The MoFo Top 50 Pre-1930 Countdown: The List

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i watched blackmail a couple years ago when tcm had a massive hitchcock marathon and it was my second favorite of his pre-30s work, although i remember essentially nothing about it other than liking it. i had it at #18 on my list.

i haven't seen the others but underworld and the the man who laughs are two that i would've gotten around to eventually if there was more time.
Most Biblical movies were long If I Recall.
seen A Clockwork Orange. In all honesty, the movie was weird and silly

I haven't seen any of the first four films to show up, but i am certainly going to see Underworld with my girlfriend. Joseph Von Sternberg has made some excellent pictures and i am sure there are more to show up.

Just watched The Goat, gave a few Keaton shorts a look as prep for this but this wasn't one of them. Nicely inventive in places and pretty amusing with Keaton's usual great timing but wouldn't have made my list.

I have seen The Goat (1921) by Buster Keaton, maybe when it was on, but can't really recall. I like Buster Keaton, but this is not one of my favorites of his.

Entr'acte (1924) by René Clair is another dada movie from my list. I had it at 18 and everyone who is curious about avantgarde shorts (and dada) should watch it.


Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
I laugh and am surprised endlessly by these two classic gems.
The Goat is my #2, my fave Keaton film.

Entr'acte is my #1. Unfortunately everything about it on YouTube and vimeo sucks. I have my own personal copy (come over to my house) but this is the best copy I can find on the net.
Seen 6/6
My List
1. Entr'acte
2. The Goat
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
My IMDb page

Trouble with a capital "T"
The Goat cost me 5 bucks I requested a bunch of Buster Keaton DVDs from my library and kept putting off watching them. I ended up being late returning them and so now owe the library $5, all because of The Goat, which I never did see.

Seen quite a few Keaton flicks but this wasn’t one of them. Perhaps I’ll see it today or very soon. It’s very short after all...

The other one I haven’t even heard of.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
The Goat cost me 5 bucks I requested a bunch of Buster Keaton DVDs from my library and kept putting off watching them. I ended up being late returning them and so now owe the library $5, all because of The Goat, which I never did see.
Done that a few times with several HoF films in my time. But not to that degree. Close. . . but, so I feel your pain.
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

Seen quite a few Keaton flicks but this wasn’t one of them. Perhaps I’ll see it today or very soon.
Indeed. An hour later here I am.

I loved it. Would’ve made my list. Not much of a story and it doesn’t tie up the loose ends but hey... I don’t watch Keaton for the story. This was inventive as always, funny and super fast paced especially in the end. Great gags and a lot of fun!

Thanks for the link, @mark f

I don't think I've actually seen The Goat, although I love Buster Keaton so I will watch that later.

Entr'acte nearly made my list, I originally had it at number 25 but chopped it off for A Corner in Wheat. A great film though so I'm glad it made it.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
I laugh and am surprised endlessly by these two classic gems.
The Goat is my #2, my fave Keaton film.

Entr'acte is my #1. Unfortunately everything about it on YouTube and vimeo sucks. I have my own personal copy (come over to my house) but this is the best copy I can find on the net.
Seen 6/6
My List
1. Entr'acte
2. The Goat
I always love following these countdowns to discover the films I didn't while compiling my list.
Seeing that Ent'acte is mark's #1, I WILL be seeing that.
Meanwhile, I just finished The Goat and it is NOT an exaggeration when I say I laughed OUT LOUD numerous times.
Keaton is a silent comedian I never actually watched growing up and only saw clips from various documentaries and the like about silent films comedies. Unlike my all-time favorite, Charles Chaplin, Keaton was in no way so easy to come across for me.
Until now.
I've seen two of his top films and this was absolutely hilarious to watch. I love a great chase and Keaton truly shined in this film doing just that. I won't get into it, just WATCH IT and see!
There were two spots in this short film I had previously recognized, the iconic shot of him on the very front of a train as it stops just inches from the camera, and a bit regarding him hiding on the back of a car, on the spare tire.

MY LIST: Seen 4 out of 6 (66.67%)
16) The Man Who Laughs (#48)
22) Underworld (#47)
25) The Iron Mask (One Pointer)

I always love following these countdowns to discover the films I didn't while compiling my list.
Seeing that Ent'acte is mark's #1, I WILL be seeing that.
Meanwhile, I just finished The Goat and it is NOT an exaggeration when I say I laughed OUT LOUD numerous times.
Keaton is a silent comedian I never actually watched growing up and only saw clips from various documentaries and the like about silent films comedies. Unlike my all-time favorite, Charles Chaplin, Keaton was in no way so easy to come across for me.
Until now.
I've seen two of his top films and this was absolutely hilarious to watch. I love a great chase and Keaton truly shined in this film doing just that. I won't get into it, just WATCH IT and see!
There were two spots in this short film I had previously recognized, the iconic shot of him on the very front of a train as it stops just inches from the camera, and a bit regarding him hiding on the back of a car, on the spare tire.

MY LIST: Seen 4 out of 6 (66.67%)
16) The Man Who Laughs (#48)
22) Underworld (#47)
25) The Iron Mask (One Pointer)
Just watched The Goat and can totally agree with everything you said. What an amazing comedian Buster Keaton is! Truly ahead of his time. The Goat also would have made my list had I seen it in time.

And now that brings me to 3/6 seen.

The Last Command was one of my tops. Emil Jannings is a quintessential sympathetic louse, and TLC is one of more moving melodramas I've seen.

I think I saw Way Down East a long time ago, but don't remember much apart from being lukewarm on it.

The Man Who Laughs is good tragedy. One I meant to but never got around to revisiting for this.

The Goat wasn't on my list, but one the better Keaton shorts.

Underworld was decent and fun. One of the first gun-centric action movies I've seen. Bancroft's hair is the most memorable part for me.

I liked Entr'acte, but was a bit overwhelmed the first time I saw it. I just watched again via Mark's link. I like surrealism/dadaism a lot, or moreso the influence it had later, and Entr'acte may be my favorite of the time.