Rate The Last Movie You Saw


Black Narcissus - Finally watched this 1947 British film from directors Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger. I remember for the longest time wondering what exactly the title had to do with the actual story. Well, now I know.

A group of Anglican nuns attempt to start a school and hospital in the Himalayas. Young Sister Clodagh (Deborah Kerr) is put in charge of running the new convent, becoming the youngest Mother Superior in the Anglican order. The former palace is perched high up on a sheer cliff and was once used to house the previous ruler's concubines.

The invitation to open the school is issued by General Toda Rai, the local Rajput ruler. He's played by Esmond Knight in the first unfortunate instance of "brownface". The other two performances involve Jean Simmons as Panchi, a troubled teenage girl taken in by the nuns and May Hallat playing Angu Ayat, the palaces local caretaker. David Farrar plays Mr. Dean, the General's agent and he is quick to warn Sister Clodagh of the many difficulties she and the others will face. There are many local customs that must be learned. Weather, high altitude and constant high winds also serve to exacerbate each woman's predisposition.

It's a beautiful movie, filmed in Technicolor and winning two Oscars for Cinematography and Art Direction. There's also an element of sexual tension running throughout that got the movie in trouble when it came time to open in the States. Protests from the Catholic Legion of Decency led to somewhat heavy editing before it was allowed a wide release.

I'll admit there were moments that drew a chuckle out of me but they had nothing to do with disbelief or derision. This should be considered a psychological thriller and like any well made thriller an inelegant release of tension is sometimes called for.


Never watched Top Gun or Iron Eagle (though I am considering seeing Maverick just because of the reviews), but I do know some about the latter just from this...

I've never seen Top Gun but I have watched Iron Eagle. My favorite part is where Louis Gossett Jr. says that "queers and steers" line.

You're right. How dare he!

5th Shorts Hall of Fame

Brats (1930) -

Eh, it was okay. Slapstick comedy is fine and all, but I found the jokes in this one to be a mixed bag. Some of the gaps, like the ones where Hardy was hit in the head by various objects, for instance, were overused and stopped being funny fairly quickly, while some other gags were rather straightforward and had somewhat predictable punchlines. On the other hand, there were a couple of well-executed gags here and there, like the pool table and bathtub scenes, but I'd say the jokes missed more than they hit for me. I did enjoy the practical effects though. The oversized props were creative and I had a blast watching Laurel and Hardy interacting with them. That the props looked identical to the furniture they were based on further added to my enjoyment of them. This definitely made up for some of the jokes which fell flat for me. Unfortunately though, they only made up for so much and I'd still call the short average.

I forgot the opening line.

By IMDB - https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6704880/, Fair use, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?curid=59245024

Girls of the Sun - (2018) - France (Les filles du soleil)

Did you ever see those female Kurdish fighters and battalions in the news? They were fighting ISIS, and ISIS fighters were scared as holy hell when faced by them, because in their strict Islamic interpretations being killed by a woman meant it was impossible to get to paradise. They were pretty cool, and I guess writer/director Eva Husson thought they were cool, but unfortunately she makes a film here which looks good but is ultimately forgettable. Also - if I was 15 again, I'd have a huge crush on Golshifteh Farahani. Despite competing for the Palme d'Or at Cannes this movie was panned after it's release and tanked at the box office. I don't think it's bad per se, but it's definitely not great or significant in any way. Excuse me for overusing italics.

Remember - everything has an ending except hope, and sausages - they have two.

Latest Review : Aftersun (2022)

The Mule - 7/10
Clint Eastwood - the last man in Hollywood.

Is it wrong that I am most surprised that he is still alive when he releases a new film?

You're right. How dare he!

I'm sorry if I don't get too excited by the valorous efforts of Tom Cruise to give people exactly what they want and get reimbursed extraordinary for it. This is the kind of bravery that all too often gets overlooked in society and it must stop!

I'm sorry if I don't get too excited by the valorous efforts of Tom Cruise to give people exactly what they want and get reimbursed extraordinary for it. This is the kind of bravery that all too often gets overlooked in society and it must stop!

It's hard for me to find nice things to say about Tom Cruise. I found one thing, man. Don't take it away from me. He's a crazy narcissist in a cult that kisses his ass. He's benefited tremendously from the guy at the top of the call sheet for some important projects. I get it. But, yeah, I don't think he phones it on. DeCaprio would kill himself for an Oscar. Cruise would kill himself to be the leading man in your life one last time. I don't know that that's all that noble, but I do give him points for effort. Let us, please, have this one nice thing we can say about him.

Comply, or I will have someone check your Thetan levels. Always suspected you were an SP!

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
Is it wrong that I am most surprised that he is still alive when he releases a new film?

Na, pretty natural.. I was thinking about it while watching the movie. He's 92, and his last movie (I didn't see "Richard Jewell") but I heard it didn't do well, so who knows if he makes another one.

It's hard for me to find nice things to say about Tom Cruise. I found one thing, man. Don't take it away from me. He's a crazy narcissist in a cult that kisses his ass. He's benefited tremendously from the guy at the top of the call sheet for some important projects. I get it. But, yeah, I don't think he phones it on. DeCaprio would kill himself for an Oscar. Cruise would kill himself to be the leading man in your life one last time. I don't know that that's all that noble, but I do give him points for effort. Let us, please, have this one nice thing we can say about him.

Comply, or I will have someone check your Thetan levels. Always suspected you were an SP!

The one good thing I can say about him is all of my friends who have worked in the entertainment industry says he's a nice guy beyond reproach.

But I imagine it's considerably easier to be a nice guy all the time when you've got a bunch slaves from Sea Org tending to your every desire.

Given how many modern blockbusters suck ass, Tom Cruise gets a lot of points from me for trying to make ones that actually deliver on cool shit. Much respect.

Given how many modern blockbusters suck ass, Tom Cruise gets a lot of points from me for trying to make ones that actually deliver on cool shit. Much respect.
Would legit lol if after he dies we get a wave of Cruiseploitation. Lots of movies starring William Mapother, lots of plots about evil Scientology conspiracies, lots of titles like The Impossible Mission. And all the trailers will be voiced by an Adolph Caesar soundalike.

The one good thing I can say about him is all of my friends who have worked in the entertainment industry says he's a nice guy beyond reproach.

I've heard that too. I guess that's two good things.

But I imagine it's considerably easier to be a nice guy all the time when you've got a bunch slaves from Sea Org tending to your every desire.

That's really not fair, Crumb. Cruise is a multi-millionaire and he also has paid employees who tend to his every desire when Sea-Org slaves aren't around. He's not made stone (but rather money).

I mainline Windex and horse tranquilizer

"I used to suck dick for coke!"
A hundred percent death proof.

Tomato Necromancy - now with Vitamin R!

I mainline Windex and horse tranquilizer
Doctor Strange and The Contrabulous Fabtraption of Professor Horatio Hufnagel


If I was on mushrooms when I saw it probably 9/10

Needed more sassy magic cloak, though.

"I used to suck dick for coke!"
Great quotable movie.