alien bases on moon and ufo's


Registered User
Yup. I got it at Wal-Mart for like 5 bucks but it was crapola. I only got through it cause the video's of the UFO's such as the Mig's chasing the cigar shaped one, then it just speeding off leaving it in it's dust were so intriguing. Especially like I said the footage involving the crashed disk surrounded by the Russian soldiers.
My dvd was ok. Some of the sound was dodgy but overall ok.

Another thing about it, is if you notice they also shot inside the UFO there but the footage is not available. If this is the real deal, it sure would be neat getting a hold of that video.
This is where i get a little sceptical although being a believer myself.
However, there is plenty of evidence to convince me of extraterrestrial life. Roswell and these kgb documentaries are classics.

Yeah that always made me wonder there. Why would such advanced beings find the need to destroy far less superior crafts when they could just zip away in a flash. Perhaps some species if there are many are not as friendly as we would like to think. I dunno.
They may be advanced and can zip away but thats not to say they cant get angry and retaliate if we keep on shooting them.
Just as we do to other countries when they attack.

Robert dean, an ex u.s intelligence officer says he doesnt believe aliens are here to attack. They have been here for thousands of years and could of done so back then during our ancient times when we had none of the technology to fight back.

He believes they are here to study and observe. Will get to that later.........

Say what? Did I say that?
Huh? I didnt say u said that. I was just saying I myself have never heard of ufos attacking military bases util i saw documentaries.

Lmao. What a dork.
yeah man. That hoax is the reason for the huge number of sceptics.

They may be advanced and can zip away but thats not to say they cant get angry and retaliate if we keep on shooting them.
Just as we do to other countries when they attack.
Yeah but I mean shouldn't they realize that it's not their world and we have no clue how hostile they are or what their true intentions are? I dunno. I think I'm thinking more of a how Captain Picard would say and observe but don't meddle in other worlds heheh.

Robert dean, an ex u.s intelligence officer says he doesn't believe aliens are here to attack. They have been here for thousands of years and could of done so back then during our ancient times when we had none of the technology to fight back.

He believes they are here to study and observe. Will get to that later.........
Yeah I mean if indeed they are here and have been here that long, they would have had ample opportunity to do so, so he makes sense there.

Huh? I didnt say u said that. I was just saying I myself have never heard of ufos attacking military bases util i saw documentaries.
OK sorry. Thought the way you said that you were replying off a comment of mine.

Registered User

Hey escape, just worked out how to paste websites here. Lol. Wasnt that familiar with pc's so didnt do it earlier.

Here they are. Russian roswell story and russian crashed ufo

Registered User

Heres a programme about the roswell debris that someone kept. Now......this is more like the real stuff. NOT the flimsy foil that was shown in the photos.

check it out

Here they are. Russian roswell story and russian crashed ufo
Yeah, that first one is the one I have and you can tell the sound is still going up and down there. Mine is allot worse than that though.
I wish they could perhaps identify some of those young soldiers when that footage was taken if indeed it is real and interview them today. They should be around 60 to their late 60s by now. I liked that little reenactment how they figured the disc crashed into the forest there.

That second link is cool. I never saw that one before but I have heard of the "Tunguska event" in June 1908 and they're right. There should be a crater if it was a meteor which tells me it was something else. Is it possible for nature to split an atom without Man's help heheh. I dunno but weird indeed.

But it is only a Russian UFO expert who says that the base may have had Alien technology so really not much proof at all. But if they ever did capture any, that would indeed be the most likely place to hide them I suppose.

Also that second crash site I dunno there. I need more than one man's testimony using two copper rods searching for ambient energy. I mean sure he says animals avoid the place but I'd like some legitimate scientific research first with proper electrical sensory machines to try to legitimately read this unknown energy.

I did like hearing the testimony from that celebrated female test pilot and the male test pilot giving their account of encounters between the Russian Mig's and the UFOs some decent credibility. His story involving his plane touching that tractor beam like light just like some story out of Star Trek was cool heheh.

The two fireball UFOs at the end of part 5 was an interesting story. I still can't see how they could be shot down like that if they were attacking the base. I dunno.

Hey escape, just worked out how to paste websites here. Lol. Wasn't that familiar with PC's so didn't do it earlier.
How do you copy paste links with Apple? I used my brothers a couple times and I could swear it's the same way.

Heres a programme about the roswell debris that someone kept. Now......this is more like the real stuff. NOT the flimsy foil that was shown in the photos.

check it out
Mm-hmm. I did see that little object getting examined on another show but not this exact one. I never heard about the sabotaged UFO conference dealing with this debris and their out of this world findings. I like how the guy at the end is starting to get worried that it's in his possession seeing as the the other two guys who had it are now dead. Just funny how he said that heheh.

Here's a site I keep in my favorites that give updates of any UFO pics uploaded on the net. There hasn't been one for about 5 months though.

Sci-Fi-Guy's Avatar
Beware The Probe!
How do you copy paste links with Apple? I used my brothers a couple times and I could swear it's the same way.
What problem were you having with mine?
You only mentioned you didn't know how to open a second window for Safari and I told you to right click the mouse and hit 'New Window'.
The links are the same on a regular PC, just click the icon in the address bar to highlight and copy/paste it.

Here's a site I keep in my favorites that give updates of any UFO pics uploaded on the net. There hasn't been one for about 5 months though.
Nice UFOs on that one.
Here's the message board I like.
It's the UFO section to this site.

By the way...
Another UFO:
This one's supposed to be a mile wide causing sonic booms.


Fear the Probe!

What problem were you having with mine?
No, I said I didnt think it was diff. Maybe fbi was just thinking it would be different with the PCs that's all.

By the way...
Another UFO:
This one's supposed to be a mile wide causing sonic booms.


Um, that's another pretty damn sweet UFO video and that was only like 3 days ago? What the hell is going on here? Gotta be fake but damn man someone can make a pretty friggin' decent movie if it's phoney baloney. Any vid as close up as that and for real would be out in the news in 5 minutes. Going in my favorites for sure now. Oh and I loved the way the people were screaming there to add to that sweet effect. Mm-hmm.

Registered User
Mm-hmm. I did see that little object getting examined on another show but not this exact one. I never heard about the sabotaged UFO conference dealing with this debris and their out of this world findings. I like how the guy at the end is starting to get worried that it's in his possession seeing as the the other two guys who had it are now dead. Just funny how he said that heheh.
huh I thought u were aware of the this. The flimsy weather balloon material that was shown in the press conference photos whcih witnesses claim were NOT what was found in the debris field.

We spoke about this earlier on.



Registered User
How do you copy paste links with Apple? I used my brothers a couple times and I could swear it's the same way.
I'm lousy with pc's and only know basics so i dont know. Sorry.

Um, that's another pretty damn sweet UFO video and that was only like 3 days ago? What the hell is going on here? Gotta be fake but damn man someone can make a pretty friggin' decent movie if it's phoney baloney. Any vid as close up as that and for real would be out in the news in 5 minutes. Going in my favorites for sure now. Oh and I loved the way the people were screaming there to add to that sweet effect. Mm-hmm.
yeah. agree. The trees are the same as the other footage. Is this another Vue 6 programme?


Check this out. Very disturbing and possibly my fav documentary. The guy who refused to show his face is very convincing but not sure about the alien footage though.
However, his description of the alien and what he knows sounds genuine.

U guys decide.

huh I thought u were aware of the this. The flimsy weather balloon material that was shown in the press conference photos which witnesses claim were NOT what was found in the debris field.

We spoke about this earlier on.
Noooooooo, I was talking about that guy on the video link about that mysterious piece he was examining. 'His' UFO conference that he was going to being cancelled not the one back in '47.

yeah. agree. The trees are the same as the other footage. Is this another Vue 6 programme?
I'm not sure. Many say they are made from some kind of earth made program anyways.


Check this out. Very disturbing and possibly my fav documentary. The guy who refused to show his face is very convincing but not sure about the alien footage though.
However, his description of the alien and what he knows sounds genuine.

U guys decide.
Yeah, I saw that one a long time ago. I remember that guy at the very front of it and end there named 'Victor' who had his voice disguised there. When they electronically hide the true voice that always makes it sound serious and legit but can be done by anyone there with the right equipment. I keep remembering him saying the words "This interview is terminated" heheh.

That Bob Lazar fellow is known in the UFO world as well with such intricate details about the saucers. I'm skeptical of him though. He really doesn't have anything to back up he was there. I don't even think he can prove he studied at the University he said he studied at. His demeanor is so calm though. If he is a liar he's damn good at it.

David Adair's testimony I would love to take to be credible just on the basis of where he worked before but I mean how much of a legitimate background check was done on him. I dunno.

A system of cells interlinked
"How do you copy paste links with Apple? I used my brothers a couple times and I could swear it's the same way."

Command C
Command V
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

"How do you copy paste links with Apple? I used my brothers a couple times and I could swear it's the same way."

Command C
Command V
Yeah it's the same. I think fbi was just figuring it diff as he's gets himself familiar with his PC.

This has to be the best evidence yet of aliens. Just found the vid today and it's detail is just incredible. Notice at the end there how this creature seems to enjoy mocking us humans. I lost a little bit of respect for them because of that the little bug eyed bastards.


According to Wikipedia, Otto Binder was a science fiction writer.
OMG, not another L Ron Hubbard
Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.

Sci-Fi-Guy's Avatar
Beware The Probe!
Well the Los Roques mothership UFO has a new video suggesting the government may have known about this one since 1971....

As I commented to the original YouTube poster, Manbird1200, I don't even care if these are real or his own creations, they look so damn sweeeeeet!

(His clips came out after seeing the Haiti and DR ones so I'm guessing he's created these 2 vids himself since from his account he is into CGI but refuses to say if he did or didn't make them and wants people to open their minds instead)

I suggested to him that it'd be nice to see the mothership over a big city one day so... I guess I'll have to wait and see.

Sci-Fi-Guy's Avatar
Beware The Probe!
Well, the mothership UFO has been at last revealed!****bT8g

He didn't do the haiti ones but at least now we can see how they were probably done with Vue6 as well.


The YouTube window isn't working for some reason.
Here's the address for it...****bT8g

Well, the mothership UFO has been at last revealed!

He didn't do the haiti ones but at least now we can see how they were probably done with Vue6 as well.

And what would be your first priority if indeed you got that program Scifiguy?

The YouTube window isn't working for some reason.
Here's the address for it...****bT8g

Your link doesn't work either. It says the url contained a malformed video id.

Registered User
Noooooooo, I was talking about that guy on the video link about that mysterious piece he was examining. 'His' UFO conference that he was going to being cancelled not the one back in '47.
I see. lol. sorry.

Yeah, I saw that one a long time ago. I remember that guy at the very front of it and end there named 'Victor' who had his voice disguised there. When they electronically hide the true voice that always makes it sound serious and legit but can be done by anyone there with the right equipment. I keep remembering him saying the words "This interview is terminated" heheh.
It wasnt only his disguised voice that convinced me. It was his choice of words, description of the alien and their intentions.

That Bob Lazar fellow is known in the UFO world as well with such intricate details about the saucers. I'm skeptical of him though. He really doesn't have anything to back up he was there. I don't even think he can prove he studied at the University he said he studied at. His demeanor is so calm though. If he is a liar he's damn good at it.
There actually was proof that he worked there. Originally, they denied having ever heard of lazar. But when the programme makers found a phone directory for all the employees at that time, lazars name was on it.

When confronted with this proof, they admitted that lazar did work for them but only for basic projects.

Sci-Fi-Guy's Avatar
Beware The Probe!
Your link doesn't work either. It says the url contained a malformed video id.
The address has a four letter word in it for some reason so these boards won't show it. It appears as astrixes.

It's the vid by manbird1200 on the top here called 'UFO Unvieled...':

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