Rate The Last Movie You Saw


Ah that was a missed opportunity there wasn't it?! Have to say, I'm nun to happy about that.
It's ok, you're just back from holiday so obviously not quite yet back in the habit

But yes, absolutely find it!
Will deffo try my best, not seen any Rivette yet

I've never seen it all the way through but one thing I thing is absolute genius is Jerry Goldsmith's theme, because the sound is like a representation of historic events "echoing" down the centuries. Gets under my skin I tell you .

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
Beach Rats (2017)

A little underwhelming. Harris Dickinson (Trust) was good. It just seemed a bit sad without much new to say and I really wasn't sure about the bits where his face was blurred (presumably to represent his fractured sense of self).

I do wonder about the future of films depicting modern life, when modern life increasingly involves sitting in front of your computer screen. It's not particularly cinematic.


Source Code (2011)

It was... fine. Just not particularly interesting. Stupid ending.


Suicide Squad (David Ayer, 2016)
Not enough Donald Pleasance but thankfully plenty enough Margot Robbie

Sicario (2015) Denis Villeneuve

Very intense drama/thriller. I would name one of my favorites of the genre, among Man on Fire. What makes Sicario different from the rest, is that, Sicario try to show a perspective we the audience believe is the reality of the Mexican cartels, but they complement that perspective with the why & how, and they did it very well. Some of the action scenes are just amazing, all that drove to the border scene is remarkable.

Sicario: Day of the Soldado (2018) Stefano Sollima

For this second one I was hopping better. They sticked to the structure of trying to show the reality of each sides, but there was nothing intense about Day of the Soldado, I fond it predictable, even so, the director tried to add complexity to the plot. Very unfortunate they added ISIS, I didn't get it. An increase of violence against no one, and in the end everyone lost. The acting saved this film, Josh Brolin was my favorite this time.

the samoan lawyer's Avatar
Unregistered User

Confidentially Yours (1983)

Francois Truffaut's final film that stars Trintignant and the marvellous Fanny Ardant. I read a lot of mixed reviews about this and its true that there are plot holes and characters acting in ways that would never happen but I thought it was a really fun movie. Ardant steals the show here, with a lot of time spent watching her walk! It has a Hitchcock vibe to it, with a bit more humour.

Worth a watch for the walking alone.

Too weird to live, and too rare to die.

Are we allowed to inwardly whit-woo or is that also deemed inappropriate these days ????
No matter how many times I've watched it I still can't quite make out what the poster on the wall is for (at least I think it's a poster, I keep getting distracted) .... oh well, nothing else for it but to keep trying I guess

Friday 13th V: A new beginning 4/10

The only reason I never gave this a 3 or less was because I feel asleep for about 15 mins during, although you could say that’s more reason to score it lower. Horrible movie, kind of makes me want to give up on watching all the Friday’s. I have to see Jason X though, the one where he’s in space, I might skip to that it’s a brilliantly terrible concept.

Sure it’s a teenage slasher but so was IV and that was excellent. The most annoying thing is the constant search for comedy, the fat kid at the start with chocolate round his mouth got what was coming to him as far as I’m concerned. No character development whatsoever, and the ending was unbelievably annoying too.
"If you're good at something never do it for free".

the samoan lawyer's Avatar
Unregistered User
Are we allowed to inwardly whit-woo or is that also deemed inappropriate these days ????
No matter how many times I've watched it I still can't quite make out what the poster on the wall is for (at least I think it's a poster, I keep getting distracted) .... oh well, nothing else for it but to keep trying I guess

Looks like some kind of feathered bird

Are we allowed to inwardly whit-woo or is that also deemed inappropriate these days ????
You can do anything in the comfort of your own skin .

Avengers: Endgame -

one popcorn for each hour
With or without MSG laced synthetic butter-fluid?

Welcome to the human race...
No idea, I rarely order popcorn and never with anything added to it.

Wall-E -

part of me now wonders if building space arks in preparation for the increasingly likely event of total ecological collapse is on Disney's real-life agenda

Sicario: Day of the Soldado (2018) Stefano Sollima
I enjoyed Sicario. Especially Emily Blunt who I never could have imagined in her rôle.

Day of the Soldado a huge bore that I never finished. Gave away my dvd.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Prospect (2018, Christopher Caldwell, Zeek Earl)

Pretty good, if flawed, low-budget indie sci-fi flick. Visuals were cool, plot was interesting with some unexpected turns. Solid acting.
It really sucked me into its world with its dream-like eery atmosphere. I envision a lot of serious sci-fi fans will be left underwhelmed by it but to me there's a certain charm about these sort of movies that puts me under a spell - hard to explain.