Rate The Last Movie You Saw


It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I'd have to disagree with you guys. I think Sicario is excellent.
You are certainly in the majority. A lot of thrillers lose me in the final act. Sicario just gets kiknd of silly at the end for my taste. Solid film but I don't love it.

Diehard with a Vengeance (1995)

Godblanket, McClane!

You can't win an argument just by being right!
You are certainly in the majority. A lot of thrillers lose me in the final act. Sicario just gets kiknd of silly at the end for my taste. Solid film but I don't love it.
Lost me with that bed sitting, hand holding scene. I really liked it up until that. For me it really spoilt the movie.

You can't win an argument just by being right!

Never say never but doubtful I'll ever have a rewatch. She is absolutely stunning. Jaw dropping. But no, the movie just fell really flat. Idris was gret.

Trouble with a capital "T"

Never say never but doubtful I'll ever have a rewatch. She is absolutely stunning. Jaw dropping. But no, the movie just fell really flat. Idris was gret.
What movie is that?

It looks like the actress from The Zookeeper's Wife?

You can't win an argument just by being right!
What movie is that?

It looks like the actress from The Zookeeper's Wife?
It is indeed. Jessica Chastain in Molly's Game. Seeing Zookeeper's Wife next. Did you like it, CR?

This might just do nobody any good.
Citizen doesn’t know Jessica Chastain?

Lost me with that bed sitting, hand holding scene.
The what now?

Originally Posted by Ms. M
Rewatch. I just like this movie.
I like it a lot, too, Ms. M. I'm not the world's biggest Julianne Moore fan but I thought she was excellent in this. Everyone did a good job but for me, Brie Larson was so funny as the non-verbal sister who was completely obsessed with her cell phone, but had something truly important to say when it counted.
"Miss Jean Louise, Mr. Arthur Radley."

Le Silence de la Mer (1949, Jean-Pierre Melville)

This was Melville's debut, and it shows - some of the sequences (von Ebrennac's Paris visit, for instance) seemed a bit half-baked and disjointed, almost documentary in style (not sure if it was intentional or not). But this minor caveat aside, I thought it was great. The hypnotic voice-over narration, Henri Decaë's elegantly nuanced cinematography, the parabolic nature of the story, the perfectly measured anti-war pathos and minimalism - everything about it just struck a chord with me.
A near perfect movie.

I've recently seen these movies:
-"Léon", directed by Luc Besson: I've always wanted to see this movie and now that I did I think it's a really good action movie and an interesting, unconventional love story. I love the way in which it's directed! Especially the first scene, it's very dynamic. I would rate it 8/10.
-"Breaking the waves", directed by Lars Von Trier: This is a very very peculiar movie, one of those movies you need to think about. It's an intense love story, which makes us wonder about faith. I don't want to ruin your first vision, so I won't say any detail. It's very intense, I don't think that I will forget it. I suggest you to watch it. It's directed almost completely with handheld camera: I liked this choice, it made things more intimate. I would rate it 8.5/10.
-"Rome, Open City", directed by Roberto Rossellini. This is Italian Neorealism, the famous post-war style which has caraterized Italian cinema for almost a decade. It's a beatiful movie: the most famous of this style, togheter with Vittorio De Sica's "Bycicle Thieves", which I appreciated more. It's real, true, crude, dramatic as much as life was in those years. I would rate it 9/10.

Most interesting man in the world
Stagecouch *1966 7 / 10

"On the stagecoach to Cheyenne, a mixed group of passengers must
work together to survive the arduous journey and the Indian attacks."

*a remake of the b&w 1939 version with john wayne(never seen it,didnt know
it was a remake)

*there is also a 2nd tv remake from 1986

Never say never but doubtful I'll ever have a rewatch. She is absolutely stunning. Jaw dropping. But no, the movie just fell really flat.
She's stunning and jaw-dropping before she sets off .

Idris was gret.
He's always good.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
She's stunning and jaw-dropping before she sets off .

He's always good.
For some reason she always seems to be give roles that are really cold and dead pan. So far I just cant warm to her. Idris, on the other hand, is very engaging.

For some reason she always seems to be give roles that are really cold and dead pan. So far I just cant warm to her. Idris, on the other hand, is very engaging.
Yeah, that's been my reaction to her, particularly in Take Shelter. Al Pacino's compared her to Marlon Brando.

Payback (1999) Saw this again on demand, I've seen it several times before but it's an enjoyable movie that has flaws and Mel Gibson is always fun to watch. Watching him play an anti-hero type of character makes it interesting too, not your usual Mel Gibson good guy. 3/5.

Wasn't too interested in seeing this

but I'm glad I did. I thought it was a lot of fun. Solid acting all around but Allison Janney and the guy that played Tonyas "bodyguard" were exceptionally good. Funnier than expected.

Another good one. I love all the actors in this so it was a lot of fun to watch them go at each other.

Watched this just to build up my "Yeah, well I watch foreign movies all the time" cred. The English title is Riot in a Womens Prison which gives away the entire plot. Kind of boring Italian exploitation that it takes itself way too serious. I prefer my Women in Prison movies more along the lines of Big Bird Cage, the Big Dollhouse and Reform School Girls.

...Solid acting all around but Allison Janney and the guy that played Tonyas "bodyguard" were exceptionally good. Funnier than expected.

Depending on the day of the week , he could be the best part. So delusional and absurd, yet so good.

Logan Lucky (2017)


This is a good heist film with an excellent job done by the cast. I just think it should have been so much better. There are so many cool situations but it's missing any type of spark. I have had the same issues with many of director Steven Soderbergh's films. I always enjoy them, but with a couple of exceptions, I end up feeling disappointed. I did appreciate the way this movie wrapped up which made everything beforehand seem better.

Tropical malady (2004) -

It's probably has one of best, clicked intro i ever seen but still overall the first part is quiet boring lovey dovey story. The 2nd part is where most intriguing things happen but hard to not been affected by. it also has thing to do with my lack of grasp or common understanding with the parable itself, i suppose.
Interesting that, seems nearly region in southeast asia has these typical folkstory where some men/shaman can turn themselves into tiger