What's the worst movie you have ever seen?


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The truth is in here
Birdemic 2 is worse.

It really is. Birdemic is an incompetent poorly acted mess, but I can laugh at how stupid and cheap it is. Birdemic 2 clearly tried to recreate the same energy on purpose, and it just comes off as forced. It was so boring I couldn't finish it.

My picks for worst movies:

Dishonorable mention: The Back-Up Plan

5. Point Break (2015)
4. Greenberg
3. Margot At The Wedding
2. God's Not Dead
1. God's Not Dead 2

And the recently-released The Bubble is a serious bottom 10 contender. So much talent completely wasted in a "sickly" unfunny mess. What happened here, Judd Apatow?

Green Book is decent, if schmaltzy and indicative of Hollywood’s desire to be comforted by Civil Rights stories, but held together by very strong performances.

Borat 2 is more hastily put together and slapdash than it’s predecessor but has two great lead performances and some genuinely hilarious moments. What Is America is Cohen’s crown jewel of his post-Borat career and deserved the attention that B2 received but I dunno what Crummy is on about.

They’re both better than CODA.

I didn't mind Mortensen in Green Book. I didn't like Ali so much, but I think that was more his stupid characters fault, not his. And the movie itself is dreadful because of that schmaltz. Nauseating levels of schmaltz. Please, Farrelly Brother, don't make movies about the value of people when the writing in your movie provides no evidence of what makes people warm and interesting and worth knowing. Absolutely ****ing hated it.

Borat 2 does not have two great lead performances. Cohen was phoning this one in. And I was zero percent impressed by whoever played his daughter. Both the original Borat and Bruno were at least borderline great. This seemed like a movie made of outtakes of those, only by an older and less engaged Cohen. But now also including a lousy emotional arc that was neither funny or touching or believable. Absolutely ****ing hated it.

I forgot the opening line.
Okay, I'll base this on the vitriol it prompted, which rose inside of me like a holy rage, but it has lots of competitors for the title :

Remember - everything has an ending except hope, and sausages - they have two.

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For me, the worst movie I've ever seen is THX 1138 (1971). Boring talk-fest with bland characters.

The Blair Witch Project 1999
Ouch! I consider these three to be excellent.
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Like others have said, I feel like I have to balance what are expectations and resources with what the end result is. I mean, I've said it before but as incompetent as Manos is, I have more respect for it than I have for something like Transformers because the former was made by an inexperienced man with an inexperienced crew in a shoestring budget, whereas the latter was made by a big studio with gazillions of dollars, and still made my head hurt and ache for a week.

I also can't fault something like Birdemic or Sharknado because they are achieving precisely what they set out to do, so On the other hand, these cheap schlocky Asylum-like films have become such a big thing, that they've jumped the shark themselves. When something like Sharknado came out, it was like thinking "Whoa, wait a minute? Sharks and tornadoes?! tee-hee!!" But as they keep churning more and more of these absurd shark-hybrid films, the novelty wears off and you're left with mostly a dullfest with a giggly title, if at all.

On a similar vein to the above, The Human Centipede 3 is one of the worst films I've seen. Not because it is about multiple people being sewn mouth-to-anus, but because it manages to even make that dull and boring. For what it's worth, I think the first one is legitimately good, or as good as a film about a mad doctor sewing people mouth-to-anus can be.

Battlefield Earth is a good example, though, where you get some of the most incompetent filmmaking mixed with an actor's ego with disastrous results. A Good Day to Die Hard is another terrible film, mostly because it takes a character we used to love and turns it into a dull mockery. The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen is another example of big resources and big stars, all wasted in a mess of incompetence, awful writing, and bad CGI.

I have a weird triumvirate of films on my list of "worsts" that tie together Eddie Murphy and Robert De Niro, mostly because despite the talent involved, they are lifeless dullfests: 15 Minutes, Showtime, and Holy Man. I saw the last two in theaters and they still rank among my worst moviegoing experiences.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Has anyone here ever seen the movie Movie 43 (2013)?

I've never seen it, but I've heard that it's one of the worst movies ever made, even though it has a lot of big stars listed in the cast.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

I also can't fault something like Birdemic or Sharknado because they are achieving precisely what they set out to do, so
I don't think James Nguyen set to make a schlocky movie with Birdemic. Arguably he felt he was giving the people what he thought they wanted with Birdemic 2, but Birdemic was Sharknado.

Has anyone here ever seen the movie Movie 43 (2013)?

I've never seen it, but I've heard that it's one of the worst movies ever made, even though it has a lot of big stars listed in the cast.
It's terrible given the talent involved but there are a couple of smirks or giggles to be had. Best forgotten than treated as a serious contender for worst.

I didn't mind Mortensen in Green Book. I didn't like Ali so much, but I think that was more his stupid characters fault, not his. And the movie itself is dreadful because of that schmaltz. Nauseating levels of schmaltz. Please, Farrelly Brother, don't make movies about the value of people when the writing in your movie provides no evidence of what makes people warm and interesting and worth knowing. Absolutely ****ing hated it.

Borat 2 does not have two great lead performances. Cohen was phoning this one in. And I was zero percent impressed by whoever played his daughter. Both the original Borat and Bruno were at least borderline great. This seemed like a movie made of outtakes of those, only by an older and less engaged Cohen. But now also including a lousy emotional arc that was neither funny or touching or believable. Absolutely ****ing hated it.
I think Mortenson and Ali delivered as they always do. And schmaltz isn't ideal but I don't get the immediate hatred. It's no Life Is Beautiful.

I struggle to comprehend someone liking Borat and Bruno and hating Borat 2. Weakest of the 3? Probably. But it boggles the mind.

I mainline Windex and horse tranquilizer
Any Dwayne ''The Rock'' Johnson movie...

Aw, I love The Rundown.
A hundred percent death proof.

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Trouble with a capital "T"
Has anyone here ever seen the movie Movie 43 (2013)?

I've never seen it, but I've heard that it's one of the worst movies ever made, even though it has a lot of big stars listed in the cast.
I never heard of that until now, but just read about it and it sounds kinda fun but it's low rated. Maybe it's so dumb it's fun type movie?

I never heard of that until now, but just read about it and it sounds kinda fun but it's low rated. Maybe it's so dumb it's fun type movie?
Nah, it's just pretty crap. Like,
crap imo.

I struggle to comprehend someone liking Borat and Bruno and hating Borat 2. Weakest of the 3? Probably. But it boggles the mind.

It's equally boggling to me to not see the enormous drop in quality. It's sluggish and uninspired and moves towards the obvious time and time again. Both Borat and Bruno still hold up, but this one already feels dated.

The last time I remember a comedy being this lame, when it had such good material to potentially work with, was Religulous. Although few things could be as terminally lame as that particular movie.

It's equally boggling to me to not see the enormous drop in quality. It's sluggish and uninspired and moves towards the obvious time and time again. Both Borat and Bruno still hold up, but this one already feels dated.

The last time I remember a comedy being this lame, when it had such good material to potentially work with, was Religulous. Although few things could be as terminally lame as that particular movie.
I see what you're saying, then I recall the segment in which Borat stays with the right wing preppers and then I can no longer see what you're saying.

I see what you're saying, then I recall the segment in which Borat stays with the right wing preppers and then I can no longer see what you're saying.

That is the only scene that works in the whole film.

He wasn't bad in "Fighting With My Family". Maybe because he was only playing himself.
He just always playing himself, he doesn't know to play any other role. But maybe he can play good rock!