The 11th Hall of Fame


The Dead Girl

Too dark and too depressing for me to like..and spending 90 minutes with these people is not rewarding to me.
im sorry for depressing you again CR
Britney is my favorite

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ

A simple telling of who Ida really is. I wish that Ida had portrayed a bit more of emotion in regards to her discovering, but perhaps her character had become numb to it all. I really thought the movie was shot well and the premise of the story was a good one. I just don't think the movie will be very memorable to me. I wasn't as emotional to what was going on as I should have been, given the subject matter and all. Comparing it to a film like Schindler's List where I was very attached (yes, I know two completely different films). I liked the film, but I was left with a cold and numb feeling of thought myself.



Very good film. Didn't know what to expect going in if i had to guess i would've said an extremely depressing film it really wasn't, of course some of it was very sad but most of all it felt like a beautiful journey; trying not too be cheesy here that's the best way i can describe it.

The cinematography was outstanding. I'm not good at explaining in detail why a film was so visually appealing, all i can say is it was amazing to look at. Black and White in modern films is sometimes unnecessary i think it was a good choice here, i wouldn't object to it in colour so i don't think it was a necessity but i think it went well with the tone of the film. From pretty much the first shot of them standing around the Jesus statue in the snow i knew this was going to be a treat visually at least if i didn't enjoy the story. Thankfully i did.

Ida was an interesting character; she said very little which made me curious on what she was thinking, how she was reacting to the outside world having been brought up as a nun. Everything post funeral really got to me, there was something magical about even just seeing her hair for the first time, i'm not sure i can really expand on that it was all just very effective. Most of all i got invested in Ida and her aunts relationship, it was an interesting dynamic between two people who are pretty much the opposite of each other. All of the performances in the film were solid, with particular praise to the actress who played Ida.

Sorry i don't have that much to say. Something like Samurai Rebellion has a lot more happening on the surface so i find it easier to recall and express my thoughts than something like this that sucks me into it's world which is a big compliment so great nom MM.

Did anybody else want to bang Wanda?

Just The Flowers of War and Good Bye Lenin! left for me. Still got to the 10th of December so i think i'll watch a few sci-fi films before finishing this.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Over at IMDB they say on the trivia page for Ida:

The director had such difficulty finding an actress to play Ida, that he asked his friends to take secret photographs if they saw anyone who was in the right ballpark of the character. One of his friends, saw Agata Trzebuchowska in a Warsaw café, took the picture and persuaded her to audition.

Film debut of Agata Trzebuchowska, a student with no prior acting experience.
Indeed I looked at her film credits and this is the only one. I really liked her controlled, minimalist performance which was appropriate for someone raised in a convent and about to take her vows.

Director of Ida Pawel Pawlikowski and actress (Ida) Agata Trzebuchowska at 72nd Golden Globe Awards.

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Nothing good comes from staying with normal people
Will be my next movie along with flowers if the library would get off it's butt and tell me they've come in. Gonna start watching movies for the Sci-fi top 100 now too. Anyone else gonna partake of this list?
Why not just kill them? I'll do it! I'll run up to Paris - bam, bam, bam, bam. I'm back before week's end. We spend the treasure. How is this a bad plan?

never really considered myself a sci fi fan but then i googled best sci fi movies and alot of movies i liked turned up,but alot of them i dont consider sci fi or think of as that.esp clockwork orange which was listed aswell

Pretty sure just about everybody is Clazor.

Topsy, i don't know if you've been reading the Sci-Fi threads (have linked both of them under this in case you haven't) but for a movie to count it only has to be labelled Sci-Fi on IMDB. Rodent discovered that if you go onto a movies page on IMDB it lists only three genres but if you scroll below the cast it lists all genres the movie is classed under. You'd probably be surprised at some you hadn't thought of i was at least; you should go through a few pages of this when you have the time -

Sci-Fi Recommendations - (the first post on this thread has every Sci Fi movie that's been suggested in the thread; there's a lot.)

The MoFo Top 100 Sci-Fi Movies -

thanks for that! i havent been reading them cos i didnt think they were of interest but now i see sci fi as a label is much broader than i assumed
-much like the action countdown where movies i assumed were action werent and movies i thougt wasnt action was. go figure

The Flowers of War/金陵十三钗 (2011)
Dir. Zhang Yimou
Starring: Christian Bale, Zhang Xinyi, Ni Ni

While I was initially a little unimpressed, this film really grew on me the longer I watched it. I'm not usually a fan of Christian Bale, and while I didn't necessarily enjoy his performance here, he didn't hold the film back either, despite initially being quite abrasive. Much like the film in general, I liked his character more as the plot progressed, and I think that was probably intentional. I did enjoy the cinematography and use of colour, and the occasional bit of humour really helped lighten the otherwise grim mood of the film.

When you compare the dramatic elements present in the majority of the film to the combat-heavy opening act, it does make The Flowers of War seem like two separate movies. That's not necessarily a bad thing though, since the action sequences do serve to enhance the setting, and provide a contrasting backdrop for the main story. The only thing that really stuck out and bothered me were the Japanese soldiers. While some of the officers were shown to have some humanity, the soldiers depicted were cartoonishly villainous to the point where it didn't fit the tone of the rest of the movie regardless as to whether or not it was an accurate portrayal.

While the film didn't have a strong impact on me while I was watching it, I did feel rather emotionally drained by the time the end credits rolled, and I'm willing to chalk that up to the subject matter and not just the runtime.

The Flowers of War

This was the nomination I was least looking forward to watching. That's because, with a few exceptions, I don't generally like historical films. To go along with that, this is the longest movie in this Hall of Fame. I ended up enjoying the movie immensely, yet there are things about it that bothered me to the point that there's a small part of me that wants to trash it. I liked it as an action movie with many exciting scenes, and due to the story, many powerful and upsetting moments. I haven't read the other reviews yet, but I imagine some other people felt the same way as I did about some things. This is basically a Chinese movie, and I couldn't help but wonder how a Chinese person would feel about having an American actor thrown into the lead role. I think it's noble to mix races in some movies, and I can understand the need to sell tickets, but to do it in an important historical movie is a bunch of crap. I kept thinking shame on the filmmakers. As an American, it did not hurt my viewing experience, and I like Christian Bale a lot. He was very good in a pretty cliched role. Speaking of Bale, we are never told or shown anything about him besides what he's doing in the moment. There were other things that had me shaking my head as well. The part about the girls switching places was a good idea, although maybe slightly predictable since I thought of it earlier in the movie. The big problem with it for me was that the Japanese soldiers counted 13 girls, yet it wasn't until the last minute that they realized there wasn't 13 replacement girls. I believe that is something that would have been noticed and addressed immediately. Also, as soon as Bale's character loaded up the students in the back of the truck, I thought there was no way he was going to sneak them out of there. Not in a million years do I believe they would have made it through that roadblock. The Japanese soldiers would have taken the wine, the girls, the truck, and anything else they wanted. There were other minor issues, but I concentrated on enjoying the movie rather than being critical of flaws. The sound of the movie was terrific but I found the look a little strange. As an entertaining action movie, which is how I viewed it, it looked great. As an authentic look at another culture, I thought it failed. For one thing, the movie looked like it could be set in the present day. For another thing, it looked too perfect and polished for the place and situation. One of the things I like about foreign movies is that I get a little taste of a different culture. There was none of that in this movie. I actually enjoyed the movie a little more than my rating would indicate, yet I feel like I could justify going much lower, if I was of a critical nature.

Trouble with a capital "T"
The Flowers of War
This was the nomination I was least looking forward to watching.
I have a sinking feeling that my nom (The Flowers of War) is going to scrape the bottom of the list That sucks as I really love this movie and believe in it's story of morality trumping violence.

I liked it as an action movie with many exciting scenes, and due to the story, many powerful and upsetting moments. I haven't read the other reviews yet, but I imagine some other people felt the same way as I did about some things.
I felt the opposite, the action scenes while well done, were the least important part of the story. For me it was the conflict between the school girls and prostitutes and the eventual mutually respect that came out of it.

This is basically a Chinese movie, and I couldn't help but wonder how a Chinese person would feel about having an American actor thrown into the lead role. I think it's noble to mix races in some movies, and I can understand the need to sell tickets, but to do it in an important historical movie is a bunch of crap. I kept thinking shame on the filmmakers.
The film makers are Chinese so it's not a Hollywood film about these events but a purely Chinese film, so it's their choice. And it was the biggest selling film in China by the director, so I guess the Chinese approved of it.

The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible
Sorry for my absence everyone, was off line for a while. I'm back and ready to watch the hell out of this HoF!

Dead Girl (Karen Moncrieff, 2006)

Dark and twisted just the way I like it!!!
The first chapter left me a bit unimpressed but the film end up winning me over and I liked the most part of it!
I loved the feminist message of the whole film and how the dead corpse of a girl was used as metaphor to how dead every woman on this film felt. We have the daughter with the ungrateful mother, the daughter that didn't was allowed to move on after her sister disappeared, the lonely wife whose husband constantly cheats on her, the mourning mother who missed a huge part of his daughter, the prostitute trying to be a good mother against all odds. It's a movie centered on a dead girl but it's about a lot more than that!
The acting was quite solid, with a lot of great and sometimes undervalued actors and the cinematography was nicely well done, creating a suiting atmosphere for the theme!


Yea I just saw that it was China's #1 grossing film in 2011.

One of the reasons I viewed it as an action film, besides the great action, was that it looked like an action movie. It almost looked like something Tony Scott or Michael Bay could have directed.

I would agree that the contrast of the two groups of girls was a huge plus.

Dead Girl (Karen Moncrieff, 2006)
I loved the feminist message of the whole film and how the dead corpse of a girl was used as metaphor to how dead every woman on this film felt.
never thought about it like that!

Nothing good comes from staying with normal people
IDA (2013) Dir. Pawel Pawlikowski

A young girl, set to take her vows to become a nun, is sent to her only living relative in an attempt to find out who she really is and where she comes from.

I spent the better part of 30 minutes trying to assertain when this movie's set. They never come out and mentions a date, but based on technology, a comment the aunt makes about being a prosecutor in the fifties, and talk of "the war", I'm guessig we're somewhere in the mid 60s, early 70s. Ida seems to be around the 16-20 range, so that fits somewhat. Also take into considaration that she must be old enough to actually leagaly be able to take the vows and I'm pretty sure I'm correct (edit: Saw on imdb that it's set in '62, so allmost correct). Side-track, I know, but it was honestly the first thing that I thought of when the film started. On to the more central stuff.

Ida travels to her relatvie, an aunt, and asks her why she never collected her from the orphanage. As an answer, she says that she didn't think Ida would've liked living with her, but I think it's more the aunt's problem than Ida's that prevented the move. In an offhand comment the aunt turns Ida's world upside down when she informes Ida she's jewish by birth, that her family was killed during the war and when Ida want to visit their graves she tells her there isn't any. Cue the begining of the movies main plot wherein the two newly aquainted relatives set out on a road trip to the family's old home in search of the people who can tell them where their family's been hidden.

To me, this is a story of two parts. That Ida should find out where she comes from is of course important and is what drives the plot of the movie, but I don't think that's the primary reason the mother superior thought to send Ida off to her aunt. I think it's about Ida making an informed decision about her future. She was left at a church as an infant, raised in a orphanage run by the church and then sent to a convent where she is when the movie begins. The church is all she has ever known. It's not odd, then, that she would keep doing what she's been doing all her life. The mother superior then, I think, wants her to experience somthing other than what she's allways had, both for her own sake as well for her future work should she come back. If she knows nothing of the outside world, how will she be able to relate to it? The aunt made a comment about it I can agree with, regarding the vows Ida's about to take:

Wanda: Do you have sinful thoughts sometimes?
Anna: Yes.
Wanda: About carnal love?
Anna: No.
Wanda: That's a shame. You should try, otherwise what sort of sacrifice are these vows of yours?
If you don't see it as a sacifice (or rather, if you've never exprienced what it is you're giving up), how is it a sacrifice? The answer is that it isn't one. She needs to be thrust into the world she hasn't been part of and get a taste of it, a feel for it. Only then can she make an informed decision about whether she wants to return to her convent or if she thinks she can a better place in another part of the world.

We don't really see what she decides in the end, but now, at least, for better or worse, she can make a choice for herself.

I saw Bringing Up Baby yesterday and before I read anybody else's comments and reviews on the film, I'll just say my opinion short (edit: well, you know me... it was supposed to be short alright?!) and direct (scratch that, detailed), so the reading doesn't cloud my own thoughts...

I read nothing about this going in, I didn't know that Baby referred to a leopard or that it was a screwball comedy. All I knew or guessed at least was that it was a romantic comedy and that it got a bad rep here for whatever reason. Again, I have not yet read anything so I don't know how harsh people have been towards it, but I can say I definitely didn't dislike it.

I thought it was rather hilarious at times, to be honest. I had a great time. A movie that had no stops along the way and was just one long series of unfortunate evens to laugh at with perfect comedic timing from the main characters. Hepburn could become annoying at times but in the beginning especially I did like her unawareness and idiotic behavior though she did became annoying towards the end. I think she acted her part perfectly though, so honestly it's probably the character that annoyed me. Grant was great and apart from North by Northwest I sometimes dislike him a little in movies. Here he was really good and funny to follow.

The downpoint of the movie though, is that it is rather silly, over the top, drawn out and relying on implausable scenarios to make us laugh and have the characters act as the script wants them to and not what would seem proper. As with all screwball comedies I'll gladly laugh along with it, but even for those standards this was a little too much to ride along with from beginning to end. Also, dispite the constantly moving high pace was admirable it also didn't give much breathing room for anything else and it held the movie back a bit.

Nevertheless, an admirable accomplishment and amusing ride that actually had A LOT of laughs, which is a given since the movie tries to break the laughs-per-minute record from beginning to end, whether successfully so or not.

A good nomination for sure and if I was 10 years old living in the 30s this would be the best movie ever (the reason I don't talk in general is because 10 year olds today would never give such movie a change unless they were brought up by a cinephile) sad and true. Also, this is a compliment, I'm not trying to be rude and dubbing the movie immature and childish in ways only children and people without proper intellect can enjoy. But for children end childish souls this movie is golden, for people who can run along most silly comedy if it's also funny and clever at times it can also be really good, while people who can't appreciate or find silly things funny then this is probably not for them. Oh, and one last thing of the more negative matter; I didn't enjoy the on-screen handling of animals, it actually took me a bit out the movie - especially because i don't dare think how they were treated off-camera...

I enjoyed it quite a bit though. So here's the love you were looking for, Camo!
