Watchmen (HBO series)


I am also lost on "Granpy was responsible for killing the love of my life, but I'm not gonna really act like it's a big deal."

To expound on that, since TV cancellation headlines are often a little simplistic: it's HBO saying they won't do it with Lindelof, and Lindelof saying (as he has the whole time) that he currently has no interest in or plans for it. If the latter changes it sounds like HBO would be perfectly happy to continue. But the former fact, that HBO wasn't thinking of doing it without happen, is the thing we didn't know before.

I relish the Jeremy Irons bits.
LOL. I was looking for his bits when he was nude at the table. So good to see him again.

I haven’t read a comic since I was a child & I’ve never read a graphic novel, but I do think the pilot was very good. (Yes, I know they are not copying what went before in other mediums.)

However, the show is not my cup of tea at all, which is no reflection on the show itself.

Don Johnson (who seems more real to me the older he gets) & Regina King are so good. She even carried off the fact that her husband in the show is 16 years younger than her, which is some feat.

Surprising there’s no 2nd season.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Gonna start the last episode in a couple hours, and havent been so impressed by a season of a show since Westworld season 1. Damon Lindelof is now on my go-to list of creative projects, will start The Leftovers sometime soon and make a point to see Tomorrowland. I wanted to see that one anyway.

Sad that this is a stand alone season but I respect that they didnt turn the project into a milking cow. Funnily enough I wish Alan Moore wasnt so pigheaded about people taking over his stories as this one I think even he would have enjoyed. Bold statement, but I actually think the series is better than the original source material. Hey, it happens. Star Trek Next Generation surpassed the original series, Mandalorian better than anything Star Wars since Empire Strikes Back, and so on.

Yeah, a little sad, but if it wasn't standalone they wouldn't have been able to do a lot of the things they did.

And yes, I'm instantly interested in anything Lindelof does at this point.