The 2015 MoFies... The Categories


Like the other two MoFies before this... you put in your lists like we've been doing for a while now, seanc tallies up... the highest X amount of people voted in a category go into the Ballot for people to vote on via private message to seanc.

That's how Godoggo did it last year and the year before.

So you're still taking nominations, then. The ballot won't be ready until January.

Yeah leave your lists in here. I'll start a separate thread for the ballot in January with the ballot attached, with a few rules on how to actually vote (which will be via PM).

So, for now, just keep going with lists and nominations until January 5th.

Just wondering when people think is the best weekend to hold this? It'll be January... but when?

Sometime during 15th-17th?
Sometime during 22th-24th?
Sometime during 29th-31th?

Ok... I need 2 questions answered:

Holding the MoFies in January?
Sometime during 15th-17th?
Sometime during 22th-24th?
Sometime during 29th-31th?

I'll also need volunteers to present the awards on the night too like we've done for the past 2 years. So send me a PM saying if you can be a presenter.
We have 25 Awards... so we need at least 10 people to volunteer.

Responsibilities of a Presenter are... me sending you the finished MoFie Art of your given category/categories... then, when it's your turn to present said Award you can maybe do a little write-up or something to introduce the Award (either something nice or a bit of a roast for the nominees )... then you reveal the winner by posting the MoFie Art I sent you. Just like we've done the past 2 years. Simple.
This also means as a Presenter you get first glimpse at the artwork, and you get first dibs on seeing who has won said Award

Might be a good weekend then. Only a few days after the counts have been taken. Saves people waiting and stuff.

Ok... choices are:
Friday 15th Jan
Saturday 16th Jan
Or Sunday 17th Jan

Ok... nobody answered...

The MoFies are going on Sunday 17th January. The last two went on a Sunday, so this one is too.

Jan 5th is the last day for lists... Sean will then fix up the ballots and post them as soon as they're counted up... that'll give one week for sending in ballots... and 4 days for me to get the artwork sorted.

Done dusted.

10 days to get your lists sorted

Jan 5th is the closing date... then it's ballot time sorted by Sean.