The Movieforums Top 100 War Movies Countdown

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Trouble with a capital "T"
My ballot prediction for when we get to the end of the countdown.
'Might make it' probably means it won't be on the countdown. I am guessing 4 of my choices will make it the countdown for sure.

1 Will make it
2 Will make it

3 Should make it
4 Will make it
5 Might make it
6 Won't make it
7 Should make it
8 Won't make it
9 Should make it
10 Will make it
11 Won't make it
12 Should make it
13 Might make it
14 Won't make it
15 Won't make it
16 Should make it
17 Won't make it
18 Might make it
19 Won't make it
20 Might make it
21 Might make it
22 Might make it
23 Might make it
24 Might make it
25 Won't make it

So......when does this start. I can't wait any longer!

Yoda still has a lot to get done, so sometime within a week. See, we have to march around the city once for six days, and on the seventh day...

13 - Cola Wars
14 - Console Wars

Hey, it could happen.
My lifelong fantasy is being an old man and saying to some kid, “I had a Super Nintendo when I was your age,” and the kid being like, “You fought in the console wars!?” like Luke’s clone wars comment to Obi Wan.

I'm a veteran of the Console Wars, the Browser Wars, and the Mobile Wars
Check out my podcast: The Movie Loot!

Oh! What a Lovely War
1969, Richard Attenborough. Starring Maggie Smith, Dirk Bogarde, Laurence Olivier, Ralph Richardson, John Gielgud, Jack Hawkins, John Mills, Susannah York, Phyllis Calvert, Jean Pierre Cassel, John Clements, Michael Redgrave, Vanessa Redgrave, and Kenneth More.

Thanks for posting this trailer. I'd heard of this movie but forgot all about its existence. Now I must see it, if only to watch that fantastic cast. If not available, I will wait until it comes to a streaming service near me.
"Miss Jean Louise, Mr. Arthur Radley."

RIP 2002-2010
In The Army Now for the top spot or...we riot.
Be... all that you can be...

In the Arrrrrrrmmmmmyyy.

I actually saw that in the movie theater when I was a kid.
"A candy colored clown!"
Member since Fall 2002
Top 100 Films, clicky below

Welcome to the human race...
Well, ****. Forgot to vote in this. No reminders. Now I don't care.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Well, ****. Forgot to vote in this. No reminders. Now I don't care.
I'll accept your resignation, coward.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
And off to war, we go!

I'll echo others on the f@ckin awesome Countdown poster and, quite the cool song by our Host in the ditches, in the skies, and over the seas, Field Marshall @KeyserCorleone -- F@CKIN BRAVO, and of course, THANK YOU

Like a few others, I have one animation as well. I won't post any guesses on how many should, won't, or might make the list because I'm usually wrong lol, and as usual, the plethora of unknown and intriguing gems by Holden Pike have already begun - suhweet

Oh! What a Lovely War
1969, Richard Attenborough. Starring Maggie Smith, Dirk Bogarde, Laurence Olivier, Ralph Richardson, John Gielgud, Jack Hawkins, John Mills, Susannah York, Phyllis Calvert, Jean Pierre Cassel, John Clements, Michael Redgrave, Vanessa Redgrave, and Kenneth More.
Just on the cast alone, along with it being a British satirical musical about WWI, I swear, that looks too d@mn cool to miss out on. Holy she-ite
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

At least a couple more days, maybe a few more.

I'm the bottleneck. Just a lot of work to do each time to get everything hooked up and working, and a huge chunk of it can't even start until after the ballots are locked, anyway. But I'm hoping this week.