1970's Hall of Fame


what movies shouldnt I watch??
Oh my god. They're trying to claim another young victim with the foreign films.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Is there any way we can keep The Last Picture Show in this Hall of Fame. I was going to nominate it anyways remember.
It's up to Ed...but personally I think it's a bad idea to keep a movie in, if the person has dropped out. It only encourages future nom bombing. Hopefully AlexWilder will return and finish the Hof.

The Last Picture Show could always be nominated again too.

Let the night air cool you off
It's pretty unlikely to be nominated anytime soon though, because people will remember its presence in this one and they might not even remember/realize that it wasn't eligible at the end. I always thought that even if somebody dropped out, it shouldn't necessarily hurt the film itself. Unless it seems likely the person just nominated a film and had no intentions of watching any of the others, if it was up to me, I'd leave it in. I digress though, because it is not up to me, and because I don't know anything about this particular situation.

I'm always for disqualification if someone isn't finishing. If a movie is eligible and I know the person who nominated it isn't finishing, I automatically put that movie last or won't watch it at all anyway.

I only brought it up because it would have been my nomination, which is what most disappoints me.
Even with what I said, I wouldn't mind seeing that particular movie again. It's just the way I look at it in general.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Score! I just discovered that I do have The Warriors on DVD in its original version. I think I'll watch it again after all.
Good! I'm going to watch the original version too before this Hof is done.

Let the night air cool you off
I've never seen The Warriors, but I would hate to accidentally watch a bastardized version of a beloved classic. So, can you guys give me the down-low on the difference between the original version and whatever the other version is?

I've never seen The Warriors, but I would hate to accidentally watch a bastardized version of a beloved classic. So, can you guys give me the down-low on the difference between the original version and whatever the other version is?
I'm not sure if I've seen the director's cut, but I believe they added comics somehow.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I've never seen The Warriors, but I would hate to accidentally watch a bastardized version of a beloved classic. So, can you guys give me the down-low on the difference between the original version and whatever the other version is?
Like Cricket said it's the scene transitions which in the Ultimate Director's Cut uses comic book panels. Also some of the scene shots have different lengths. Also I think some scenes are inter-cut as opposed to running a complete scene (not totally sure of that though).

This is an interesting article I just seen:
The unkindest cut: 13-plus movies weakened by directors' cuts

The Warrior is included in that list.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
@rauldc14, @Yam12, @Citizen Rules, @Jay Redrum, @Joel, @cricket, @HashtagBrownies, @Velvet, @AlexWilder, @CaptainT, @Jeff Costello, @Nestorio_Miklos

I had initially planned on waiting til December 1 to see if Alex or Nestorio shows up. Nestorio had Three Days of the Condor and most of us have already seen it and by usual HoF standards it would have to be deleted at some point on a no show.

Now, considering the current scenario and what I'm considering proposing with everyone's approval, may be much sooner.

I am considering making an exception for Raul. Fantastic Planet was like his third attempt at getting a nom for this HoF and Last Picture Show was his first nomination and Alex already had it. And I felt pretty bad for Raul getting noms knocked down and I was and am pretty happy in having a veteran HoFer in my first time hosting.
Thing is, six of us have already watched Fantastic Planet, so along with everyone else, I definitely need a unanimous approval from all those six members to switch out Last Picture Show for Fantastic Planet as Raul's official nom.

The six members are Raul, myself, Citizen, cricket, Velvet and Jeff. Along with approval from all members included, I definitely feel that since these specific six all have already invested time that it would be paramount that they sign off on this.

Also, if we all agree and follow through, then, I will clear out Condor from the list, remove Nestorio and Alex right now and we will continue with an official list of movies and participants.

So, if this is agreeable for everyone, please, let me know.
Also, please, let us know if you do not like it.


I've also seen Fantastic Planet but I'll wait to see what everyone else has to say

Originally Posted by Iroquois
To be fair, you have to have a fairly high IQ to understand MovieForums.com.

Trouble with a capital "T"
That's very cool of you Ed, to ask us... and it's an elegant solution to a sticky situation. Seeing how Raul had wanted The Last Picture Show originally but it was already taken, then your idea of switching it out with Forbidden Planet is OK by me

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
Ok by me. Just for clarification, is picture show or planet staying in?
thanks Citizen and cricket! VERY much appreciated!!

If everyone agrees, we'll remove planet and raul will have picture show as his nom.