The 9th Mofo Movie Hall of Fame


The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible
Mikey and Nicky (1976)

A very dark and atmospheric movie. Someone said on this thread that even on a scene where nothing special happens, we feel discomfort, and that's what I like the most about the movie. It's not pretty and pleasant to see and that's the way it should be. I also liked the acting, Cassavetes and Falk have a nice chemistry!
However, I really didn't like the script, and the story didn't engage me as much as I wanted and that really changed the way I feel about the movie. Oh, and Cassavete's character is truly annoying!


And that concludes my watchings. I'll send the list in a minute.

Trouble with a capital "T"
And I don't think there will be anymore lists, but I did get 10.
Raul, there were 15 people at the start, so who dropped out?

I know, MovieMeditation, Godoggo and Swan dropped out,but who where the other 2?