Gimme your 5-Star ratings... for chick flicks


Trouble with a capital "T"
Almost anything with Bette Davis and Joan Crawford.
I'm a huge fan of both Bette Davis and Joan Crawford...That must make me a huge fan of chick flicks

Actually I'd say a lot of the movies that were mentioned here are movies that women could like (and also guys who aren't afraid to like movies about women's narrative stories). Personally I'm a sucker for a good romance movie.

I’ve always been a fan of Bridget Jones Diary, myself.

Like Takoma has already mentioned, the term chick flick essentially comes with an assumption that the movie is some disposable thing, which makes it hard to find one that actually qualifies that is actually good. But Bridget Jones is one that would clearly hit all the markers as being a true 'chick flick', but that is also a half decent movie. Four Weddings would be another. Maybe About a Boy (even though I don't particularly like that one very much).

But they are rare. The term is one that is by any definition belittling to the films it describes (quite deliberately), and they usually live up to the horrendously low expectations.

The trick is not minding
Like Takoma has already mentioned, the term chick flick essentially comes with an assumption that the movie is some disposable thing, which makes it hard to find one that actually qualifies that is actually good. But Bridget Jones is one that would clearly hit all the markers as being a true 'chick flick', but that is also a half decent movie. Four Weddings would be another. Maybe About a Boy (even though I don't particularly like that one very much).

But they are rare. The term is one that is by any definition belittling to the films it describes (quite deliberately), and they usually live up to the horrendously low expectations.
Four Weddings is a good one, yeah. I get it’s used as a perjorative, which is disappointing when I watch something that’s some would associate as a “chick flick” and I’m given this incredulous look by my co workers as if it’s a crime against manhood.

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
I guess Set It Off (1996) doesn't count as a chick flick?

Trouble with a capital "T"
I guess Set It Off (1996) doesn't count as a chick flick?
Sounds more like a serious crime drama with four women leads. It might be more akin to a guy flick, though I haven't seen it.

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
It pretty much is, but my women friends like it more than the usual crime drama I recommend to them.

mattiasflgrtll6's Avatar
The truth is in here
I'm not a huge fan of the term "chick flick". It's a hard thing to define to begin with, and as some have pointed out it's usually used in a negative way, making the concept of a good chick flick reductive.

I don't like the term "guy movie" for that matter either, since that implies women couldn't be into a movie with big explosions or high-octane violence. It just contributes more to dividing us further with meaningless gender stereotypes.

But if you were to push me into answering anyway, I like Flashdance and 9 to 5 for instance. As well as What Women Want, but I consider it more of a satirical romantic comedy, and didn't feel like it was made specifically for a male or female audience.

Trouble with a capital "T"
It pretty much is, but my women friends like it more than the usual crime drama I recommend to them.
Probably because there's women in it instead of the usual guys, but yeah I could see some women (and men) digging it.

The Craft (1996)

I mainline Windex and horse tranquilizer
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