Stand-Up Comedy Hall of Fame


Ah man. I'm definitely interested but the timing with work stuff (and other site stuff, since I'm doing the Refresh list) is really rough, feel pretty confident I would end up having to bail or shirk. But I am probably gonna follow this anyway, such a cool idea.

The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible
Ah man. I'm definitely interested but the timing with work stuff (and other site stuff, since I'm doing the Refresh list) is really rough, feel pretty confident I would end up having to bail or shirk. But I am probably gonna follow this anyway, such a cool idea.

Oh damn :/ this will probably be a very short one, if it helps

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
Thanks. I love three things - movies, music, and stand-up.

No stand-up in audio format? This would eliminate MANY of the great stuff if it's only video. And how long does a "special" have to be? There are hour stand-up shows on video that are not released, but great nonetheless. Some are released later in box sets.

And in terms of availability, does it have to be available for free? Is it possible that some of us would have to go out and buy 9 DVDs? I don't even have a DVD player that works properly. Should the one who nominates make sure there's a way everyone can access it?
I'd go with video format, this if a Movie Forum after all, but I could be open to change that if other people wanted it too. It can be discussed.

As I said, I didn't make any time limit, one of my favourite specials is 1h30. But there's also shorter ones.

Usually people try to pick stuff that is available for free, it's kind of an unwritten rule of the HoFs. But it's a case to case analysis I would say. People have changed noms for that reason in the past.
When in doubt in locating a video, we all ask for a link in the thread and someone will shoot one over in PM.
I always try to be sure that the nominations I choose are easily accessible and with the two I nominated here I even sent over links. One of which is on youtube, which is a great place to find stand up shows of varying lengths of time.
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I think this is a great idea for a HoF, but since my taste in comedy is so different from most people around here, I'll have to wait until the nominations are announced to see if this is a good idea for me or not. (My guess is probably not, but we'll just have to wait and see.)
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

The trick is not minding
Really nice idea, and I’m tempted, mostly because I like to support the various hosts for these, but I’m currently in the Holiday and Personal Recommendation HOF and making a final push into my 2020 challenge so I don’t think I’ll have the time.
I’m sorry, Neiba 🙁

The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible
I PMed somebody who I think might be interested in joining, I hope he does

Thanks CR

I was thinking about starting this with a minimum of 5 people. I think less than that is pointless.

The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible
It looks like this one won't fly, unless we find two more participants.

There's an alternative way we can do this that would take away the limitations a HoF usually has but I'll wait for tomorrow to propose that. Either way, I'd like to end up with a space for discussing Stand-Up in an active way, instead of a simple "Rate the Last Stand-Up you saw".

The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible
Ok, time to declare time of death on this. I was looking forward to this, but probably the timing wasn't the best.

Thanks to @Siddon and @edarsenal for the interest and the noms. I'll announce them eitherway so they at least work as recomendations for whoever wants to check them out:

Gray's Anatomy (Spalding Gray, 1996) nominated by Siddon

Halftime (Billy Gardell, 2011) nominated by Siddon

Jigsaw (Daniel Sloss, 2018) nominated by neiba

Edarsenal also picked a 2nd option in case this would end up rolling with double nominations: It's While it's still Legal (Steve Hughes, 2012).

Now, as I said, it'd be cool to have a space to discuss stand up, maybe even with a monthly recomendation. CR suggested a system like this Horror Thread which is a good idea, though I'm afraid it could die rather quickly.

So a question to the already mentioned participants on this plus people who would be interested - @Yoda @jiraffejustin @doubledenim @matt72582 and others: do you have any suggestions how we could create a sort of Stand-Up Comedy Club that could remain active without the obligation a HoF demands?

Thanks for all the people who kept suppoting this idea, it's a shame it didn't work but we can always try it again in a few months

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
Great idea... I only have three interests - movies, music, and stand-up comedy.

I started a thread a few years ago, and others have posted their favorite comedians, specials, clips.. It would be great if more would participate, but I'll contribute in any way I can.

Not sure on mechanical changes yet, but I do think timing is part of it. The All-Time Refresh list deadline is in mere days, holidays, COVID, and I'd almost definitely participate if it were even in early or mid-January.

Great idea... I only have three interests - movies, music, and stand-up comedy.

I started a thread a few years ago, and others have posted their favorite comedians, specials, clips.. It would be great if more would participate, but I'll contribute in any way I can.
This is where I go to chop-it-up on standup.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Maybe start an informal one with flexible rules?
Flexible rules? That wouldn't work, at least it hasn't in the past. It would be better to do a Comedy Watching Club, sort of like a book club.