Funny Face Movie Index

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More specific film interests include: Art. Tim Burton. Magical realism. Audrey Hepburn. Food. Queer. Jane Austen. Batman. Juliette Binoche. Bill Nighy. Meryl Streep. Spirituality. Geoffrey Rush. Awesomely bad horror. Cognitive science. WWII. Johnny Depp. Wes Anderson. Mental health. Nature. Music. Travel. Coming-of-age and self-discovery.
No Pratty Cake?

"Harry and Tonto" - I've never met anyone who didn't love it
I didn't love it.

Only when I'm feeling swoony!

The House at the End of Time
(Alejandro Hidalgo, 2013)

Despite what the the trailer implies, the movie felt more mystery and suspense with a hint of horror. The story starts with the main character Dulce, regaining consciousness with a gash on her face and surrounded by shards of broken mirror. After stumbling around the house she finds her husband, stabbed to death, and sees her son standing in a doorway only to be snatched away into darkness.

With no one else in the house, Dulce is charged and convicted of murder.

After thirty years in prison, Dulce is now an old woman and allowed to serve the rest of her time under house arrest. Her only visitor is the local priest who welcomes her back into the community and confesses that he does not believe she is guilty. Together, they both hope to find out what actually happened.

The story lags and gets fragmented between flashbacks that reveal more about the days leading up to the murder-disappearance and watching the priest dig up the mysterious history of the house and previous inhabitants.

Last third of the movie is the most interesting and hard to describe without spoilers but it shifts from haunted house into something else.

Still had unanswered questions in the end but ties up nicely. Tugs on your heartstrings but overdoes it a touch with the sentimental conclusion. Wished there was a little more backstory with Dulce and her old age makeup was better. Overall, the holes in the story are hard ignore but I liked where it was going.


Miss Vicky's Loyal and Willing Slave
Oh of course! I know you'd mentioned her infatuation with Chris Pratt but I didn't put it together. Is that a 'thing' amongst his fans or is it just a little nickname you two have come up with?

Trouble with a capital "T"
I have not seen The One I Love (it's been sitting in my Netflix queue) or Life of Pi (want to read the book first) but I've seen the rest on the list.

Out of those listed Ruby Sparks is my favorite. Liked both Woody films listed but prefer to rewatch Alice.

What ones do you like the most from that list?

Some favorites of mine are: Stranger Than Fiction, Big Fish, Bagdad Cafe, Edward Scissorhands, Safety Not Guaranteed, and Like Water for Chocolate.
Sorry for the late reply. Wow you seen almost all the films I previously mentioned, you're well watched on your movies I liked all of them on my list, except Winters Tale wasn't much to my liking. Sorry to say I haven't seen a one of the films that you mentioned above. I guess I need to get busy and watch more movies.

Master of My Domain
Gatsby called him that and I stole it.
See, this is what happens when you create something good on the Internet, and not irl.

Nice review looking forward to reading more
Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.

Post in here, damn it!

Off the top of my head, I can think of seven feature films and one short that you've watched in the last six weeks or so. We watched several of them together. Tell us about them!

Post in here, damn it!

Off the top of my head, I can think of seven feature films and one short that you've watched in the last six weeks or so. We watched several of them together. Tell us about them!

You know how patient I can be- good luck with that.

You've been raving to me about Star Wars. Rave on here. Or swoon about Pratty Cake as Starlord.
Or better yet, tell me wtf you thought of Mad Max.

Mad Max: Fury Road
(George Miller, 2015)

Oh dear, it's been so long. I don't remember how to use the popcorn boxes...

Have a drink while you wait MV:

So FF, how hot was Rey?

I mean, considering where she lived, she must have been burning up!


Master of My Domain
You seriously are the reincarnation of the bitchy Queen Victoria.

Btw, Funny Face, I'll teach you how to make popcorn ratings, but only if you give the film a high rating.