Game of Thrones: Season 8, The Final Season (spoilers)


WARNING: "it could happen lol" spoilers below
Dany kills Jon, Arya kills Dany, Sansa takes the throne, Sansa gets a "WWJSD" tattoo and rules in Jon's honour

We've gone on holiday by mistake
Joffrey : So if I wanted to attend a meeting of the small council I would now need to climb all the steps in the tower of the hand?

Tywin : We could arrange to have you carried.

Bran : Yea OK

We've gone on holiday by mistake
So Starks get everything and no one says anything.

As if Grey Worm doesn't immediately kill Jon or try to after finding out what he did. Or Jon can't do what he likes after the Unsullied **** off East, if it was supposed to be some poetic riding off into the North moment it was just a little underwhelming.

Jon killing Dany wasn't as powerful as their relationship wasn't very believable this season, and there really weren't many meaningful scenes between them

The wrapping up was as expected really.

I guess it's harder to finish a story than to tell the beginning and middle, especially when you're a pair of overrated untalented hacks that have run out of source material, and want to wrap this up without due care and attention because other jobs are calling. Enjoy your short careers, you've been found out. George you are to blame too, you lazy bastard.

S 1-4 and 6, damn legendary TV. S5, 7 and 8 basically disappointing with the odd great moment.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
"Why do you think I came all this way?"

To escape the Night King and do some magic higher purpose greater than politics stuff, no? But it's good he suddenly has a sense of humor.

I thought it wrapped up nicely. They say it was one of the most watched finales in tv history.. I' m glad the detective changed his mind about him, and the eye witness agreed to testify in the doctor's behalf. I shed no tears when the one armed man fell to his death.

No one here is going to get this, but you know, sometimes one says things just to amuse oneself

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
I thought it wrapped up nicely. They say it was one of the most watched finales in tv history.. I' m glad the detective changed his mind about him, and the eye witness agreed to testify in the doctor's behalf. I shed no tears when the one armed man fell to his death.

No one here is going to get this, but you know, sometimes one says things just to amuse oneself
Fugitive? least no one faked their deaths and became a lumberjack.

What a low bar to clear.

Can’t wait for the unsullied to die from flesh eating giant butterflies in Naath.

Man did they ever botch that. Legendary botch job. The show will still be remembered fondly because of the great work done in seasons past. But holy hell did they get in over their depth when Dany finally made it to Westeros the last two seasons. Let's me explain....

WARNING: "yikes" spoilers below
-Dany is an all time charcter in media. Ned Stark's death will be remembered long after hers. Felt nothing. Knew it was coming when it did. Didn't feel like her character. We were suppose to feel sympathy for her tragic undoing. Nah. Also....

...the dragon had a better emotional coping ability than Dany 🤣. It's like Drogon in that scene was telling Jon, yea she kind of F*ed up you right but let me burn this thing first.

All this on top of the fact if she turned into such a ruthless power hungry tyrant, why wouldn't she have killed Jon before this? He is her only real threat to the throne now.

Her character is an all timer or was handled in an all timely horrendous way.

Also Jon's charcter was completely wasted this season. His sole reason to be around was to kill Dany. Hate this. He should have ruled. He never wanted it which made him the right guy. He brought free folk and Northerns together. He fought for what was right. Him being a Targaryen was completely useless.

Lol Sansa ruling a free and independent North! What? From your own brother🤣. Oh well #GirlPower

Just not good.

I came here to do two things, drink some beer and kick some ass, looks like we are almost outta beer - Dazed and Confused

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Why does Bran give two ****s about the Unsullied once the left for Naath. In the Books Naath the dragonflies are poisoness and only people from there can live there. So really unsullied go to die because Unsullied arent from Naath. Jon going to the wall is not a punishment they can just sneak by the big hole in the wall steal some ships and go east to some beach by a boat.

I liked the season finale by quite a bit. Between all this hate it makes me feel crazy for it. Perhaps it’s the disappointment of the season as a whole that has my expectations so low it can only be positive? Or perhaps people rate the episode as more than the episode itself but as the season and series finale as a whole? Yeah, they can’t undo what they have done, but personally I felt like I finally got more “real” Game of Thrones this time. Actual dialogue between people that isn’t stiff as hell and not all the empty CGi battle stuff.

As a whole, this season has been pretty darn awful. There have been moments but they have been far in between. But somehow I liked the final episode here. Hmmm

That Arya/Jon farewell scene...*eyes water...get it together man*

The real story is who leaked the Bran info? The ending was fine, even shoehorned Bron in there. The only issue is why Bran would need any council?

You were never gonna get perfect, be glad you didn't get Soprano'ed.

Any prizes for calling the shot?

We've gone on holiday by mistake
I liked the season finale by quite a bit. Between all this hate it makes me feel crazy for it. Perhaps it’s the disappointment of the season as a whole that has my expectations so low it can only be positive? Or perhaps people rate the episode as more than the episode itself but as the season and series finale as a whole? Yeah, they can’t undo what they have done, but personally I felt like I finally got more “real” Game of Thrones this time. Actual dialogue between people that isn’t stiff as hell and not all the empty CGi battle stuff.

As a whole, this season has been pretty darn awful. There have been moments but they have been far in between. But somehow I liked the final episode here. Hmmm
I think s7 and 8 are a symptom of D and D knowing the ending but being unable to make a conherant journey from the end of 6 to that ending. Not helped of course by Martin not providing anymore source material. That and D and D seemingly eager to rush this to move onto other projects. If they get SW it's gonna be a catastrophe for an already struggling franchise. They aren't storytellers they are adaptors.

Welcome to the human race...
You were never gonna get perfect, be glad you didn't get Soprano'ed.

This show wishes it got "Soprano'ed"

(also damn your posts got a lot of formatting in them)
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

What an excellent day for an exorcism
So I guess the Unsullied are off to Naath to build their own kingdom. That new kingdom of the Unsullied won't last very long. None of them are able to seed offspring to inherit the kingdom they build, not to mention I'm betting brothels will not be a lucrative enterprise in their kingdom.