FilmStruck streaming service


Quick math. I spend about $200 a year on physical media, $120 on Filmstruck. We will give it a nice generous round up to $400.

I watched 108 movies on Filmstruck last year, most criterion titles. In the interest of being fair we will say that would average $15 a piece to buy. That's $1,620.

A difference of $1,220, and I am being very generous considering criterion are $20 during sales. So I am assuming I can get half the films I watched for $10, which I probably can't.

Yeah, I love buying and owning movies too, but there isn't even a comparison on cost to me yearly.

So until you guys start buying my media for me or I all of a sudden have a weird desire to watch Kevin Bacon naked over and over, I will continue to mourn the passing of Filmstruck.

Think I can use this to show how I feel about streaming and online...

For $120 per year, you watched a bunch of films, but with that site shutting down, that's an annual $120 thrown at an online site, and nothing to show for it.

New DVD releases are always £10 per DVD... older stuff I can get on 5 DVDs for £20.
Annually I spend about £100-£120 on hardcopies, and for that £100 one-off payment, I have the movie forever... and sure that £100-£120 per year for me it means I get somewhere between 15 and 30 movies compared to the countless amount of movies you can watch online...

... but I then don't have to cross my fingers and hope I haven't given my cash to something that can just vanish in a poof of digital smoke never to be seen again after they've pocketed my cash.
Also, DVD is by far superior to the online pixelated JPG images and an electronic MP3 soundtrack.

This isn't a slight on you, Sean... I'm just using your post as an example as to why I absolutely hate online.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
@The Rodent Think this discussion highlights the difference between some of us and our viewing habits. I think you value and do a lot more rewatching than I do. I think Letterboxd shows something like 10% of my viewings are rewatches. I rarely, less than rarely, buy anything I haven't seen. Which means I am going to my bluray shelf way less often than you. That brings up another point. I am not opposed to them but I do feel I am mostly past DVDs. Frankly I find streaming quality now much better. So you are saving cash there as well.

I think I know from other threads you don't go to the theater anymore either. I love that first time watch theater experience. Absolutely my favorite way to see a movie. I go about 30 times a year. If you count that $ I have a lot more to spend on physical. I still think it's more expensive to buy but I do get your point.

I think at the end of the day even though everyone here loves film we do value it in different ways.

I would've gladly paid for a great service like FilmStruck if it had ever come to Europe. Unfortunately it tanked before that ever happened.

FilmStruck going offline was a real bummer for me, even as someone who was never able to use it because of my location.

The fact that a strong brand like FilmStruck can't even survive, really is a bad sign. The future of film streaming doesn't look very bright for cinephiles.
Cobpyth's Movie Log ~ 2019

Welcome to the human race...
Rodent: there's also the matter of whether or not you even end up liking the movies you watch, which makes it harder to justify that level of expenditure when it comes to blind-buying DVDs instead of streaming.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Out of the gloom comes something that could potentially be even better. I'll be signing up soon!

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Out of the gloom comes something that could potentially be even better. I'll be signing up soon!
I am signed up. Super excited. Hopefully this one will have more staying power.

Out of the gloom comes something that could potentially be even better. I'll be signing up soon!
Not available in UK

Originally Posted by Iroquois
To be fair, you have to have a fairly high IQ to understand

There's a new one out called "The Film Detective":

It looks reasonably priced, but the content may be too varied, and I'm not sure about their library size.

I'm primarily interested in classic movies from the '30s through the '50s-- most especially the 1940s.
