What would you like to see for 2005?


I would like to see more people write their posts with a word processor before posting them here. That wood be neet.
"Today, war is too important to be left to politicians. They have neither the time, the training, nor the inclination for strategic thought. I can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, Communist subversion and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids."

Originally Posted by LordSlaytan
That wood be neet.
Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.

Conformist's Avatar
Yeah I heard that the forgetten sucked!
This is your life, and it's ending one minute at a time!

Conformist's Avatar
Yeah I heard that the forgotten sucked!

Hello Salem, my name's Winifred. What's yours
this year i will mostly be waiting for Team America to come out on DVD and trying to forget my memories of Creep.

And buying Finding Neverland on DVD

Conformist's Avatar
How was finding never land?????? I heard it was pretey good, but is it worth to buy?

Originally Posted by Conformist
How was finding never land?????? I heard it was pretey good, but is it worth to buy?
I wasn't overly impressed with Finding Neverland. It's a sweet little movie and Depp is solid of course, but there's nothing amazing going on. It's definitely worth a rental, but I wouldn't reccomend blind-buying it.
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

Sin City definately

Hello Salem, my name's Winifred. What's yours
im a sucker for stupid hero movies, so im real excited about the fantastic four

Im also real excited about seeing Constantine - Keanu! Not the greatest actor in the world i know but he's so darn cute i dont notice

Originally Posted by undercoverlover
this year i will mostly be waiting for Team America to come out on DVD and trying to forget my memories of Creep.

And buying Finding Neverland on DVD
Creep any good then?


Alexander- see
White Noise- won't
Vera Drake- rent
Closer- seen
Million Dollar Baby- rent
Team America- seen
Vanity Fair- don't care
Assault on Precinct 13- seen
A Very Long Engagement- seen
Elektra- Jeniffer Garner SEE
Ladder 49- nope
Ray- rent
Creep- unsure
Meet the Fockers- see!
Sideways- rent/cinema


Racing Stripes- no no no
Oceans Twelve- cinema
Hide and Seek- maybe
First Daughter- no idea
Son of the Mask- god no
SpongeBob SquarePants: The Movie- not a fan of TV, could be interesting
The Magic Roundabout Movie- not my cup of tea
The Life Aquatic- looks good
Shall We Dance?- no we shalln't
Are We There Yet?- dont know
In Good Company- Scarlet Johansson, but dont really know
Criminal- Nine Queens was a fine movie, so no
Coach Carter- Sam Jackson is the man
Spanglish- probably not ever


Hitch- me likes Eva Mendes
Kinsey- meh
Flight of the Phoenix- looks a tad too silly
Bogeyman- who knows
King's Ransom- errm no
Harold and Kumar Get the Munchies- who?
Hostage- maybe
Nine Songs- don't know
The Machinist- looks good
Constantine- looks fun
Robots- possibly
Darkness- maybe
Melinda and Melinda- not a Woody fan
Pooh's Heffalump Movie- errmmmm no comment
Miss Congeniality 2: Armed And Fabulous- HELL YEAH
Valiant- looks a bit shoddy


Be Cool- should be enjoyable at least
Man of the House- pffft no
The Ring 2- not a remake, so looks pretty good
Sahara- see a bit closer to the time
The Assassination of Richard Nixon- hmmmm, maybe
The Interpreter- Sean Penn again?
The Weatherman- meh
The Amityville Horror- yet to see the original
Unleashed- maybe
The Wedding Date- ick
League of Gentleman's Apocalypse- YAY, big lols
XXX2: Next Level- errrrm, why has this even been made?
In Her Shoes- pffft
Rumor Has It- sounds interesting


Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy- looking very good
Monster In-Law- great <saracasm>
Kingdom Of Heaven- pfft, doubt it very much
Friday Night Lights- doesn't interest me
The Jacket- at least its not The Tuxedo (and the lovely Keira K)
Star Wars: Episode 3- Revenge of the Sith- don't even care if it sucks, cant wait
The Pacifier- yeah, errr NO
House of Wax- ELISHA ELISHA ELISHA **** YEAH cant wait


A Sound of Thunder- maybe
Mr and Mrs Smith- probably going to suck, probably see it anyway
Batman Begins- Film of the Summer? yes, im going to see it


Madagascar- doubtful
War of the Worlds- very likely
Fun With Dick and Jane- errrmm, dont know
Fantastic Four- probably
The Wedding Crashers- could be funny
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory- hmmm, probably see it
Skeleton Key- meh


Stealth- not sure
Nanny McPhee- no
Because of Win-Dixie- too early to know
Herbie: Fully Loaded- Lindsay Lohan :d
The Island- oooh maybe
Dark Water- another remake good director
Doom- hehehe, should be fun
Dukes of Hazzard- looks fun as well


The Cinderella Man- nah
Bewitched- heh yeah
Elizabeth Town- err not really my film
Pride and Predujice- nah
The Longest Yard- no
Syriana- yes
The Perfect Man- no


Locked and Loaded- nope
The Wallace and Gromit Movie: The Curse of the Were Rabbit- should be amazing
Deuce Bigalow: European Gigolo- eurgh...
Class Action- meh
The Corpse Bride- yeah, looks ok
Aeon Flux- could be good
Sky High- Kurt Russel AND BRUCE CAMPBELL, yeah baby!! hail to the Kings
Flight Plan


Legend of Zorro- bit late?
V for Vendetta- looking pretty good
The New World- don't know
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire- prob see it like i saw the others, don't know why
Land of the Dead- CANT WAIT!!!


Ice Harvest- dunno
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe- good sotry. good film?
King Kong- Jackson for x-mas, another good christmas?
The Producers- does it need remaking? well, prob see it


Hello Salem, my name's Winifred. What's yours
It's hard to know whether a film is good from not wathcing it, hiding behind a magazine

there was so much gore, bad acting and annoying stupid horror movie characters

Ocean's 12 - wanna see much!
First Daughter - i can't help it, it's a sickness
Spongebob - YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!
Be Cool - I love get shorty, not sure how this one's gonna pan out tho
Goblet of fire - cant wait, still think Gary Oldman and Ralph shoulda switched roles, maybe Bill Nighy woulda been a good voldy

Conformist's Avatar
Cant wait to see war of the worlds, and really wanna see a good horror movie b 4 summer starts!

Originally Posted by undercoverlover
im a sucker for stupid hero movies, so im real excited about the fantastic four
Yeay, im adding that to my list after i saw the trailer on the big screen. When i first viewed it on my wussy little 15 inch computer screen i had trouble feeling the power of the special effect. And i take back the part where i originally said "The Thing" looks like a soggy skin bag.

Im also real excited about seeing Constantine - Keanu! Not the greatest actor in the world i know but he's so darn cute i dont notice
I'm not sure about that one. It looks like another crazy looking special effects movie like Van Helsing.

Originally Posted by Pyro Tramp
Creep any good then?

Deuce Bigalow: European Gigolo- eurgh...
Uhm....is that a yes or a no?

Conformist's Avatar
yeahhhhhh u know movies are going down hill when they make a sequal to deuce bigalo

i'm SUPER GOOD at Jewel karaoke
hey, thats unfair!

besides, they are going to make a remake of Harold and Kumar: Harold and Kumar get the Munchies. WTF? Isn't that, like, the first one?

And you know what came out today? Dude, Where's the Party? a sequel to Dude, Where's My Car

now THATS sad.

Conformist's Avatar
OMG.... I am sorry movies serriously are going down hill, dont people know that once a good funny movie comes out you can make a sequal to it,,,or another movie after that, come on your 15 min of fame is up
Good Example the producers of Super Troopers, I think its one of the funniest movies to have come out in the last 10-15 years, but then they came out with CLub Dread, and my god that was bad..... I think the only thing that kept me going in that movie was the exorbinent amount of boobie flopage. N e ways enoph of these sequals come on they should know when to stop!

You ready? You look ready.
I'd like a nice, beautiful, and funny girlfriend to hang out with that's more mature then her age. Damn, why can't I date a senior? Oh wait, she's dating a BEAST!!! Anyways, hopefully I'll find someone.
"This is that human freedom, which all boast that they possess, and which consists solely in the fact, that men are conscious of their own desire, but are ignorant of the causes whereby that desire has been determined." -Baruch Spinoza