Rate The Last Movie You Saw


Annihilation (2018)

(By the way, was it just me or did Oscar Isaac just switch to a southern accent out of nowhere?)
You just read your own explanation into it. That seems to be the path for this movie. Even when the paths don't lead anywhere.

I won't dance. Don't ask me...

Kurt Russell is perfect in this movie
And he is perfectly made up

I won't dance. Don't ask me...

The guy breaks up with her, she eats a lot of ice cream...bla,bla,bla.

de noser poder
Escape from Alcatraz - 8/10

Eastwood/Siegel movies rule!

This might just do nobody any good.
Robin Hood (2010)

I remembered liking this 9 years ago and I spent most of the time it was on thinking about how it had been about 9 years since I last saw this. Well, more like 8.

So this what people referred to when they say the 90’s feel like last decade...

Anyways, Oscar Isaac was the king of England.

Tonight for bad movie night, we watched "Attack of the Herbals". I bought it on DVD at a truck stop on the drive back from Christmas at my grandmother's for $3.

It was actually a well done movie and it was a lot of fun. While it starts out kind of slow and weak, it gets better as it goes along and the third act is really, really good. If you get a chance to watch it, I recommend it.

“I was cured, all right!”


Already watched 18 films this year!
I'm digging Nouvelle Vague righ now.
There'll be a lot of Godard in 2019!

Orson Welles:

1941 Citizen Kane ★★★★★
1942 The Magnificent Ambersons ★★★★
1943 Journey into Fear ★★
1946 The Stranger ★★★
1947 The Lady from Shanghai ★★★
1948 Macbeth ★★★★
1951 Othello ★★★★
1955 Mr. Arkadin ★★
1958 Touch of Evil ★★★★
1962 The Trial ★★★★★
1965 Chimes at Midnight ★★★★★
1968 The Immortal Story (I can't find anywhere)
1974 F for Fake ★★★★
2018 The Other Side of the Wind ★★★★★

I won't dance. Don't ask me...
Hunt For The Wilder People

I love sense of humour of this director.

Welcome to the human race...
Branded to Kill -

you can tell this is a cool movie because Jim Jarmusch ripped it off
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Beautiful Boy (2018)

Good biographical film about drug addiction and how it can destroy and, ultimately form your family relationships.

No moans about this at all, perfectly played just maybe not my kind of movie. 6/10

Robin Hood (2010)

I remembered liking this 9 years ago and I spent most of the time it was on thinking about how it had been about 9 years since I last saw this. Well, more like 8.

So this what people referred to when they say the 90’s feel like last decade...

Anyways, Oscar Isaac was the king of England.

Same as you Saunch, saw it a while ago and persevered and didn't mind it by the end. Saw it recently and shouldn't have. Max von Sydow FFS!

This might just do nobody any good.
I liked being able to recognize all the actors who would go on to show up in Game of Thrones.

The Killing Gene (2007)


I had this on my watchlist for a while, and finally watched it because it's eligible for the horror countdown. Of course I will consider it a crime thriller. The ads state a combination of Se7en and Saw, and I can understand that. The cops are after a brutal murderer who's playing a game. It's got a pretty good cast including Stellan Skarsgard, Tom Hardy, and Selma Blair, but nobody here does their best work. It's a slimy seedy movie with some well done intense torture. It's just not all that good.

I liked being able to recognize all the actors who would go on to show up in Game of Thrones.
"Taggart" for a youthful non-Scots pastime.