Best foreign film of all-time


I am having a nervous breakdance
Originally Posted by Aniko
I'm not sure what's really 'THE' best...but here's my top 10 favorites...

1. Together (2002)
Hey, great to see that you like this one!
The novelist does not long to see the lion eat grass. He realizes that one and the same God created the wolf and the lamb, then smiled, "seeing that his work was good".


They had temporarily escaped the factories, the warehouses, the slaughterhouses, the car washes - they'd be back in captivity the next day but
now they were out - they were wild with freedom. They weren't thinking about the slavery of poverty. Or the slavery of welfare and food stamps. The rest of us would be all right until the poor learned how to make atom bombs in their basements.

The Emperor of Ice Cream
1. La Haine
2. Jean de Florette
3. Manon des sources
People demand freedom of speech to compensate for the freedom of thought which they avoid.

Do you know my poetry?
1. Throne of Blood [Directed by Akira Kurosawa - 1957]
2. City of God [Directed by Fernando Meirelles - 2002]
3. The Seven Samurai [Directed by Akira Kurosawa - 1954]
4. The Seventh Seal [Directed by Ingmar Bergman - 1957]
5. Amélie [Directed by Jean-Pierre Jeunet - 2001]

"I can't help it..."
I thought of some more:

Ostre Sledovane Vlaky (Closely Watched Trains)
101 Reykjavik
Wo Hu Cang Long (Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon)
Ringu (Ring)
El Mariachi
Kaerlighed Ved Forste Hik (Love At First Hiccup)
25 Watts
F**king Amal
Les Pacte Des Loups (Brotherhood Of The Wolf)
He Ni Zai Yi Qi (Together)
Ging Chaat Goo Si (Police Story)
Chik Yeung Tin Sai (So Close)
Divorzio All"Italiana (Divorce Italian Style)
Skrivanci Na Niti (Larks On A String)
Russkij Kovcheg (Russian Ark)

Once again... That is all I can think of at the moment, will think of more...
Movies I Watched Last Week:
Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind (Michel Gondry, 2004) ****
Drive Well, Sleep Carefully (Justin Mitchell, 2005) ****
Grilled (Jason Ensler, 2006) ****
An Inconvenient Truth (David Guggenheim, 2006) ****
The Family Stone (Thomas Bezucha, 2005) ***1/2
Rocky III (Sylvester Stallone, 1982) ***
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A system of cells interlinked

Les Diaboliques
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

woman in the dunes and black rain [kuroi ame] are my current favorites.

probably well over half of my top 100 list was 'foreign' so i cant be bothered reproducing it all here.

if i had to pick an all time favorite it would be akira, which is simply my favorite movie ever, or at least, the one i seemingly never tire of seeing.

for non japanese 'foreign' films i probably go with 'wild strawberries' [sorry holden, seventh seal is great but i like strawberries better] and the animated short 'battle of kerzhenets' by yuri norstein.

i also remember 'report on the party and the guests' quite fondly and would like to see more films by jan nemec.

quiball's Avatar
Registered User
All of Hayao Miyazaki's films are great!
"Life can be so randomly beautiful"

Y Tu Mama Tambien
El Otro Lado de La Cama
He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not
Lucia y el Sexo

City of God is excellent.
'Sharpened up for a bit of the old 'ultra violence'...'

A system of cells interlinked
a couple more....

Run, Lola Run

To Live

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
(hey, I'm a sucka for kung-fu and Zhang Ziyi)

"I can't help it..."
Thought of a couple more:

37.2 Le Matin (Betty Blue)

Le Notti Bianche (White Nights)

Someone please help! I'm trying to remember / find a movie. It's from the mid 1980's,
English, it's about a German Shepard that lives in the city (in an alley or very small yard) not treated very well, a family friend loves the dog, takes it on "vacations" and
for some reason the family won't let him keep it. That's all I remember, I don't even remember how it ends. I think it may be titled You Mean The World To Me.

I'm back, un-n00bified.
The Best Forien film of all time is Iron Kung Fu

Originally Posted by Ms Satie M
Someone please help! I'm trying to remember / find a movie. It's from the mid 1980's,
English, it's about a German Shepard that lives in the city (in an alley or very small yard) not treated very well, a family friend loves the dog, takes it on "vacations" and
for some reason the family won't let him keep it. That's all I remember, I don't even remember how it ends. I think it may be titled You Mean The World To Me.
it's an alan bates film called "we think the world of you" the name struck is some info on it...

cinema paradiso has to my all time favorite

Originally Posted by neesee
Foreign film are why I go to the theater and rent movies!
There is no way to pick 1 and not 100. so I'll just do 10
1.The cup
2.Babettes Feast
3.Jean de Florette (w/manion of the spring)
4.Raise the red lantern
5.My life as a dog
8.My beautiful lauderette
9.Life is beautiful

Gosh, only 10, I feel like a mother playing favorites. There are soooo many good ones, and more coming everyday, it seems. So much tape so little time.:bawl:
It's great to see someone else mentioning My Life As A Dog; one of my favorite films.

I also like Babette's Feast and Jean de Florette/Manon of the Spring a great deal.

But for favorite foreign film I'd probably have to go with Kurosawa. I think Throne Of Blood is my favorite of his.

ZombIe=LoVeR's Avatar
Here's Johnny!
run lola run

loved it
"I realize that everyone is entitled to their opinion and they have every right to express it, but some people are just stupid."-- OG-

Originally Posted by susan
it's an alan bates film called "we think the world of you" the name struck is some info on it...

cinema paradiso has to my all time favorite
Thank you, thank you, thank you !!