Louis C.K. sexual misconduct accusations


not funny cynatherm
Yeee Boi.

But in all seriousness this whole thing really upsets me. I hope this blows over. He's one of my favorite comedians. The accusations seem too far fetched and crazy for me to believe them, but I suppose we just have to wait for him to speak on it.

Look, I'm 100% on board with the "don't believe an accusation just because it was made" stuff, and I think the idea that we should give the benefit of the doubt to the accuser is just as wrongheaded as the idea that we should give it to the accused. I think that's basically using people's lives as virtue signaling proxies for a larger issue, which is awful.

But that's not what's happening here, or in many of these cases. This isn't he said/she said. It's they said, and he said nothing. Several women saying the same thing, and so far, not even in a denial, and others corroborating that they were told about it shortly after it happened. Where, exactly, is the skepticism coming from in a situation like that?

Look, I'm 100% on board with the "don't believe an accusation just because it was made" stuff, and I think the idea that we should give the benefit of the doubt to the accuser is just as wrongheaded as the idea that we should give it to the accused. I think that's basically using people's lives as virtue signaling proxies for a larger issue, which is awful.

But that's not what's happening here, or in many of these cases. This isn't he said/she said. It's they said, and he said nothing. Several women saying the same thing, and so far, not even in a denial. Where, exactly, is the skepticism coming from in a situation like that?
I wouldn't necessarily say "skepticism", while not taking the accuser's story 'seriously', in blissful ignorance. It's more so 'bewilderment' than anything. I do believe he's done these things.

My statement; was that the accusations in general would be far fetched. Apologizes If I wasn't clear enough or that I confused you.

Trouble with a capital "T"
My thoughts are, who's Louis C.K.? My second thought is didn't he write the Narnia books?
My third thought is how did Captain Steel know your avatar was Airi Suzuki? My fourth thought is Yoda's right if Louis C.K. admits it, apologizes for it, seeks rehab treatment, he will be good to go.

I think that course of action would work for any pervy performer. I thought Spacey would go that route a few days ago, surprised he didn't. I mean it worked for Jimmy Swaggart, so why not this new batch of alleged perps.

Look, I'm 100% on board with the "don't believe an accusation just because it was made" stuff, and I think the idea that we should give the benefit of the doubt to the accuser is just as wrongheaded as the idea that we should give it to the accused. I think that's basically using people's lives as virtue signaling proxies for a larger issue, which is awful.

But that's not what's happening here, or in many of these cases. This isn't he said/she said. It's they said, and he said nothing. Several women saying the same thing, and so far, not even in a denial, and others corroborating that they were told about it shortly after it happened. Where, exactly, is the skepticism coming from in a situation like that?
I hate to play devil's advocate (and I'm not taking any sides having no idea regarding claims or evidence), but the idea of veracity in numbers can play both ways also - I call it the bandwagon effect. Just as someone previously fearful of making an accusatiion may find the courage to demand justice for a crime when someone else who was similarly victimized does so, someone else less ethical may see it as an opportunity to feel powerful or to exact revenge by jumping on the accusation bandwagon.

My thoughts are, who's Louis C.K.? My second thought is didn't he write the Narnia books?
My third thought is how did Captain Steel know your avatar was Airi Suzuki? My fourth thought is Yoda's right if Louis C.K. admits it, apologizes for it, seeks rehab treatment, he will be good to go.

I think that course of action would work for any pervy performer. I thought Spacey would go that route a few days ago, surprised he didn't. I mean it worked for Jimmy Swaggart, so why not this new batch of alleged perps.
Because I'm a fan of the former J-Pop group ℃-ute!

(Airi Suzuki is on the left, with Saki Nakajima, Maimi Yajima, Chisato Okai and Mai Hagiwara)

I hate to play devil's advocate (and I'm not taking any sides having no idea regarding claims or evidence), but the idea of veracity in numbers can play both ways also - I call it the bandwagon effect. Just as someone previously fearful of making an accusatiion may find the courage to demand justice for a crime when someone else who was similarly victimized does so, someone else less ethical may see it as an opportunity to feel powerful or to exact revenge by jumping on the accusation bandwagon.
That might apply in a situation where one person steps forward publicly and others follow suit, particularly if they have something clear to gain. It doesn't make a whole lot of sense in a situation where a) there's nothing to gain and b) a handful of people come forward simultaneously in a reported story, which is what happened here.

The Bib-iest of Nickels
I've heard about some of these accusations for years, as well as a lot of female-comedians that have told stories without saying his name that a lot speculated were, in-fact, about him. I don't know what to say about it. Louis C.K. now comes off like a deeply perverted degenerate and what he did is indefensible.

Well at least he was honest about it. Good to actually hear one of these guys say "yeah I did it" rather then constant denials or careful dodges. Wont save his career but hopefully thats not as important to him right now.

So are they really never going to release the movie he was in? Or will that eventually creep out on video years from now? I read the basic plot and its almost surreal considering the topic. I mean irony isnt a strong enough word to describe it. How horrible it must be to have been one of the stars of that movie and have this happen after all that work. I wonder if Rose Byrne or Chloe Grace Moretz have done any interviews since this broke.
Farewell and adieu to you fair Spanish ladies...

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
Because I'm a fan of the former J-Pop group ℃-ute!

(Airi Suzuki is on the left, with Saki Nakajima, Maimi Yajima, Chisato Okai and Mai Hagiwara)

I wonder if they had the power to say no to this picture because of power.

I wonder if they had the power to say no to this picture because of power.
Well, their contracts are all done at this point, and they all retired in their twenties, filthy rich and set for life (now they'll go on to earn degrees and become actresses, designers, corporate executives, producers, singers and supermodels). I'd say their celebrity youth was pretty well invested.

Hopefully, they didn't have any Harvey Weinsteins to deal with (and I hope Tsunku - their producer - wasn't a pederast seeing as he had quite an eye for picking girls who'd turn into extremely beautiful women before they even hit puberty!)

Hopefully, they didn't have any Harvey Weinsteins to deal with (and I hope Tsunku - their producer - wasn't a pederast seeing as he had quite an eye for picking girls who'd turn into extremely beautiful women before they even hit puberty!)
Well, they would have been 100% safe with a pederast ... as would all young girls.

Well, in the USA I have been in some horrific conversations. A lot of this behavior: a reduced respect for women, children, and fellow humans is pretty par for the course, and isn't surprising to see sadly.

The public reaction to this kind of behavior is good and healthy. My only hope is that it continues to hit people higher up on the ladder. Instead of people shrugging it off or excusing it, there is a desire for something to be done about it.