People you know who are in a film



piece of paper is supposed to prove. Nevertheless, you've missed the entire point, which is not about whether or not what you say is true, but whether or not it's reasonable of people to doubt it.
The bottom line is this: If you can't concede the obvious point that that it's healthy to be skeptical of claims by anonymous people on internet message boards, then there's really no point in continuing this discussion. Ditto if you're going to keep referring to my post as if it were some sort of character assassination, rather than the tremendously low-key skepticism that it was.
This is turning out to be quite a Truth or Dare.
You are missing the point and this is all about whether or not I am telling the truth. If what you call "low key scepticism" is stressing every typo and misspeling and combiniing them to make them one big lie, then I would be curious to see how you would go about what you consider real character assasination.
As to the scanned "piece of paper" the least it does is show that I've worked in the industry and had roles bigger than extra work, which I never thought is something to bragg about, much less question.
As to Robert Duvall, I've known him before he got well-known.
We were neighbors in New York City, where he had a condo on w.70st. and we used to run in Central Park together. There was a gipsy kid that used to hang around called Angelo and Bob and I befriended him and Bob wound up producing a movie about Angelo's life called Angelo, My Love. I had a cameo in that movie.
During the shooting of Apacolypse Now some of the footage was messed up by the hurricane so they had to loop the scenes at Coppola's studio ( I don't know the exaxt spelling- Zoetrope). I was living in L.A. at the time and went with Bob for the looping and was introduced to Francis Ford Coppola. Later that day we all had dinner at aHollywood restaurant were we ran into and were cracked up by Jonathan Winters.
Both Anne and Jacquilene I met at one of Allan Carr's (Producer Of Grease) parties. He was also managing both of them at the time.
Robert Denero I got to know on the set of Raging Bull. He and Robert Duvall had known each other from New York and then later became better friends through Francis.
I hope some of this extraneous story lays your scepticism to rest.

Here, I'm going to enjoy making an idiot out of you. How about I just attach my old SAG working resume. You will notice that extra work is not even included as it is not considered sufficiently relevant.
Why wouldn't you just post a link to your profile on IMDB? By the way, I could only find one of those "films" from your resume on IMDB, and the one that I found, Invitation to Die, more commonly known as Warrior of Justice, didn't have anything thing in its casting section about a part for a "manager." HMMMMM!?!?!?!?!

As for the thread's topic.... I've met a handful of people who've worked pre, pro, and post production in Hollywood. No actors though.
New jumble is two words: balesdaewrd
Previous jumble goes to, Mrs. Darcy! (gdknmoifoaneevh - Kingdom of Heaven)
The individual words are jumbled then the spaces are removed. PM the answer to me. First one with the answer wins.

I hope some of this extraneous story lays your scepticism to rest.
Now, i hope you will stop being rude and defensive
Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.

Man, this thread was an entertaining read at 9AM on a Tuesday morning.

Moviefan: You can't rage against basic human skepticism. Great claims require great proof, especially here on the internet where pretty much the only thing you know about others for certain is that they're not you.

Oh, and for the record, I don't believe you. It's nothing personal.

Anyway, nobody I know has ever been in a film. However, I have a friend who's slept with both failed 90s TV comedian Richard Herring and moon-faced TV critic Charlie Brooker. How's that for a lame to fame?

Lots of people don't know this , but the owner of this site Yoda - was actually a puppeteer for yoda , on the set of empire strikes back. He controlled Yoda's eye movements.

He controlled Yoda's eye movements.
I specifically loved it when he got the little green guys eyes to roll back into his head when a nebie wanna be Jedi claimed they were badass.
“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

Here, I'm going to enjoy making an idiot out of you. How about I just attach my old SAG working resume. You will notice that extra work is not even included as it is not considered sufficiently relevant.
Still cracking jokes I see.

So let me see if I understand your argument. You say you are social acquaintances with Jacqueline Bisset, Robert DeNiro and Anne Margaret. You then go on to say that you are close personal friends with Robert Duvall and you were in fact jogging buddies with him and the two of you ran in Central Park together. On top of this you now go on to say that you moved to LA from New York and were present in Coppola's studio when Apocalypse Now was being cut.

As evidence, you present a hand typed scan of what may or may not be your work record and hope to underscore the fact that you think I'm an idiot because I don't connect your scanned 'document' with your many enjoyable cocktails and social events with Bisset, DeNiro, and Anne Margaret. Also, to further prove my idiocy, I don't believe your scanned document proves that you and Robert Duvall are jogging buddies.

I looked on IMDB at each item you listed and while the director names check out there isn't a common name on the credits that I could find to point to the veracity of your claims. I suspect you chose obscure films to point to for that exact reason.

There is no Bruce Reisman film named "Blade Boyer" as you you've listed on your document. There is however a "Blade Boxer" filmed in 1997. I suppose if I were to add that to my Netflix que and look for a then 48 year old 'fighter' I would be able to see you.

This is the same type of nonsense that you tried to pull on the Conspiracy thread where you basically called the site at large naive, you pointed out that you were once a law enforcement officer (in addition to your Hollywood career) and you went about sputtering in disdain about how nary a one of us are/were at your intellectual level by making statements like this:
I guess it was just a coincidence that Ruby knew the exact time and place to walk up to Oswald unhindered so that he can plug him.
Carefull how you use the word sense, it's so easily misused.
(available here)

I actually took the trouble to make a thread showing the news footage where 12 hours prior to Oswald's movement the entire world knew where he was and when, where and how he was being moved the next day. The fact that he wasn't protected is one of the key points of the entire case and one that someone with your advanced knowledge should have already known.

Now that you have succeeded in making a fool of me, I want to get to the crux of what I have to say to you. You claim to be a wealth of knowledge in film and in law enforcement and when anyone calls you on it you retort with personal insults. You've insulted the board populous, you've insulted my friends here, you've insulted the board admin and, least importantly, you've insulted me (at least twice). I don't care if you can prove that you were standing next to Jack Ruby trying to talk him out of pulling the trigger, or if you can prove that you and Robert Duvall shared a sweaty towel in Central Park during one of your many jogging exploits together, you won't be allowed another chance to insult the good people here on this site with your peurile behavior.

Despite your antics, they have all exhibited a willingness to accept you and have, in fact, encouraged your continued participation which is why I backed off of you a few weeks ago.

As of now, I'm done. Read this post, take it as a warning, and polish your manners because this is the last warning you're going to get. Don't come back with a smartass response because my finger is hovering over the ban button as it is. I think you're banking on the idea that 'the squeaky wheel gets the grease' but in my world the nail that sticks up gets hammered down.

cinemafan- while i'm skeptical, i'm also willing to believe you but two things bother me, surely if you were good friends with them, would they really want you name dropping? And secondly, instead of that piece of paper you attached, would've thought one of the many pictures you must have of you and your friends would be better.

I think you're banking on the idea that 'the squeaky wheel gets the grease' but in my world the nail that sticks up gets hammered down.

If you put grease on a filthy hindge all ya get is a filthy greasy hindge.

The Adventure Starts Here!
I'm angry because I thought this is a movie forum and not some juvenile chat room.
I didn't make some outrageos claim ...
Ahh, but you did make some outrageous claims. It's not outside the realm of good taste to ask, "Really? Is all that stuff true?" when someone claims to have such people as "good friends."

The fact that you are spending more time defending your claim rather than proving it seems very telling to me ... along with the fact that you cannot see how a normal person might be skeptical at such a claim. Heck, if one of my real-life friends made that claim, I'd ask for proof before I believed it!

I have a bunch of "good friends" in my life. And I have pictures of myself with them. Please post a pic of you with your good movie friends. That sort of thing would go a long way toward some of us saying, "Gee, wow. That's neat!"

Because it would be neat.

The Adventure Starts Here!
I have a picture of Steve Martin up close the night I insinuated myself into his standup act (in 1977). I think that's neat! And pictures of myself with Weird Al on several separate occasions! On no occasions am I groping or drooling on him, though. I swear.

my cousin said he has a friend who had a small role in Good Luck Chuck

he has been known to lie though...

myself with Weird Al on several separate occasions! On no occasions am I groping or drooling on him, though. I swear.
Al is not Yods Dad is he?..... I mean it would explain a whole lot.
Click image for larger version

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Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
OMG! Did you drop the Weird Al Bomb? OK, I'm going to wait until I pick up my daughter from the Student/Teacher basketball game because she knows more about scanning and enlarging than I do, but even though I doubt that I ever even saw him, I noticed later that Alfred Yankovic is a turtleneck-sweater wearing freshman in my senior yearbook from Lynwood High School. Yeah, we're both "straight outta Lynwood", but I had already been "straight outta Compton" (next door). Now, I won't be in the photo with Alfred, and I guess I could post my own nerdy one too, but either way, I never talked to or even noticed the guy.
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
My IMDb page

The Adventure Starts Here!
Yup, if you were born anywhere near 1959, then that's Al! Lynwood and everything (and yes, that's his real name). (You're three years older? 1956 or so?)

And yeah, he was one of those unnoticed nerds in high school. I became a fan in 1978 when he was making private cassette tapes of his own tunes and sending them to Dr. Demento to be played on the air ... before he ever had a record deal anywhere or had the word "Weird" in his name.

And to keep things on topic, he did "star" in "UHF."

The Adventure Starts Here!
Al is not Yods Dad is he?..... I mean it would explain a whole lot.
Gee, no, much though I'd swoon for that to be true, it ain't. Yoda swears he has absolutely no musical ability.

One of those pics with Al does have Yoda in it too, though. Yods was with me on two separate occasions when we saw Al and met him backstage. Or should I call those "visitation"?

I once played a Yankee in the movie, North and South.
I remember being in a lunch line and Morgan Fairchild was right in front of me.
She asked if anyone had a light, and I instantly whipped out my Zippo lighter.
I bummed a cig off her, and we shared a smoke in the lunch line.

"If you can't be funny be interesting."
Harold Ross