Best LGBT films


I watched this last night. I'd rate it 4.5/5. It's pretty much gay porn except the cinematography is stunning and the characters are fascinating. The setting was one of my favourite things about this entire film. There are some funny scenes as well. If you're not into super explicit sex scenes, I wouldn't recommend this one.

"I smell sex and candy here" - Marcy Playground
Not really a go-to category for me, but, whenever there is a historical element involved or a historical precedent is set, I don't ignore the film or the story.

I've never made an effort to watch Brokeback Mountain, The Birdcage or The Rocky Horror Picture Show.

From what's listed, I've seen:
My Own Private Idaho
Dog Day Afternoon

I may have watched Gods and Monsters, but I do not remember it.

I would recommend The Normal Heart and Priest (1994 without Bettany)

"I smell sex and candy here" - Marcy Playground
Not really only seen the new JJ abram movies. Tho idk what that has to do with homos.
Yesterday's headline... Sulu out. I guess it will be a case of art imitating life.

As to your original question, I ask myself why I watch certain movies across all genres. In this post, most of the movies I watched were because of the actors in them. The rest because of controversy, like The Crying Game.

why would anyone watch these films theyr nasty
That's right! If you watch them, you'll go straight to hell!
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

"I smell sex and candy here" - Marcy Playground
Star Trek Beyond edited out Sulu kiss.

I guess that was to be expected. After all, Doctor Who is the space and time adventure with the flying closet.

one of my all time favourite movies
****ing Åmål/show me Love

My Summer Of love:

the normal heart:

Britney is my favorite

A blog caught my attention in which they mention few movies to be seen this month . Found some old though good names like limited partnership. Check out ! latest I saw was Carol