation with Mia proves nothing. However the fact that Mia set-up Woody to record a personal conversation to use it as a smear campaign gives credence to the idea that she falsely accused him of child abuse as pay back for marrying her adopted daughter. You know what the say, "Hell has no wrath like a woman scorned."

... and if Woody was falsely accused of child abuse as pay back by Mia, then it's very understandable that he would lash out at her and say the cruelest things. I mean who wouldn't be verbally abusive to someone who falsely accused them of a horrible crime?
Maybe, but don’t downplay verbal abuse. One can get arrested for this as it is considered to be domestic violence/domestic battery. An Order of Protection is usually given to the abusee while the abuser awaits his or her’s court hearing. (This is after the initial arraignment.)

Trouble with a capital "T"
Maybe, but don’t downplay verbal abuse. One can get arrested for this as it is considered to be domestic violence/domestic battery. An Order of Protection is usually given to the abusee while the abuser awaits his or her’s court hearing. (This is after the initial arraignment.)
Agreed. Not that I know first hand! But I've heard such before.

Just finished this extremely interesting documentary.

Did Woody Allen abuse his daughter Dylan Farrow? I have no idea.

I am very glad though for Dylan that she has found herself a very nice husband & they have a lovely daughter. Dylan had a very shaky start in life (we are told nothing of her bio parents) & then to deal with all this scandal would drive any sane person insane so I give her kudos for being a survivor.

Just finished this extremely interesting documentary.

Did Woody Allen abuse his daughter Dylan Farrow? I have no idea.

I am very glad though for Dylan that she has found herself a very nice husband & they have a lovely daughter. Dylan had a very shaky start in life (we are told nothing of her bio parents) & then to deal with all this scandal would drive any sane person insane so I give her kudos for being a survivor.