Movie HALL of FAME Archives & Info


Sean formally did the HoF Archive thread, he took over for Destiny, who took over for Godoggo. When Sean left MoFo, he asked me to take over the thread. So I did and I kept the format the same as he had done. I'm not interested in arguing over it, a Hall of Fame be it sports, rock n roll or movies, is where a committee nominates what they think are the best or noteworthy, and then vote on it... the nomination with the most votes/points is inducted into the Hall of Fame.
He asked you to take over archiving the HOF. That's not the same as unilaterally deciding what is or isn't a HOF.

Yes Cricket chose to call it a 'Hall of Fame' but it's not structured that way. The Personal Rec is a game more like the Sheep game we use to play here, but with movie watching. It's not a Hall of Fame as no movie is honored.
The structure is just like any other HOF, just with more nominations and a person being honored. Again, the HOF is a collaborative process. Deciding what should or should not be a "real" HOF should also be a collaborative process. And all of them are games. That's whey they're in the games and tournaments subforum. Just because it's been decided to give it a lofty title like "Hall of Fame" and keep an archive doesn't mean it isn't a game.

The trick is not minding
So, anyone have other ideas for specialty HOF in the upcoming future?
I know 23rd will be wrapping up shortly, and the holidays are right around the corner but I’m curious what everyone has in mind.
I’m bored.......

Trouble with a capital "T"
So, anyone have other ideas for specialty HOF in the upcoming future?
I know 23rd will be wrapping up shortly, and the holidays are right around the corner but I’m curious what everyone has in mind.
I’m bored.......
A Holiday themed HoF? It's been mentioned before but never done. Just an idea.

The trick is not minding
Holiday one would be interesting but I don't know that a lot would join.
I’d join. I’d say about 7 people at least to make it interesting, right? About what we had for the Beat Picture HOF and the two western HOF we had earlier this year.
Let’s see who’s interested 😎

Trouble with a capital "T"
I’d join. I’d say about 7 people at least to make it interesting, right? About what we had for the Beat Picture HOF and the two western HOF we had earlier this year.
Let’s see who’s interested 😎
Even just a few people could be fun, we could do double noms if not many join. I was thinking about making a thread for it, I might be able to do that tomorrow.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
A Holiday themed HoF? It's been mentioned before but never done. Just an idea.
Holiday one would be interesting but I don't know that a lot would join.
I’d join. I’d say about 7 people at least to make it interesting, right? About what we had for the Beat Picture HOF and the two western HOF we had earlier this year.
Let’s see who’s interested 😎
Even just a few people could be fun, we could do double noms if not many join. I was thinking about making a thread for it, I might be able to do that tomorrow.

I would be interested in a Holiday HoF, but I would probably wait until the nominations are announced before deciding whether or not to join. (I know that there are several Christmas-themed horror movies, and I'd prefer not to watch those movies.)
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
A Holiday theme would be pretty cool and like gbg, I'd skip on the horror-based ones
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

Trouble with a capital "T"
A Holiday theme would be pretty cool and like gbg, I'd skip on the horror-based ones
Totally agree. I'll get that up today, I have to get back to the grindstone right now

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
I was thinking of hosting a Stand-Up comedy HoF. Would it be ok to start it now?
I don't think anything is really slated now because personal rec and holiday. Could be good timing.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Still want to do a Historical/History HOF.. maybe in the spring.
People have shown a strong interest in a Historical/History HOF, so anytime you want to do it, go for it and it'll be fun.

The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible
Cool! I'll set it up today. Whoever joins won't have that big of an effort because stand up specials are usually not much longer that 1 hour so it's shorter than a regular film HoF!