Ruin classic film titles with a stupid pun


Bark to the Future - Einstein can do that! (You can also embark on a time-trip, as a human)


Close Encounters of the Third Kind

Close Encounters of the Turd Kind.

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
Spider-Man: Into the Slider-Verse
- Peter Parker overdoses on White Castle hamburgers!

Interview With The Vampire

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Spider-Man: Into the Slider-Verse
- Peter Parker overdoses on White Castle hamburgers!

Interview With The Vampire
Interview With The Umpire: A Naked Gun Story

Up next: Vertigo

Interview With The Umpire: A Naked Gun Story

Up next: Vertigo
Goethego - The German author's fear of heights gets in the way of him finishing his latest book.

On the Waterfront

On the Waterbed.

On the subject of my last one, I was hoping someone would say, Spider-Man: Into the SNYDER-Verse. Ew.

Legends of the Fall

Trouble with a capital "T"
Legends of The Fall Guy

Lee Majors great grandson carries on the tradition of Hollywood stunt work while battling evil AIs who threaten to make his job obsolete.

Double Indemnity

The Good Bay Girl


The Man in the Iron Mask

The Woman in The Steel Mask
Female fashion is getting out of hand.

The Ten Commandments
The Zen Commandments
- Siddhartha Gautama leads his people out of the bondage of earthly natures of mind, and spectacularly parts the Ganges!

It Came From Outer Space

One Hard Slice

What idiot puts metal on their goshdarn pizza??

Next film:
The Chinese Connection
The Chinese Confection - Jackie Chan's choclatier makes the most delicious candy imaginable and tries to prevent the triads from stealing the recipe.

It's a Wonderful Life