Is Deckard a replicant?


A system of cells interlinked
If there's one movie in the last 10 years that I've wanted to see it's BR2049, especially after reading the reviews and write ups about it here at MoFo.
Glad to hear it. Also, I just want to be clear that I find your thoughts on Blade Runner to be interesting and you articulate them well. I also say the film originally in theaters, but didn't really grow to like it until The Director's Cut was released. I enjoy the fact that the films can be interpreted in different ways by different people. Even if it's clear to me that Deckard is a replicant!
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

The whole universe of Blade Runner is contradictory for starters. "Empathy test". Are you saying that Batty wasn't genuinely distressed at the death of Pris? Tears in rain? Replicants were built to adapt and develop their own emotional responses, and they do.

If anything, Deckard is teetering on being a stereotypical robot, although he is human, and that is what I feel Blade Runner accomplishes. It paints Deckard as a bit insensitive, or, very insensitive to some things. He's been hardened. But his evolution to emotional boil is parallel to those of the replicants in the timeline depicted in the film. Batty goes from sinister to sentimental. Deckard goes from cocky to reflective, as well.

It's the humanity that is displayed between humans and replicants that is the important component. Humanity able to still flourish amidst the decaying outside world.

Blade Runner is riddled with inconsitencies and contradictions, but as the old saying goes, "truth is spherical".