The MoFo Top 100 of the 2000s Countdown

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A system of cells interlinked
I sure hope not!
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

I don't mean to be a pill, but can we get an update on the page one list? I'm falling behind on the thread, so this is an easy way for me to see what's been announced.
Done! To be honest, if you hadn't mentioned it, I wouldn't have noticed that I hadn't updated it, so thanks for the nudge.
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Suffering alone
Suffering in three
Tied to a chair
A clown smiling with glee
Technically, the first and third lines are for #92, which will come up tomorrow
Sounds a lot like Hostel, but people would have to be sick to vote for that.

You ready? You look ready.
Wake me when it's over. It's our countdown and we want it now!

"This is that human freedom, which all boast that they possess, and which consists solely in the fact, that men are conscious of their own desire, but are ignorant of the causes whereby that desire has been determined." -Baruch Spinoza

I've seen all the films so far.

I remember liking Steve Zisou, but finding it kind of forgettable among all the other Wes Anderson film's I prefer, for instance, Royal Tenembaums and Grand Budapest Hotel. I'd be glad to rewatch it though.

I hated Wreckmeister Harmonies, I don't remember much of the film, but I remember it took me all my energy to finish it. I couldn't understand the characters, their motivations and what Bela Tarr wanted to accomplish by this film, not for me at all.

The Devil's Reject's is one of my good friend Derek Vinyard's favorite films (he's a close real life friend). So I watched it, but it's not for me. I don't care for gory/funny violence. The only scene I like is the free bird scene at the end which is pretty cool.

I kind of like Pride and Prejudice, but I'd rather read the book then watch this film. the actors didn't really impress me, the directing didn't leave a particularly strong impression on me. It's a good story, told in an ok way.
I do not speak english perfectly so expect some mistakes here and there in my messages

I think if any Rodriguez has a chance of making the 2000s list, it's Sin CIty (which cracked the Millennium list at #56) - then again, that was back in 2012 and I get the impression that people don't give that much of a damn about it anymore. Still expecting to be proved wrong on that count, though.

I thought about that, although I don't pay much attention to the millennium list.

Neither made my ballot, but both are really good.

Granted, I don't remember Pride and Prejudice too well, but The Devil's Rejects is a solid horror film, even though I mainly like it for the second half.

mattiasflgrtll6's Avatar
The truth is in here
I wouldn't have expected to see The Devil's Rejects on the list in a million years. In fact it didn't even enter my mind at all. I know it has a cult following, but had no idea it was this well-liked.

Do I think it looks good? I'm not sure since I've heard very mixed things about Zombie as a filmmaker. He's divisive in a similar sense to Eli Roth.

As for Pride & Prejudice I liked it, but am a little underwhelmed by the results this time. Hoping for tomorrow's to be more compelling.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Pride & Prejudice...I seen most of the movies based on Jane Austen's work. I seen this shortly after it came to DVD and by now I don't remember it, hence I didn't vote for it...but I'm glad someone did!

Oh and I missed Mother and Y Tu Mama Tambien

Seen 8/8
List 0/8
Films I really like 1/8

Mother was alright to me, super forgettable. Seeing this list really makes me realize that my memory isn't as good as I thought. I don't remember most the films I've seen 4 years ago or more.

Y tu mama tambien is an excellent movie and I considered it for my list. The ''mother'' character is one of the most sexually attractive character in movie history to me. The way the two adolescent characters kind of discover themselves throughout the movie and don't know who they are is interesting. Also, it shows to which lengths human beings will go for infatuation. Super good movie, entertaining, good looking and intelligent.

Y Tu Mama Tambien - is a movie that I liked but left zero impression on me. Big time sexy sex films are rarely a big draw for me, but I remember it really being more a film in motion. Of travel. Moving through the country. I don't even remember the sex. As it is, these vague recollections of landscapes moving past car windows and not dicks boning makes me feel with a rewatch, I'll be more prepared for it to be a movie more up my alley.

Mother - another one I don't remember anything partiuclarly concrete about, and I only recently saw it. I think I liked it. I must of. All this guys movies are worthwhile.

Devil's Rejects - Is good, but as usual with Zombie, his scriptwriting really undermines his visual inventiveness, his ideas and the gallows humor that runs through his film. At the very least, lower the **** count, and this goes up at least half a star in my book.

Pride and Prejudice - a great Austen adaptation. Nothing unmanly about such things at all. Room With a View is one of my favorite movie's ever and it has hardly reduced my manly manliness a smidgen ( I am currently wearing my grandmothers knitted cardigan, as I do nearly every day during the winter....I also wrote smidgen in relation to my manliness). I like Pride and Prejudice very much.

**** yeah, The Devil's Rejects rules!

As for the haters, there is no ****ing ice cream in your ****ing future.

Have seen so far: 1 - I hated Devil's Rejects, Rob Zombie makes garbage movies, he should stick to music
Have not seen so far: 7
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