The Movie Forums Top 100 of All-Time Refresh: Countdown

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I would strike Inception, Departed, and probably Wall-E. Reinstate Samurai,Indemnity, and something else. Master is probably wishful thinking. I really want to see All About Eve as well.
I think Inception makes it.

I would love you to be right on Seven Samurai but it just seems very high considering the gap from the other films. I prefer Double Indemnity and All About Eve to a lot of the films on the remaining list too, but when I look at the films that are appearing now like Back to the Future I'm wondering if they're really gonna be more popular.

Anyway... I guess it's cool that there's still some suspense considering how far in we are

Welcome to the human race...
Both are extremely good films. Cuckoo's Nest made my top 100 twice, though that's more to do with it being a great film than one I capital-L Love and it's not exactly something I feel much like returning to these days (though given the subject matter, that's somewhat understandable). Back to the Future is maybe one of the purest examples of the pop cinema of the '80s (for better and, occasionally, for worse) with its blend of sci-fi and comedy that is reflected very well by the tight writing and sharp characterisation.

Also gonna point out how in one of these movies Christopher Lloyd is a doctor and in the other he's a patient.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Trouble with a capital "T"
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest is one of the most amazingly well crafted films I've seen.

Citizen Rules review

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (Milos Forman 1975

Jack Nicholson, OMG was he great in this or what! To his credit he played R.P. McMurphy as a man who might just be an actual sociopath or instead might just be one huge jack ass....The questionable nature of his character worked wonders as the audience is in the same shoes as the doctors...we don't know if this man really belongs in a mental institute or not?

At first he seems like the typical anti-hero, a role he often played in other movies, but the film then flips that on its head when he comes within seconds of choking Nurse Ratchet to death. Which makes me think he's a real sociopath (a person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behavior and a lack of conscience.)...and that sounds like R.P. McMurphy to me.

When I was younger I thought he was the victim and the nurse was the evil one...but now I can see those roles being blurred and questioned, and that's brilliant screen writing...and skilled acting.

Louise Fletcher
, holy cow she rocked! I had seen this film once like 30 years ago and I remembered her as this evil conniving, sadistic nurse...Wow, was I wrong! She gave Nurse Ratched depth...and I could see she believed the actions she took was in the best interest of the patients. And yet she's a control freak and McMurphy challenges her control which then pushes her deeper into her authoritativeness.

Nurse Ratched extruded this passive-aggressive personality that was layered with that overly calm & collected voice, brilliant! But she never really crosses the line and becomes an evil caricature, in fact I rather like least until the end. Both her and Nicholson richly deserved their Oscars.

But you know who I thought was great in this Brad Dourif in his first major movie role. He's always been a favorite actor of mine ever since I seen him in Dune (1984). He was flat out amazing in Star Trek Voyager as a reoccurring character who had become psychotic and murdered a crew member.

The rest of the cast were equally good. I learned in an interview with the director that he hated movies where the supporting actors all looked alike, as the audience can confuse them. So he purposely populated his film with actors that had a very distinctive look. He went with unknown actors at the time, that way he could keep his film feeling more real. The only known actor was Nicholson and he was the audiences proxy into the story, so familiarity was a plus for the lead.

The director had one thing he kept telling the actors over an over, 'keep it natural' and that's why the film works so good, it feels like you're in this mental institute with real patients.

And if all this realism wasn't enough, they actually filmed and lived for 10 days in a wing of the Oregon Hospital for mental patients. Gosh that makes this film look so authentic as those are real rooms, real sets. What an amazing film!

The Adventure Starts Here!
Also gonna point out how in one of these movies Christopher Lloyd is a doctor and in the other he's a patient.
@Yoda really missed an opportunity here in his hint for these two movies! But he was too busy throwing some of us off with his hints that were clearly about Shawshank Redemption.

Using Raul's list, if eight miss I think they will be:
I would strike Inception, Departed, and probably Wall-E. Reinstate Samurai,Indemnity, and something else. Master is probably wishful thinking. I really want to see All About Eve as well.
I'll throw a few more titles out there that I have down as possibilities (to wildly varying degrees):

Paths of Glory
The Breakfast Club
Blue Velvet
Lost in Translation
The Thing
Once Upon a Time in America

Welcome to the human race...
Inception won't make it.
Interstellar for the win.
I didn't think people felt strongly enough about Interstellar to get it this high up the list (especially over so many of the stone-cold classics we've already seen). What does it really have to favourably distinguish it next to Nolan's other major films?

@Yoda really missed an opportunity here in his hint for these two movies! But he was too busy throwing some of us off with his hints that were clearly about Shawshank Redemption.
I think hinting at this particular connection might've been a little too obvious but considering how small his role is in Cuckoo's Nest I suppose it could've worked.

It's just a little suffocating to watch what happens to Nicholson's character.
I appreciate your discretion here.

Refreshingly liberating to watch what happens to Chief though.

Actually, not really. I just started guessing it midway through everything and kept guessing it every day just out of a sense of determination to be right at least once.
Ah ok I get yea now
Moviefan1988's Favorite Movies<br />

Welcome to the Dance: My Favorite 20 High School Movies

I'll throw a few more titles out there that I have down as possibilities (to wildly varying degrees):

Paths of Glory
The Breakfast Club
Blue Velvet
Lost in Translation
The Thing
Once Upon a Time in America
I always thought The Thing had a lot of love around here and thought it would do well on this list, more so than Halloween for sure.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I always thought The Thing had a lot of love around here and thought it would do well on this list, more so than Halloween for sure.
We've recently gotten an influx of new members, which I'm glad for...they might have valued Halloween over The Thing. Thus their ballots boasted Halloween...OR maybe The Thing is showing up tomorrow

Inception won't make it.
Interstellar for the win.
Ugh, if The Dark Knight hitting Top 10 makes me roll my eyes, Interstellar making the list at all is bound to make em roll back down my throat and fall down my ass
Check out my podcast: The Movie Loot!

Maybe, just maybe ...... The Thing already showed up masquerading as one of the declared entries and at the very end Yods will heat up a wire and stick it into ... I dunno, say The Wizard Of Oz ... and it's true nature will be revealed.

After seeing some of the 'hints' lately I wouldn't put it past Chris

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
Two more not from my list but VERY worthy of their placement on this Countdown:

Back To The Future For me, the first of the series of these films was quite fine all on its own and the others were more cash cows than worthwhile.
Regardless, this definitely deserves the praise that it continues to have, with Lloyd and Fox having a great chemistry.
This film has become iconic in Pop Culture and there's good reason for it. From the DeLorean (Because if you're going to use a car for a time machine it should be one with STYLE), to the "Hello, McFly!", to Fox's guitar playing that mimics Chuck Berry, Pete Townsend, Angus Young and Eddie Van Halen.

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest Like CR, during a previous rewatch via a Hall of Fame, I found myself pondering a new perspective regarding the titles that had been placed on Nurse Ratched and of McMurphy, back in the day, when this came out.
Nurse Ratched, from what I remember back then, had been labeled as The Best Villain of her time; and at that time, that is exactly as I saw her. And by reasoning, IF she is the villain, then McMurphy, the anti-establishment, fly-in-the-ointment MUST of been the hero.

But, are they?

When Nurse Ratched enters, I watched the orderlies and the nurses beneath her. Everyone was civil and courteous. There was no dread or worry like you would see when a "villain" first enters a movie.
Though I did see a kind of henchmen mentality as the three orderlies stood behind her the morning after the party as she calmly gave them their orders and there was a slight glimmer of pleasure as they went about them.
In the end, she is Head of Staff and her job is to keep everything and everyone at an even keel. Thereby keeping the patients calm and the chance for any kind of "incident" to remain at a minimum. A role that comes to mind of those primordial icons of Creation/Law.
And she excelled at it. Things were calm. Everyone followed decorum, and the rules, and everything ran smoothly.

And then, McMurphy arrives.

Now the sh1t gets crazy. Chaos seeps in and everything and everyone starts to get out of hand. And it spirals until the wheels truly do come off.
McMurphy even places a bet early on that he will cause so much upheaval that Nurse Ratched won't know up or down.
Talk about the Devil popping up and raising all kinds of hell.

A truly intriguing perspective in a new light on an old favorite.

Something else I paid more attention to, was the Chief, or rather, his own inner decision to begin to open up and take a chance on talking and moving about.
It's a fantastic and incredibly subtle build up that I've rarely paid close attention to. Since I was always caught up in the other patients and their interactions as well as the craft of the actors portraying them. All of which are just incredible to witness. Especially with McMurphy inciting them as he does.

And, in the end, when speaking of iconic scenes you can NOT skip over the Chief: "Mmm, Juicy Fruit,", the basketball scene where, after the first dunk of the basketball we see him striding off the court, and, of course, that very ending, which still causes me to catch my breath as it unfolds.
WARNING: "And speaking of the ending," spoilers below
I always find it pretty amazing. Considering the horrible suicide of Billy, it's not easy to bring it all to an end that still grips you, but it f@ckin does.
With McMurphy, having attempted to murder Ratched, by choking her, has been lobotomized.
The fact that the stoic Chief takes it upon himself to "free" McMurphy by suffocating him with a pillow and then, using brute strength to tear up the water hose system and sending it crashing through the barred window, is powerfully visceral. It is a primal force unleashed and its magnificent to behold.
The cheering of the other patients are like an electrical current that shoots through them and us.

Movies Watched 53 out of 68 (77.94%)
2. Butch Cassidy & The Sundance Kid (1969) #81
7. Amadeus (1984) #50
13. The Wizard of Oz (1939) #36
16. The Third Man (1949) #48
23. Metropolis (1927) #73
25. Cyrano de Bergerac (1950) One Pointer

Rectification List
Day of the Jackal (1973) One Pointer
To Kill A Mockingbird (#85) *rewatch*[/quote]
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

Two great movies. You can never get tired of watching BTTF. It's a classic.

OFOTCN is filled with so many great performances. And that end.

Also, I recently discovered this video of Jack Nicholson accepting Bafta for Chinatown and The Last Detail while filming OFOTCN.

I'll throw a few more titles out there that I have down as possibilities (to wildly varying degrees):

Paths of Glory
The Breakfast Club
Blue Velvet
Lost in Translation
The Thing
Once Upon a Time in America
Seeing no love for Blade Runner 2049. Reckon everyone will only vote for the original.

Seeing no love for Blade Runner 2049. Reckon everyone will only vote for the original.
At this point, I doubt even the original will make it.

Hey, @Yoda, Nicholson's character is named R.P. McMurphy, not McMurtry.

Were you thinking of this guy?

It was the Marty McFly thing was confusing him I think.