MoFo Lists


Oscar for Best Cinematography

27/28 - Sunrise:A Song of Two Humans
28/29 - White Shadows in the South Seas
29/30 - With Byrd at the South Pole
30/31 - Tabu:A Story of the South Seas
31/32 - Shanghai Express
32/33 - A Farewell to Arms
34 - Cleopatra
35 - A Midsummer Nights Dream
36 - Anthony Adverse
36(Color) - The Garden of Allah
37 - The Good Earth
37(Color) - A Star is Born
38 - The Great Waltz
38(Color) - Sweethearts
39 - Wuthering Heights
39(Color) - Gone with the Wind
40 - Rebecca
40(Color) - The Thief of Bagdad
41 - How Green Was My Valley
41(Color) - Blood and Sand
42 - Mrs Miniver
42(Color) - The Black Swan
43 - The Song of Bernadette
43(Color) - Phantom of the Opera
44 - Laura
44(Color) - Wilson
45 - The Picture of Dorian Gray
45(Color) - Leave Her to Heaven
46 - Anna and the King of Siam
46(Color) - The Yearling
47 - Great Expectations
47(Color) - Black Narcissus
48 - The Naked City
48 (Color) - Joan of Arc
49 - Battleground
49 (Color) - She Wore a Yellow Ribbon
50 - The Third Man
50(Color) - King Solomon's Mines
51 - A Place in the Sun
51(Color) - An American in Paris
52 - The Bad and the Beautiful
52(Color) - The Quiet Man
53 - From Here to Eternity
53(Color) - Shane
54 - On the Waterfront
54(Color) - Three Coins in the Fountain
55 - The Rose Tattoo
55(Color) - To Catch a Thief
56 - Somebody Up There Likes Me
56(Color) - Around the World in 80 Days
57 - The Bridge on the River Kwai
58 - The Defiant Ones
58(Color) - Gigi
59 - The Diary of Anne Frank
59(Color) - Ben-Hur
60 - Sons and Lovers
60(Color) - Spartacus
61 - Hustler
61(Color) - West Side Story
62 - The Longest Day
62(Color) - Lawrence of Arabia
63 - Hud
63(Color) - Cleopatra
64 - Zorba the Greek
64(Color) - My Fair Lady
65 - Ship of Fools
65(Color) - Doctor Zhivago
66 - Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
66(Color) - A Man for All Seasons
67 - Bonnie and Clyde
68 - Romeo and Juliet
69 - Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
70 - Ryans Daughter
71 - Fiddler on the Roof
72- Cabaret
73 - Cries and Whispers
74 - The Towering Inferno
75 - Barry Lyndon
76 - Bound for Glory
77 - Close Encounters of the Third Kind
78 - Days of Heaven
79 - Apocalypse Now
80 - Tess
81 - Reds
82 - Gandhi
83 - Fanny and Alexander
84 - The Killing Fields
85 - Out of Africa
86 - The Mission
87 - The Last Emperor
88 - Mississippi Burning
89 - Glory
90 - Dances with Wolves
91 - JFK
92 - A River Runs Through It
93 - Schindlers List
94 - Legends of the Fall
95 - Braveheart
96 - The English Patient
97 - Titanic
98 - Saving Private Ryan
99 - American Beauty
00 - Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
01 - Lord of the Rings:Fellowship of the Ring
02 - Road to Perdition
03 - Master and Commander:The Far Side of the World
04 - The Aviator
05 - Memoirs of a Geisha
06 - Pan's Labyrinth
07 - There Will Be Blood
08 - Slumdog Millionaire
09 - Avatar
10 - Inception
11 - Hugo
12 - Life of Pi
13 - Gravity
14 - Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance)
15 - The Revenant
16 - La La Land
17 - Blade Runner 2049
18 - Roma
19 - 1917
20 - Mank

Am I missing something or is Titane not in the Cannes List?
Possible I just missed it, usually with Cannes someone has to remind me. I'll take a look, thank you.

Okay, I think this should be up. Lemme know ASAP if you notice something out of whack (more likely than usual because of the way I parsed this one/changes/tiebreakers):

Movie Forums: Top 100 Films of the 2000s

fyi the version of the ballad of narayama on the cannes list should be the 1983 version, not the 1958 one
Most Biblical movies were long If I Recall.
seen A Clockwork Orange. In all honesty, the movie was weird and silly

You might wanna add Drive My Car to the FL Oscars list whilst in there too.

Is it? How comes it shows up in the site list of lists then - I thought you added the FL Oscars list