Singers who can act


And what do you think of my picks?
I was thinking about how surprised people seemed to be about Justin Timberlake's acting in The social network, when he had already brought a very solid performance in Alpha Dog. So agreed on that one.

This may not be much of a surprise but Lee Ving played a pretty believable scumbag in Flashdance. David Johansen often stands out a little bit in whatever mediocre movies he gets cast in. Mark Wahlberg was perfect in Boogie Nights and I Heart Huckabees, and has been pretty good in some other movies.

There are too many Cantopop stars who are great actors for me to list them all off the top of my head, but Andy Lau, Leslie Cheung, and Anita Mui spring immediately to mind. And you'd basically have to be a soulless monster not to love Faye Wong in Chungking Express.

I know she was an actress first, and I don't know if that matters for this thread, but I love Gwyneth Paltrow's music. She sounds great. Tim McGraw would also count. He was in Country Strong, with Gwyneth Paltrow. He was in The Blind Side, and a few more films.

Tim McGraw & Gwyneth Paltrow ~ Me & Tennessee

Don't forget Huey Lewis in Back to the Future. He has also been in TV shows, etc . . .

Huey Lewis & Gwyneth Paltrow ~ Cruisin'

I bet most of you didnt know that Tom Petty was in a film..
Yeah, that's the movie Made in Heaven. I own and love that film. Tom Petty's part is small. You forgot to mention that Ric Ocasek from The Cars, has a small part in it, as well. We discussed this film in the 80's thread, and I snagged that song you posted.

Takeshi Kaneshiro who is an asian actor (House of Flying Daggers, Red Cliff, Fallen Angels, Chungking Express, etc) is actually a Cantopop star.

I prefer him as an actor... just love him in "Red Cliff".

Yeah, that's the movie Made in Heaven. I own and love that film. Tom Petty's part is small, and you forgot to mention that Ric Ocasek from The Cars, has a small part in it, as well. We discussed this film in the 80's thread, and I snagged that song you posted.
I love that movie too.. havent seen it in years... yeah I forgot Ocasek has a part in it... I just remember Tom Petty and Ellen Barkin being in it.

Young Skywalker. Missed you, I have...
Madonna did a good job in A League of Their Own.
Bow Wow does a good job in the new show he is on...CSI: Cyber...I think.
Eminem did a good job in 8 Mile...then again the movie was supposed to be based on his life so.....
Tupac was good in every movie he was in.
Aaliyah was amazing!
Queen Latifah...
You are no Vader. You are just a child in a mask.

Kiss' Gene Simmons is in a lot of films...

if you think of DJ Qualls and Eddie Griffins movie "The New Guy", that has many singers in it..

Gene Simmons
Lyle Lovett
Kool Moe Dee
Josh Todd from Buckcherry
Henry Rollins from The Rollins Band
Vanilla Ice
David Hasselhoff