Recommend Me Some Movies from the 1960s


You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I've skimmed through this thread and I didn't see anybody mention The Children's Hour. It's a really good movie and a very different type of role for Audrey Hepburn. Also has Shirley MacLaine and James Garner so

Citizen Rules also recommended that movie yesterday:

I don't believe this one has been mentioned, it's a strong film, with good character development and story line.

The Children's Hour (1961)

Lots of good recommendations I won't repeat any of them, but I notice a distinct lack of Fellini in this thread: La Dolce Vita (1960) and 8 1/2 (1963) are both must watches in my opinion. Fellini certainly divides opinion, but any overview of this 60s has to include him.
Quite rightly. Even if this list wasn't for MV, I wouldn't recommend Fellini.

I've skimmed through this thread and I didn't see anybody mention The Children's Hour. It's a really good movie and a very different type of role for Audrey Hepburn. Also has Shirley MacLaine and James Garner so
I had it on my list, too. But three of us mentioning it will, hopefully, push it near the top of MV's to watch pile. I think she'll like it.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

Chappie doesn't like the real world
I think she'll like it too and I would love to see it make the list. If it did, I know it would be towards the bottom, but that is where all the good stuff is anyway.

I second Tokeza's Bergman recommendations. For more art house stuff Godard and Antonioni were really on fire - some great movies, some that are just interesting.

Others that you should check out: Faces, Last Year at Marienbad, Belle de Jour, The Face of Another.
"Puns are the highest form of literature." -Alfred Hitchcock

In the 60s, anything from Bergman, Alain Resnais, Godard, Kurosawa, Antonioni, Fellini, Hitchcock, Kubrick, Tarkovsky, Carl T. Dreyer and such deserves a watch.

Among my favorites:
Red Desert (1964), Michelangelo Antonioni
Andrei Rublev (1966), Tarkovsky
Psycho (1960), Hitchcock

Just to tell you MV, Once Upon a Time in the West is on youtube. I'd prefer you to watch it on DVD or BluRay but if you can't get a hold of it here it is. Hope you like it, even though i'm doubtful because i know you're not a fan of westerns and dislike most of the movies in my top 10 .

One i haven't seen that everyone should at least try imo is Take The Money and Run. This isn't really aimed at you MV because if i remember correctly you said you don't like Slapstick Comedy and that's pretty much what this is, it's an early Woody Allen comedy about the unluckiest and most inept criminal in the world. It ranks up there with my other favourite Woody films, Manhattan and Sleeper.

Hope you like it, even though i'm doubtful because i know you're not a fan of westerns and dislike most of the movies in my top 10 .
I like some Westerns, they're just very hit or miss for me. And yeah, of the 6 movies I've seen from your top ten, I disliked 6 of them.

Though in fairness, I do really need to rewatch Unforgiven. It's been awhile since I first saw it.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I was just going to recommended Unforgiven (1960) but I see you mentioned it.

If you like beautifully filmed, outdoor cinematography it's hard to go wrong it with it for visual appeal. I believe it was one of those ultra wide angle films that were popular in the late 50s to early 60s, so looks best if you don't get the pan&scan version.

I like some Westerns, they're just very hit or miss for me. And yeah, of the 6 movies I've seen from your top ten, I disliked 6 of them.

Though in fairness, I do really need to rewatch Unforgiven. It's been awhile since I first saw it.
I thought five. Jesus Vicky you could at least humour me . JK. I know you dislike; Taxi Driver, A Clockwork Orange, The Exorcist, The Godfather and There Will Be Blood. Just wondering what's the sixth?

The sixth was Unforgiven, but like I said I ought to give it a rewatch because it's been quite awhile.

The others I've seen recently enough to know I still hate them.

The sixth was Unforgiven, but like I said I ought to give it a rewatch because it's been quite awhile.

The others I've seen recently enough to know I still hate them.
I doubt you'll like Unforgiven any more on a rewatch, i think our tastes are too far apart even though i like most of the movies in your top 10. I reallly like; Gladiator,The Big Lebowski,Up,Ratatouille and Eternal Sunshine. The only one that i've seen and dislike is Black Snake Moan. which is coincedentally my sisters favourite movie.

So that leaves Quills, Bubba Ho-Tep, Being John Malkovich and Hedwig and the Angry inch that you haven't seen?

They're all pretty drastically different from each other, no idea if you'd like any of them. Though Malkovich is from the same writer as Eternal Sunshine so maybe that one.

Shame about Black Snake Moan, you're the second MoFo I've seen in the last couple of days who said they disliked it.

So that leaves Quills, Bubba Ho-Tep, Being John Malkovich and Hedwig and the Angry inch that you haven't seen?

They're all pretty drastically different from each other, no idea if you'd like any of them. Though Malkovich is from the same writer as Eternal Sunshine so maybe that one.

Shame about Black Snake Moan, you're the second MoFo I've seen in the last couple of days who said they disliked it.
I'll get around to Quills at some point because i've noticed how passionate you are about it. Being John Malkovich and Hedwig and the Angry inch are also on my watchlist for different reasons. Bubba Ho-Tep, is the sort of movie i will watch with my Mum who is a massive Elvis fan.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Turner Classic Movies is scheduled to air "Ten Little Indians" (1966) on Tuesday morning (late Monday night) at 1:30 AM EASTERN TIME.

Check your local listings for the correct time in your time zone, and set your DVRs now for this movie.

Also, it's not from the 1960s, but TCM is also airing the far superior original version, "And Then There Were None" (1945) on Monday night at 8:00 PM EASTERN TIME, (a few hours earlier).

Again, check your local listings for the correct time in your time zone, and set your DVRs now for this great movie.

Let the night air cool you off
Saturday Night and Sunday Morning
The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner
The Bad Sleep Well
X: The Man with the X-Ray Eyes (I know it sounds like a Z movie, but it's not)
Carnival of Souls
The Naked Prey
Eyes Without a Face
Peeping Tom
Le Samurai
The Umbrellas of Cherbourg
The Hustler
The Exterminating Angel
The Innocents

Saturday Night and Sunday Morning
The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner
The Bad Sleep Well
X: The Man with the X-Ray Eyes (I know it sounds like a Z movie, but it's not)
Carnival of Souls
The Naked Prey
Eyes Without a Face
Peeping Tom
Le Samurai
The Umbrellas of Cherbourg
The Hustler
The Exterminating Angel
The Innocents
especially for X: The Man with the X-Ray Eyes.
I may go back to hating you. It was more fun.

Saturday Night and Sunday Morning
X: The Man with the X-Ray Eyes (I know it sounds like a Z movie, but it's not)
Carnival of Souls
Eyes Without a Face
Peeping Tom
The Hustler
The Innocents
+ rep for these. There's no need to sell me on The Man With The X-Ray Eyes. I think a few of those might find their way onto my 60's list.