The Walking Dead: Season 7


My feeling was the latter, I'm in the minority
The latter, meaning she was letting Abraham's memory guide her in a daydream-conversation?
The walking inception or the inception dead? Which is catchier?

I think she was reliving an actual past chat with Abraham but creating her own imagined conversation, I liked it too Aus. Thought it was particularly touching given the plan she'd thought through. Was a great plan too, sacrificing herself for her friends. Sad to see her gone

You can't win an argument just by being right!
I think she was reliving an actual past chat with Abraham but creating her own imagined conversation, I liked it too Aus. Thought it was particularly touching given the plan she'd thought through. Was a great plan too, sacrificing herself for her friends. Sad to see her gone
I never realised just how pretty the actress is. Stunning.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
LMAO. You are my new favourite mofo. Thanks for posting. This makes me very happy and I know not why.

Eugene (that's my pick for Super Mullet) had made death pills for members of Neegan's harem to assassinate Neegan with, but ended up not giving them the pills. Sasha asked for a knife, gun, an attempt to kill Neegan and Eugene gave her the pills instead.
Essentially, Sacha turned herself into a weapon by offing herself with Eugene's poison pills knowing she'd turn into a zombie and hoping to get the chance to chomp on Negan. She almost succeeded too.

Great way to leave the show as someone said she's landed a role in the next Star Trek movie.

Essentially, Sacha turned herself into a weapon by offing herself with Eugene's poison pills knowing she'd turn into a zombie and hoping to get the chance to chomp on Negan. She almost succeeded too.

Great way to leave the show as someone said she's landed a role in the next Star Trek movie.
Star Trek "series" actually.

No teeth, but could it gum it's thumb off? I have no idea.
I know. Like others, I was just coming up with something to mull over. And you are correct, no teeth. To add to that, it would be cool to see it born and chewing its own umbilical cord off...somehow.

And Dani8, still with the
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hatred for Carl? I thought that was mainly relegated to his early seasons, where he would wander off and everybody would say, "Where's Carl?" I think he's more than proven himself and he's pretty much over his moody-little-kid-pouting phase. Just wondering why you wanted him Tiger-munched, as is your right.

7thson, those pics are greatness! I almost spit out my Diet Coke (no copyright infringement inferred).

As for the idea that it would be neat to see Negan as a Hannibal Lecter type, well...MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD...DON"T READ IF YOU DON'T WANT SOMETHING SPOILED...

In the comic,
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Negan is not killed yet, from what I've read from official sites. Those who do read it can correct me if I'm wrong. He is eventually captured and put in a cell and after two years, Carl is shown coming to talk to him, ala Starling/Lecter supposedly. Up to this point, in the comic, he thinks he has a kind of friendly relationship with Carl, until Carl reveals he still wants to kill Negan, thereby proving he's not fooled by his words. This season finale would seem to shoot that down, with Negan wanting to kill Carl. I read Negan escapes his cell but is captured again. Why he is not shot on sight, I don't know. I'm hoping the show will change this.

Also, as regards Shiva turning into a zombie tiger, which is something I would want to see in any zombie movie I've read MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD that
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Shiva is eventually eaten by a horde of Walkers
but I hope they don't go that way. They probably will.
"Miss Jean Louise, Mr. Arthur Radley."

You can't win an argument just by being right!
I'm just being faux offended by his Justin beaver hair dadg. I always blamed Lori when he snuck off.

Yeah, you're right lol. I thought it was a movie and then looked it up and saw it was a series. I'm a big ST fan but only ever watched the movies and the original series. I never was interested in the spinoffs.

I'm just being faux offended by his Justin beaver hair dadg. I always blamed Lori when he snuck off.
I hear you. When Lori was still alive, I used to love the memes that popped up that would have Rick asking Lori, "Where's Carl?" and she'd answer, "Carl who?"

You can't win an argument just by being right!
I hear you. When Lori was still alive, I used to love the memes that popped up that would have Rick asking Lori, "Where's Carl?" and she'd answer, "Carl who?"

LOL. Most hated female character of all time.

Except that I didn't hate Lori. Yeah, she was a bit of a bee-otch at times, always blaming Rick for everything, but I thought she was an excellent actress and hot to boot. I'm shallow, I know.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Except that I didn't hate Lori. Yeah, she was a bit of a bee-otch at times, always blaming Rick for everything, but I thought she was an excellent actress and hot to boot. I'm shallow, I know.
I think she's hot as well, and has a great voice, but mother of the year she was not. I'm not even sure why she grated on me so much. I think I'm just harsher on female characters because most of them are badly written. It's not the actress' fault, but Lori did turn me off Sarah, much the same as Dexter's nose dive turned me off Hall. I'm looking forward to see if I change my mind about him in season 2 of The Crown.

Oh, don't get me started on Dexter. I still loved the show, but the writing sure took a major turn for the worse, especially in the last season. The
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loss of Debra was major slap in the face to fans. I hated her senseless death, after all she and Dexter had shared before. And I hated that Dexter sent Hannah off with his son, Harrison, seemingly forever for her to raise him, while Dexter becomes a logger? and seems lost. That flies in the face of everything that Dexter was. Unless they admitted that Dexter was really having feelings for people, which I think he was. But the show-runners never told us that, not in so many words. So, he was just left adrift. Gaahhh!

The only thing I've seen Sarah Wayne Callies in since TWD is the movie Into the Storm, where I thought she was good and played a likable character, but the effects where the true star of the movie. Still, I like her. And she's back on the show that's returned, Prison Break, which I never watched because it just didn't interest me. Had I known about her before it ever aired, I might have watched it. I also followed Jennifer Carpenter to her follow-up to Dexter, which was Limitless on CBS, being the TV-follow-up to the movie starring Bradley Cooper. I never saw the movie, but got the gist of it from the show, and Cooper himself showed up several times as well as produced the show. But Carpenter was all kinds of awesome on the show and of course, they cancelled it after one season. That's kind of why I let a show get about two or three seasons in, then watch the older episodes and catch up, because I don't trust executives not to cancel the show after a few episodes anymore.

Ok, I could go of on one right now, but I'm not going to.
However, this is a show that I hate so much that I actually get a little angry just thinking about it.
I have seen every episode and imo each episode gets more boring and predictable than the last. God, I hate this show.
My ex (I broke up with her because she loved this show) introduced me to this show a couple of years back and after the first season I couldn't believe how bad it was and it led to a blazing row between me and my then gf.
Even after that relationship I continued watching, desperately hoping it would improve. It did not.
Normally, if I don't like a show then I will just not watch it or discuss it. However, I hate this show so much that I find it infuriating that there are people out there that like it.
I'm not saying that people who like this show should be put to death or rounded up etc but I do believe that people who claim to like this show should be forced to explain themselves.
So my question for fans of this show is 'what is it about the show that you enjoy?'
I'm genuinely frustrated and perplexed so it would be great to get some info on why people like this show. Thanks.
Movies? Do we need 'em? NO!

Ok, I could go of on one right now, but I'm not going to.
However, this is a show that I hate so much that I actually get a little angry just thinking about it.
I have seen every episode and imo each episode gets more boring and predictable than the last. God, I hate this show.
My ex (I broke up with her because she loved this show) introduced me to this show a couple of years back and after the first season I couldn't believe how bad it was and it led to a blazing row between me and my then gf.
Even after that relationship I continued watching, desperately hoping it would improve. It did not.
Normally, if I don't like a show then I will just not watch it or discuss it. However, I hate this show so much that I find it infuriating that there are people out there that like it.
I'm not saying that people who like this show should be put to death or rounded up etc but I do believe that people who claim to like this show should be forced to explain themselves.
So my question for fans of this show is 'what is it about the show that you enjoy?'
I'm genuinely frustrated and perplexed so it would be great to get some info on why people like this show. Thanks.
what is it that you don't like about it?
can i have one of those buttons?

what is it that you don't like about it?
It's boring and predictable. The characters are all boring and unlikable, not to mention NONE of them can act. Also, the scripts are terrible to the point that I am actually shaking just typing about this show.