Celebrities you have met?


That's amazing! When you see that he's in videos like this, are you not surprised or does it seem like the opposite of how you thought he'd end up?

Oh, I'm surprised. He became a bit of a running joke between friends of how desperate he was to 'make it'. No one thought it was happening. While I personally never had any problems with him, he had a terrible reputation with people he worked with. Apparently that's only gotten worse.

At least I will always have the time he mistakenly swallowed a joint I gave him, then coughed it up where it stuck to his lip, then when he realized it was burning him, sucked it back down his throat. Oh good times!

Oh, I'm surprised. He became a bit of a running joke between friends of how desperate he was to 'make it'. No one thought it was happening. While I personally never had any problems with him, he had a terrible reputation with people he worked with. Apparently that's only gotten worse.

At least I will always have the time he mistakenly swallowed a joint I gave him, then coughed it up where it stuck to his lip, then sucked it back down his throat as he began gasping for air as he realized it was burning him. Oh good times!
Did you also hang out with Sarah Levy?
Captain's Log
My Collection

Just remembered that as a very young kid I met Adam West and Burt Ward. @Wooley, remember the annual World of Wheels at the Rivergate? RIP
I hope he did the Batusi.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I sell toys and collectibles at comics and science fiction conventions, so I've met a lot of celebrities. But does it count if I met someone famous in a store, but I didn't know who they were?

Back in the 1990s, I was working at a computer store in Dallas, TX, and a guy was looking at all the different computer systems. I noticed that all of the other salespeople were watching him, but nobody was going over to help him, so I helped him, and he bought a computer. After the sale, everyone came over to me and asked all kinds of questions about him, but I didn't know why. I found out that he was one of the players on the Dallas Cowboys football team, and apparently he was a great player, and a fan favorite. But I don't remember his name. To me, he was just a very nice customer who spent a lot of money that day.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

Seen truckload of Bollywood celebrities because my engineering college is situated in an upscale neighbourhood where a ton of celebrities live. Often spotted them in their fancy cars, or them jogging with their dogs when I would go to the college early in the morning. The A listers would often be with their bodyguards.

Of the international ones. Saw Shakira from a distance. She is very tiny.

And went to show of Colin Mochrie and Brad Sherwood when they had come down to my city. Funny lads, and absolutely cool and down to earth.

I hope he did the Batusi.

I was very young and to be honest my memories of the Batmobile are much more vivid than meeting Mr. West. (This was a car show appearance. Could be that I met George Barris as well but I wouldn't have known who that was at that age.)

Oh I get to have fun with this... because I'm a Comicon geek! I have seen more than just the few below.

Let's start with Sarah Douglas.. from Superman II

Gil Girard and Erin Gray - Buck Rogers

George Takei - Star Trek

Cary Elwes - Princess Bride

Doug Jones - Hellboy and many other films

Jason Mewes - Jay and Silent Bob

Jeremy Bulloch, Anthony Daniels, Kenny Baker, Peter Mayhew and a few other Star Wars actors

Marc Singer (who is actually a Jerk!!) - Beastmaster

Herb Jefferson Jr. - Battlestar Galactica

Lou Ferrigno - Incredible Hulk

Glenn Shaddix - Beetlejuice/A Nightmare Before Christmas

Lindsay Wagner and Lee Majors - Bionic Woman and Six Million Dollar Man

Henry Winkler

Jerome Flynn - British actor

What's Carey Elwes like?

What's Carey Elwes like?
he's really nice. I was getting a Saw poster signed for my daughter's boyfriend and I was wearing a Hannibal tv show shirt I bought online. He signed it and we talked a bit, as I was leaving he did say "Nice shirt". I wonder if he was a fan of the tv show as well.

I think the nicest person I met was Sarah Douglas. She flew in from the UK to Missouri for the Comicon.. while I was talking to her .. she got a call from her mother so I was polite and moved on.

I met Cary Elwes once, too. Chatted briefly walking between movies at a film festival. We had just been at a screening of Shadow of the Vampire and happened to leave at the same time in the same direction. Other than saying how much I like Shadow of the Vampire I told him I loved his performance as John Houseman in Tim Robbins' Cradle Will Rock, which was about a year old at that point. He said thank you very much and started talking about that shoot and things he learned about Houseman for the role.

I have met many celebrities, lots and lots of filmmakers and actors, and a) I never go up and talk to someone just because they're famous, I have to actually admire their work, and b) if and when I do engage them I never pepper them with any comments about their most famous roles/films. They get that all the damn time. If I had been the twentieth person that day to say, "As you wish..." to Mr. Elwes on that sidewalk, he likely nods politely and keeps walking. That I said I admired a role that was unusual for him in a film that did not get a lot of attention or box office, he was immediately engaged.
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

I met Cary Elwes once, too. Chatted briefly walking between movies at a film festival. We had just been at a screening of Shadow of the Vampire and happened to leave at the same time in the same direction. Other than saying how much I like Shadow of the Vampire I told him I loved his performance as John Houseman in Tim Robbins' Cradle Will Rock, which was about a year old at that point. He said thank you very much and started talking about that shoot and things he learned about Houseman for the role.

I have met many celebrities, lots and lots of filmmakers and actors, and a) I never go up and talk to someone just because they're famous, I have to actually admire their work, and b) if and when I do engage them I never pepper them with any comments about their most famous roles/films. They get that all the damn time. If I had been the twentieth person that day to say, "As you wish..." to him on that sidewalk he nods politely and keeps walking. That I said I admired a role that was unusual for him in a film that did not get a lot of attention or box office, he was immediately engaged.
That's why I actually met Jerome Flynn.. He plays on a BBC tv series that I like. Ripper Street. I like the show because it's historical and it is like an old fashion L&O. I'm a fan of Matthew MacFayden as well, who portrays the main character on the show. I don't think many people went to his booth but I got to visit with him for a bit. Who knows he could become more famous someday soon.

Most of the less-known actors are free to chat with where the more famous, you pay a fee.

My daughter got to meet Ron Perlman. They share the same birthdate and she is one of the few people there who knew he did a character voice in Avatar: The Last Airbender cartoon. She had him sign one of her disc sets of the show.

When I met Doug Jones, I actually got his autograph for her because she had Ron's on a picture of him as Hellboy. Little did I know, she was just as big of a fan of Doug's as she was Ron's.

Doug plays Abe Sapien in the Hellboy movies and a lot of other characters in films.

celebrities i met at the oz comic con yesterday was katherine mcnamara from shadowhunters and emily swallow from the mandaloren they both are really nice and both looked stunning!! they made my day and katherine mcnamara was the first celebrity that i ever met from my favorite celebrities list then i met emily swallow who was my favorite aswell

Ooh, Katherine Mcnamara! I'm a bit envious because, well she's very easy on the eyes.

A few of the celebrities I've (sort of) met have been at conventions, too. I met Mickey Dolenz of The Monkees at a car show and got an autograph for my sister, which she promptly lost! I wish I'd kept it.

I had Peter Mayhew bump right past me at a convention and started to object but then I saw who it was and said to my wife, "Hey, it's Chewie!" At the same con, I saw Ray Park (Darth Maul of Star Wars: The Phantom Menace fame) on a small stage where he was supposed to demonstrate his martial arts skills he performed as Darth Maul, but he'd hurt his ankle not long before, so he was limited in what he could do. Still, he got a kid up onstage with him
and the kid had a light saber, as did Park. Hurt or not, he still displayed some cool moves but he let the kid win, of course. Cool dude.

At one convention, I saw Richard Hatch and Dirk Benedict together in a small side room with a small amount of fans (about 30 or so) and we were seated about 10 feet away from them. They were trying to get a revival of Battlestar Galactica going and were talking about it but I don't remember what it was exactly about, just that it was supposed to be a continuation of the old show. Then a few years later, suddenly the Ronald D. Moore series of Galactica came on so I knew the revival had fallen by the wayside. Still, it was neat to see Hatch get a role on the show.

At a convention, I "sort of" met George Takei. My wife and I got a bite to eat first as it took place at a hotel. At the same restaurant, the only other people there were two convention workers (with their badges on, that's how I knew) and they were sitting with George Takei, who was laughing in that deep voice of his. Later, we just happened to be walking by a door after Takei's appearance and they were ushering him through that door and he looked at me and said, "Howdy!" That was in my home state of Texas and although he was friendly, I groaned inside because I thought he assumed everyone it Texas said that when greeted. I've never said it in my life except to relate this story.

My personal favorite is being about two feet away from Helen Slater of Supergirl (the movie) fame at D/FW Airport. I was there picking up my fiancee, who had just come back from a trip to Italy (her family had lots of money). She and her mother were busy sorting luggage when I looked to my side and there was Helen. Since I read science fiction magazines back then, I knew what Helen looked like and that she was at the time making The Legend of Billy Jean in Texas. Well, there she was with her hair cut short but still beautiful. I swear our eyes locked and there was some nice tension for a few seconds. I smiled. She smiled. I remembered I was with my fiancee and had to turn away. She did too as she was with a couple of suits (one woman and one man) and so we parted, never to meet again. *sigh*
"Miss Jean Louise, Mr. Arthur Radley."

I've met a couple of celebrities and been in the vicinity of many, but most recently--as in, yesterday--Peter Sarsgaard and Maggie Gyllenhall came out to tashlikh.

Forgot to include Terry Bradshaw. Didn't meet him at a football game or sports event. I actually sat two rows behind him at a movie theater that was showing My Best Friend's Wedding (1997). He came in with a group of friends and was a little off to our left two rows down. He was leaning forward the entire time with his hands folded. It was a bit comic because the audience would laugh then about five seconds would pass and then he'd bust out laughing when all the laughter had died down. I don't claim to assume he was dim-witted---he might have had something else on his mind. Still...

I mainline Windex and horse tranquilizer
I've pretty much just met pro wrestlers (partially from nearly going into the business myself years ago) although a couple of them have done acting work, too:

King Kong Bundy
Terry Funk
Tully Blanchard
Harley Race
Ernie Ladd
Mikey Whipwreck (former ECW champ, wrestled him in a battle royal)
D-Lo Brown (also trained me)
Reckless Youth (also trained me)
Matt Tremont

I'm probably forgetting a couple.
A hundred percent death proof.

Tomato Necromancy - now with Vitamin R!