Wes Anderson


I didn't care for The Royal Tenenbaums when I first saw it. It was alright years later. Actually, I think I loved it years later, but it has since been years since the years later, so maybe I ought to see it again, perhaps next year.

The Darjeeling Limited is my favorite, followed by Life Aquatic. The rest I haven't seen. I'm not sure what finally drew me into these movies. Maybe it was the hot guys in them (Owen Wilson, Luke Wilson, Adrien Brody, hell, maybe even Bill Murray). Anjelica Huston is also a great diva for these films. But Darjeeling and Life Aquatic are my favorites -- great scenery. There is a sort of tranquil, hypnotic quality to these movies. It is kind of like being drugged.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
1) The Royal Tenenbaums

2) The Darjeeling Limited

3) Fantastic Mr. Fox.

4) The Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou

5) Rushmore

6) Bottle Rocket HAVE NOT SEEN
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

Okay, here's what I've seen of his with some grades. keep in mind that these aren't "definitive" number grades (they never are for me anyway) and the ratings are just a very general shorthand for how much I enjoyed these movies - some of which I haven't seen in a decade and only saw once.

The Life Aquatic

Bottle Rocket


The Royal Tennenbaums


Hotel as in his short? Have you seen the full The Darjeeling Limited?
If I had a dollar for every existential crisis I've ever had, does money really even matter?

Yeah, that's the short that goes with Darjeeling, maybe the full title is Hotel Chevalier? Based on my first reaction to it
actually seems too high but it may be unfair to view it outside the context of The Darjeeling Limited, which I haven't seen yet. I will get around to that and The Fantastic Mr. Fox eventually.

Jesus, this thread hasn't been touched in years. I've finished his feature filmography recently and this is my present ranking of his work:

The Royal Tenenbaums > Moonrise Kingdom > Bottle Rocket/Fantastic Mr. Fox > Rushmore > Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou > The Darjeeling Limited
~ I am tired of ze same old faces! Ze same old things!
Xbox Live: Proximiteh

Registered User
Wanderson rules.... such awesome shot comp!

I liked Bottle Rocket. Moonrise Kingdom was alright. Royal Tenenbaums was a total bore for me. I supposed I'm just not a fan of Anderson's style.

I finally finished his complete feature filmography (and the short Hotel Chevalier that goes with The Darjeeling Limited) and in my opinion, he hasn't made a bad film yet. They are all very enjoyable and unique in their own way. I would rank them like this:

1. Moonrise Kingdom - A wonderfully poetic film that becomes better with each viewing!
2. Fantastic Mr. Fox - A fast paced animated stop motion film that is just plain awesome!
3. The Royal Tenenbaums - A unique film with a very interesting premise.
4. The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou - An ambitious film that I very much enjoyed, despite the fact that it gets a little messy at some points.
5. Rushmore - A quirky film with a lot of comic moments that, just like its main character, tries to reach for something 'more' and partially succeeds.
6. Bottle Rocket - It's Anderson's most simplistic film, but it never gets boring!
7. The Darjeeling Limited - A funny film with a lot of interesting stuff going on, but the only part that really touched me, was the romance in the corresponding short film.

I'm looking forward to his next film, The Grand Budapest Hotel.
Cobpyth's Movie Log ~ 2019

Didn't think much of Anderson's work when I first watched it and now he is one of my favorites. The warm fuzzy feeling his movies imbue you with is really refreshing in today's cynical world (and not in schmaltzy way).

Fave film of his would have to be Rushmore but I have a soft spot for Life Aquatic.

Cant wait for Grand Budapest.

I don't like Wes Anderson. Haven't seen one movie of his that wasn't below average or just plain bad.
In my opinion you are in error because if you don't love wes anderson you can't say that his film are below average. His film are full off quotes of the old french and american movies! Above all Jean-Luc Godard.

1. Moonrise kingdom
2. Tenenbaum
3. Fantastic mr fox
4. Bottle Rocket
5. Rushmore
I love all of his movies but these are my 5 favourites!!!!
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Epic is a fad. Out of this world can be just being yourself.
Thought I'd update, add to this and make mention of "Moonrise Kingdom". I've loved most of his movies but this has to be the best to date. It encapsulated the quirky, and offbeat taste as always, but I really enjoyed the storyline, characters and movie as a whole. I loved how the young actors were able to rise to the occasion of displaying a mature and poetic mindset but doing so in a tasteful and subtle way.

Epic is a fad. Out of this world can be just being yourself.
Oopsy, I was surprised and thought this thread was last posted on in 2010. Turn the page will yah? Moonrise Kingdom was indeed included and seems to be a favorite of recent times, now this makes sense...

Whilst I have enjoyed all his films that I have seen so far, Fantastic Mr. Fox has to be my favourite, it's one of the weirdest yet most enjoyable films I have seen his directorial style translates perfectly for the way the story is told.

Whilst I have enjoyed all his films that I have seen so far, Fantastic Mr. Fox has to be my favourite, it's one of the weirdest yet most enjoyable films I have seen his directorial style translates perfectly for the way the story is told.
Mr Fox was the only animated film I have liked in recent years. That and Moonrise Kingdom are just silly in a sort of magic-fable way..love them. Those and his other films don't adhere to normal rules about reality, cause and effect.