The 12th Hall of Fame


Tyler isn't here! Tyler went away! Tyler's gone!
Royale, who was your favourite villain? I think mine was Jong-seok for the reasons i mentioned in my review with special mention to Big Bear or whatever his name was because he had the funniest moment in the film.

WARNING: "The Man From Nowhere" spoilers below
I liked Ramrowan alot too but i was a bit disappointed with his final fight with Cha Tae-sik and as soon as i saw him around So-mi i didn't think of him as a villain and expected the ending that redeemed him.

Edit: Love that i posted this in the middle of a Romper Stomper discussion/convention . I started writing it then went away from my computer before finishing and posting it. Kinda want to discuss The Man From Nowhere because it was great and i don't even know what i want to discuss about it haha.
My favorite villain was the old lady, she was just so serious and would sit in silence with those glaring eyes when police were questioning her. She just came off as an evil bitch to the core of her being

Hurry up? I'm at 12 down, how about you, slacker?
But Romper Stomper is the most important one.

Also, I've watched four. But I'm not counting what I had already seen before this started.

My favorite villain was the old lady, she was just so serious and would sit in silence with those glaring eyes when police were questioning her. She just came off as an evil bitch to the core of her being
Damn, that's like the perfect answer despite her being in the film for like three minutes. And i'm not being sarcastic haha.

WARNING: "The Man From Nowhere" spoilers below
The scene with the number plate was obvious what was going to happen, i thought she would be a meh plot device as soon as that scene started though when she locked So-mi in the room i'm with you. That was somehow one of the most brutal parts of the film.

But Romper Stomper is the most important one.

Also, I've watched four. But I'm not counting what I had already seen before this started.
I just like being able to call you slacker for once. It's refreshing

I've done write-ups for two of the four flms i've decided not to rewatch btw, so that would be 10/14 until i do Joe and my own nom.

Tyler isn't here! Tyler went away! Tyler's gone!
My favorite villain was the old lady, she was just so serious and would sit in silence with those glaring eyes when police were questioning her. She just came off as an evil bitch to the core of her being
Damn, that's like the perfect answer despite her being in the film for like three minutes. And i'm not being sarcastic haha.

WARNING: "The Man From Nowhere" spoilers below
The scene with the number plate was obvious what was going to happen, i thought she would be a meh plot device as soon as that scene started though when she locked So-mi in the room i'm with you. That was somehow one of the most brutal parts of the film.
I guess not knowing and the mystery behind someone plays a big part of our opinion of them. Most of the characters revolved around that, giving you just enough information and background to see those characters the way they wanted you to

I guess not knowing and the mystery behind someone plays a big part of our opinion of them. Most of the characters revolved around that, giving you just enough information and background to see those characters the way they wanted you to
WARNING: "The Man From Nowhere" spoilers below
My "it was obvious" posts aren't meant to be a negative, i thoroughly enjoyed this film without any twists; as i said in my review i saw the ending coming but i still thought it worked and was a good addition to the plot - Ramworan's brief scenes with So-mi felt like an extension of Cha's since they were pretty similar and Cha didn't have much time with her at the end. The only character i was curious about was Ramworan and we didn't find out anything about him. I think that was a very good thing though, i was half expecting a ridiculous Hollywood twist with him being involved with the event that killed Cha's wife.

I wasn't sure what I was going to watch next. I guess it should be Man From Nowhere to see what's in all those spoiler tags.

I know I can read them later, but I'm curious now haha.

Let the night air cool you off
I wasn't sure what I was going to watch next. I guess it should be Man From Nowhere to see what's in all those spoiler tags.

I know I can read them later, but I'm curious now haha.
I am thinking the same way.

It's interesting that an action movie is the basis of all the discussion right now. In a way, it's encouraging. I know it has nothing to do with the genre of the film, but it makes me happy that it is a genre picture that is getting this much attention. I think it would be cool if more genre pictures get nominated in the main hall of fame.

Love how all the discussion is two questions i asked Royale

Definitely watch it soon though, i really loved it and would be up for some sort of discussion of it.

Woody Allen is a pedophille
Withnail and I review from my 2017 Movie Diary
Withnail And I
(1987, Bruce Robinson)
Withnail and I is a delightful comedy about two out of work, broke, and often drunk actors who decided to spend a vacation at a house in the mountains. As you can expect, hilarity ensues. There is a poacher who the two believes is trying to kill them, Withnail's homosexual uncle who makes sexual advances towards the main character, and my personal favorite, a drug dealer and his mostly silent friend "Presumin' Ed".

Overall I really enjoyed this movie. The characters were all very eccentric and entertaining, and there were some really genuinely funny moments. All of my favorite parts occurred with the aforementioned drug dealer. I thought he was hysterical, and wish the film had more of him. My biggest problem with the film was its slow start. The movie didn't pick up until they actually went to the mountain house, which was about 30 minutes in. After that however, I found myself very amused until the end of the film.

I think that the acting in this film was great, and the writing was very clever. This film almost reminded me of a classier Dumb and Dumber with significantly better writing, acting, and directing. This is one of those movies that doesn't have a straightforward plot, so if you like movies like that, you will love this film. This was the first film that I watched for the 12th HoF, and so far it is off to a good start.

Overall Rating

Funny and entertaining

Tyler isn't here! Tyler went away! Tyler's gone!
Holy crap!!!!!

I wrote a book and its gone!!!!

It said the proxy server does not support my system and I lost it!!!!

...This confession has meant nothing.

Tyler isn't here! Tyler went away! Tyler's gone!
I'm sry citizen! The movie was awesome and I wrote a 5 paragraph report on your movie but its gone

I'll write a better one soon but that just took me 30 minutes.....


Sorry, I'm on and off here

Watched two movies and in the middle of the second
It's cool mate. Make sure you always copy whatever you wrote from/into somewhere, word, notepad, whatever. Sorry for not saying earlier i didn't even think, it's the worst when you lose something lengthy you've written and it has happened to me multiple times here in the past.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Holy crap!!!!!

I wrote a book and its gone!!!!

It said the proxy server does not support my system and I lost it!!!!

I learned within my first few days here to copy before hitting post. Better yet use One Note or something similar for longer review type posts. Sorry Royale, that sucks.