The Thread Where I Post Stuff That I Just Happen To Really Like


chicagofrog's Avatar
history *is* moralizing
you are using strange fonts!
We're a generation of men raised by women. I'm wondering if another woman is really the answer we need.

Standing in the Sunlight, Laughing
Update on the post about the very talented photog...
Posting his name got me cited by some other fan of his, and I posted their email on page two. Then, since I was basically busted for linking his work... hehe... I figured I might as well be bold and ask his permission. Did NOT think I'd hear from him, but he's written me twice so far. Hoping to work out a way to link one or two of his photos here so I can show what I've been babbling about.
Review: Cabin in the Woods 8/10

The People's Republic of Clogher
Originally Posted by SamsoniteDelilah
Update on the post about the very talented photog...
Posting his name got me cited by some other fan of his, and I posted their email on page two. Then, since I was basically busted for linking his work... hehe... I figured I might as well be bold and ask his permission. Did NOT think I'd hear from him, but he's written me twice so far. Hoping to work out a way to link one or two of his photos here so I can show what I've been babbling about.

Can you not save the pics to your PC then upload them as attachments? Or is the guy now stalking MoFo?
"Critics are like eunuchs in a harem; they know how the Tatty 100 is done, they've seen it done every day, but they're unable to do it themselves." - Brendan Behan

Standing in the Sunlight, Laughing
Originally Posted by Tacitus
Can you not save the pics to your PC then upload them as attachments? Or is the guy now stalking MoFo?
Well, I could have just stolen them, but I think I'd have worried about karma a bit. Have a lot of artist friends and they get really bent out of shape when someone swipes their work. I'm sort of a hardliner about posting things only with permission. As it is though, he sent me three in email - more than I asked, and gave me permission to post them here. yay!

The first of Benedetto Riba's work that I saw was all sepia-toned. He has a great eye for warm, living landscapes and charming buildings. This example, The Old Mill is a good representation of that series:

More recently, I discovered at his site that he is also doing portraits. The warmth he found in landscapes is multiplied many times in his portrait work. Here are two brilliant examples:
The Magnetick Look

and A Face Marked From Time

Many thanks to Benedetto for graciously allowing me to post his work. His site is here, if you want to see more. He has a show coming up in NYC in March '06, and I hope it brings him a ton of attentive praise.

Great pics Sammy… I love the expression on the elderly women's face…
You never know what is enough, until you know what is more than enough.
~William Blake ~

AiSv Nv wa do hi ya do...
(Walk in Peace)

Lets put a smile on that block
Sammy they are incredible. I love that last photo, A Face Marked From Time. Its incredible. I love the strength you can see in her face. Brilliant stuff.
Pumpkins scream in the DEAD of night!

The People's Republic of Clogher
When you showed me his website I thought the photos were special, the portraits especially. Thanks Cinders.

I want some on my walls now.

Standing in the Sunlight, Laughing
I like the woman who wrote this (one of my friends in England), this letter made me laugh til I'mna have to go fix my mascara, and who doesn't like chocolate-peanutbutter confections?

This is a letter by a woman somewhat shy of sanity, but I think it shows just how much we Americans take for granted.

Dear Hershey,

I’m probably writing this to the wrong department, but to be frank, I’ve been all over the shop on that Hershey web page and could only find telephone numbers or addresses. Does anyone even know how to write a letter these days, I don’t think so? In the excitement of finding your email address, I threw caution to the wind and jumped right on it.

Anyway, let me get to the point. My friends recently visited me from America (I’m in England). With them, they brought some sundry items as gifts, usual tat, expensive ornaments, heirlooms, and the likes of. Amongst this debris were some chocolate pumpkins filled with peanut butter. To my shame I let these pumpkins sit on the window ledge for days, not wanting to eat foul foreign sweets (or ‘candy’, as you call it) I’m sure you understand. Anyway, I thought I better show willing and at least eat one of these things. Well, what can I say; Ambrosia is the word that springs to mind. They were divine. Foolishly, I gushed aloud about this most wonderful experience of the taste-bud department and ended up having to share them, gah! I did manage to curb the whole bag being scoffed, by alerting everyone that dinner was almost ready. I then hid the last four on an adjacent window ledge. The next morning, TO MY HORROR, I discovered only two remained, which I ate for breakfast. Obviously, no one owned up to the theft, despite intense interrogation.

The thing is, we can’t get them here, you know, ‘The Mother Land’. It seems the child has flown the nest and abandoned their roots (I know America is made up from many nations, but for the sake of it let’s pretend it’s only England). Back to the point, why don’t we have them here? I know the pumpkins are a seasonal variety but I’ve heard about these peanut butter cups, so don’t try to throw me off course with some yarn about Halloween.

My friends have promised to send me some cups, and are in the process (so they say) of buying up all the pumpkins in their local area. They have been back home for almost two weeks now, and nothing. In the interest of Anglo/American relations, I think you should direct me to the nearest supplier in England (if there is such a place, which I doubt or I’d have felt the vibrations). Failing this, I think you should send me a HUGE box of cups, for free. I’m sure you have damaged ones, cups that never quite ended up looking like cups, they’ll do, I’m not demanding, although not ones that have been on the floor and kicked about the place, I’m funny about germs. I can’t use my credit card as I’m up to the hilt on it already. I’m sure you understand my predicament; I can only imagine what it now feels like to be some crazed drug addict without the funds. I tell you, if people had these cups in their houses I’m sure I’d be getting through their windows, like a rat up a drainpipe, in the dead of night. I’m that much in need. Please help me. Thank you.

Yours in anticipation.

Originally Posted by SamsoniteDelilah
I can only imagine what it now feels like to be some crazed drug addict without the funds. I tell you, if people had these cups in their houses I’m sure I’d be getting through their windows, like a rat up a drainpipe, in the dead of night. I’m that much in need. Please help me. Thank you.

****in' A, man. I got a rash, man
Originally Posted by adidasss
well now you kinda made me want to elaborate further, there is a reson for that you know, we don't just go arround hating people for no reason, i think it's just that it's such a small continent and so many different people on it, so we get a bit touchy when our neighbours start looking across the border to increase their land....

and the tracks are on fado curvo
If you're croatian then you have my respect
"You smell that? Do you smell that?... Napalm, son. Nothing else in the world smells like that. I love the smell of napalm in the morning. You know, one time we had a hill bombed, for twelve hours. When it was all over I walked up. We didn't find one of 'em, not one stinkin' dink body. The smell, you know that gasoline smell, the whole hill. Smelled like... victory. Someday this war's gonna end..."

****in' A, man. I got a rash, man
Originally Posted by adidasss
thanks, but what for?( it's croatian )
I like the country

The croatian people are some of the most generous you will ever meet

They're also some of the toughest too, they are prepared to fight for their country

Originally Posted by Dazed&Confused
I like the country

The croatian people are some of the most generous you will ever meet

They're also some of the toughest too, they are prepared to fight for their country
wow, thanks, you seem to know a bit about my country, how so?

****in' A, man. I got a rash, man
Originally Posted by adidasss
wow, thanks, you seem to know a bit about my country, how so?
My family own a house in Osijek