What Would Be Your Crusade?


Django's Avatar
Originally Posted by MinionTV
I just have to say that Django having a white dove for his avatar is extremely hilarious and he will be getting POSITIVE rep points for the chuckles he just gave me.

Please keep it!
Thanks, Minion, but this is not intended as a joke!

Sit on my ass and watch movies all day.

Seriously though, I think I'd want to write something... anything really. There are so many writings I've started and never finished, it's ridiculous. Either that or finish reading the multitude of books I've started and quit half way through, only to start on another... it's a never ending cycle.

Other than that, not much really. I might want to do a bit of research and get a little more in touch with my spiritual side... get to know my religion a little better than I do now.
You were named after the DOG?

i dunno why, but i was just thinking of a robot that i could have sex with. does that count as a crusade? sounds more like an x-mas list...

Originally Posted by Mary Loquacious
Hmm. An interesting question.

First of all, I'd probably spend my time on media watchdogging and public awareness. I'd also work toward an education overhaul, from top to bottom. Everyone, from grade schools to universities. There's a serious problem with myopia in this country's public education system--the one I'm entrusting my daugher to every day.

...oh, and I'd also make certain there's a little umbrella on the rim of every drink. I always feel cheated when I don't get one--which is all the time, since I don't drink Seabreezes. Mary Lo for President: An Umbrella in Every Drink, and a Pot in Every Chicken.
Mary!! It is good to see you hanging around here. You are truly one of the funniest people I've ever come across. And I mean funny in a good way. Well... Actually, that's a lie; you're funny in a bad way too.
One of the biggest myths told is that being intelligent is the absence of the ability to do stupid things.

I'm not old, you're just 12.
My crusades? Lemme think:

1. A George Bush-free America
2. A free Tibet
3. Wipe out the class system in this country
4. The disarming of the entire planet
5. Seduce Meg White, and maybe the bass player for the Donnas

The last one was pretty selfish, I know. Nobody's perfect....
"You, me, everyone...we are all made of star stuff." - Neil Degrasse Tyson


Originally Posted by Monkeypunch
1. A George Bush-free America
I won't touch this one, 'cept to say that I, personally, like economic prosperity.

Originally Posted by Monkeypunch
3. Wipe out the class system in this country
What "class system" are you referring to, and how would you wipe it out?

Originally Posted by Monkeypunch
The disarming of the entire planet
"I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate. And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it."

Django's Avatar
Originally Posted by Yoda
"I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate. And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it."
Scary and darkly humorous at the same time. And, very probably, only too true!

I'm not old, you're just 12.
Originally Posted by Yoda

"I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate. And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it."
OMG that is too funny! Who said that?

there's a frog in my snake oil
Originally Posted by Yoda
I won't touch this one, 'cept to say that I, personally, like economic prosperity.
You mean: short-termism/no-holds-barred-competition kept afloat by petrodollars, book-fixing and free-trade-breaking political support for US "multinationals", don't you? :innocent-beaming-smilie:

Originally Posted by Yoda
"I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate. And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it."
Too true too true but watcha gonna do? :shrugging-smilie-thing:
(that's where the equilibirum comes from : preaching-smilie : )
Virtual Reality chatter on a movie site? Got endless amounts of it here. Reviews over here

Originally Posted by Golgot
You mean: short-termism/no-holds-barred-competition kept afloat by petrodollars, book-fixing and free-trade-breaking political support for US "multinationals", don't you? :innocent-beaming-smilie:
Uh, no. I'm referring to supply-side economics, which is anything but "short-termism" (a label more suited to its demand-side rival). Bush is not a flawless supply-sider, but he's closer than most, and we're just now seeing the beginnings of the explosion of growth waiting around the corner.

there's a frog in my snake oil
May the corner turn. And may the petrodollars cease too
(I could go on - but there's no need to get biblical now is there )

I know what I would do, I would endeavor to find a cure for mental illness, it causes a lot of heart ache for the sufferer and their loved ones.
Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.

Too many things and not enough time.............

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...........if I had to pick one.......

CEO of Greenpeace

~ Nikki ~

"I'm your hell, I'm your dream.......I'm nothing in between.......You know you wouldn't want it any other way".........

"Listen, when I slap you, you'll take it and like it"..........Humphrey Bogart..........Maltese Falcon.......

Graze on my lips and if those hills be dry, stray lower, where the pleasant fountains lie...........William Shakespeare.......

there's a frog in my snake oil
Originally Posted by nebbit
I know what I would do, I would endeavor to find a cure for mental illness, it causes a lot of heart ache for the sufferer and their loved ones.
Have you read some of Dr Sacks' books Nebbie? He's the guy who wrote the book Awakenings that got filmed. He's always looking at ways to find day-to-day solutions to some distrubing physical/mental situations. He looks at very specific/special cases generally tho - i.e. he focuses on the individual and how to learn more about the problems as a whole through their experiences. I definitely recommend "the man who mistook his wife for a hat" if you haven't read that - it just looks at various surreal neurological conditions, and how people learned or were helped to deal with them. Inspiring stuff in places.

I like him a lot coz he recognises most across-the-board solutions don't work all the time, and need adjustment to suit the indivdual. The causes of lots of mental conditions seem to be a mixture of biology (including drug abuse etc) and personal experience - but i guess you know all this from your job.


As for Niki's future job....hmm, a line of greenpeace execs on their knees?....I can picture it for some reason

Originally Posted by Golgot
Have you read some of Dr Sacks' books Nebbie? He's the guy who wrote the book Awakenings that got filmed. He's always looking at ways to find day-to-day solutions to some distrubing physical/mental situations. He looks at very specific/special cases generally tho - i.e. he focuses on the individual and how to learn more about the problems as a whole through their experiences. I definitely recommend "the man who mistook his wife for a hat" if you haven't read that - it just looks at various surreal neurological conditions, and how people learned or were helped to deal with them. Inspiring stuff in places.
I do know of Dr Sacks, I saw the awakenings movie it was very interesting and sad at the same time.

My husband has read "The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat" he tells me it was quite interesting.

There is not enough of focusing on people as individuals, they are just people with the same illness. It is really amazing what the brain can do when it is miss firing.

To be honest, i would be stupid enough to try and save the world, i know it sounds old, stupid, childish and dumb, but I would love to save lives, even if i influence just ONE life for the better i consider my life to have been worth living. Thats my crusade. To save those who want and need it. To love those who feel they dont deserve love, to open the eyes and hearts to millions to see, yes its a dark world, but a dark world worth living, because there is enough kindness out there if we know where to look, i just want to show people this world is worth living in and loving in.

there's a frog in my snake oil
Good on ya Naisy

Originally Posted by nebbit
I do know of Dr Sacks, I saw the awakenings movie it was very interesting and sad at the same time.

My husband has read "The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat" he tells me it was quite interesting.

There is not enough of focusing on people as individuals, they are just people with the same illness. It is really amazing what the brain can do when it is miss firing.
That last stuff is all very much Sacky-boy territory. He loves using case-studies as valid investigative/scientific tools, and examining what it is we have as a whole by helping people with esoteric problems adapt and deal with life.

Originally Posted by firegod
Mary!! It is good to see you hanging around here.
Right back at ya, Fire.

Actually, that's a lie; you're funny in a bad way too.
I'm on the lam from the Joke Police as we speak. So you ain't seen me, right?
You were a demon and a lawyer? Wow. Insert joke here."

If I could do anything I wanted to I would hang up my badge and work trying to find a solution to world hunger… no one in this day and age should have to go to bed hungry.
You never know what is enough, until you know what is more than enough.
~William Blake ~

AiSv Nv wa do hi ya do...
(Walk in Peace)