
Annie, are you okay?
Will you tell us that you're okay?
There's a sign in the window
That he struck you - a crescendo, Annie.
He came into your apartment.
He left the bloodstains on the carpet.
Then you ran into the bedroom.
You were struck down, it was your doom.
Annie, are you okay?
So, Annie are you okay?
Are you okay, Annie?
You've been hit by
You've been struck by - a smooth criminal!

Click image for larger version

Name:	bush_dance2.gif
Views:	235
Size:	17.1 KB
ID:	774  

Registered User
Sexy, you're a star...that was brilliant...first time i've smiled all weekend thanks
"So you take me for what I am...a psychopathic, schizophrenic, serial-killing, femme fatale?"

Those are great Sexy… thanks for the war break…
You never know what is enough, until you know what is more than enough.
~William Blake ~

AiSv Nv wa do hi ya do...
(Walk in Peace)

I got them from another message board. I don't know where the person got them, or who made it, etc. I just collect things I see on the way.

Well, if I find anymore, I will not hesistate to post them here.

I'm not old, you're just 12.
Originally posted by theshape82

before talking why don't you go read the later days thread on here
i have joined up
thanks for asking
have a nice day
My bad. Anyway, my respect for you has gone way up. You have the courage of your convictions and I salute you, brother.
"You, me, everyone...we are all made of star stuff." - Neil Degrasse Tyson


there's a frog in my snake oil
Sorry to dredge this thread up, but what do people think about criminals facing a jail sentence who are given the "choice" of military service instead? Monkey, the Shape, Lord Slaytn, Spud and others who have seen service - what do you think about this phenomenon? What percentage of the army would you say is made up in this way? Do you think they have a different opinions and actions within the army and war as a whole? Are they equally loyal to the flag as a rule? What's your experience of all this?

An interested party (who as you may know isn't convinced that Iraq has threatened america recently [or at all - were they proven to be involved in funding the first trade-towers attack? I know there were rumours, but were they confirmed?] For example they weren't involved in any way in 9/11 as far as we know - sorry, just not as convinced as some of you are. Still looking to keep an open mind tho...)

I'm a brit, so i'm in on this trip in some ways too (and further terrorist action that might follow against our countries)
Virtual Reality chatter on a movie site? Got endless amounts of it here. Reviews over here

The King of Horror
I have heard alot of people say that this war is all about the Oil wells in In iraq and to them I say YOU ARE FULL OF S***. This war is about geting rid of the evil dictator and his two sons.

I am glad to say that we have got both Uday (or Udie as I like to call him) and his brother. I have heard that we are well on track to finding saddam!

As far as the WMD's go I am NOT at all suprised that we have not find them yet because think of how many years he was had to hide them.
"isn't it funny you hear a phone ring and it could be anybody, but a ringing phone has to be awnserd doesn't it................doesn't it"

there's a frog in my snake oil
Um, not what i asked. If you want a discussion about those points, (but i suspect you want a rant) have a look at the Words of Mass Distraction, Dr Kelly or is-bush-a-bit-iffy threads. (or any of the ones with iraq in the title)


oh sod it, i'll start a new thread....

EDIT: incidently, who told you you're close to finding Saddam? Udie's ghost?

The King of Horror
Originally Posted by Golgot
who told you you're close to finding Saddam? Udie's ghost?
First of all I wanted to express my opinnion on the war in Iraq not awnser your question. Secondly I didn't say we are close to finding Saddam. I said we where well on track on finding him meaning that we are on his trail.

The King of Horror
no has said it yet but we have cought his body guards and leaves me to believe that we are on the right track

there's a frog in my snake oil
Which body guards? Just some body guards or ones very close to him? He had loads. He was paranoid as hell [and with reason]

I'm not old, you're just 12.
Originally Posted by Sutter Kain
I have heard alot of people say that this war is all about the Oil wells in In iraq and to them I say YOU ARE FULL OF S***. This war is about geting rid of the evil dictator and his two sons.

I am glad to say that we have got both Uday (or Udie as I like to call him) and his brother. I have heard that we are well on track to finding saddam!

As far as the WMD's go I am NOT at all suprised that we have not find them yet because think of how many years he was had to hide them.
Actually, the war wasn't just about the oil...There's defense contractors to think about too! The good old Millitary-industrial complex that "ike" Eisenhower tried to warn us about back in the 50's is back in full swing! Like Country Joe once said: "There's plenty good money to be made supplying the army with the tools of the trade." Think about who's profiting since we invaded Iraq. Did they contribute money to the government? More than likely. Do you think the government really gives a sh*t about the poor oppressed Iraqis? they don't even care about the poor people in this country! They went into this knowing there were no WMD's and now our Elected (and selected) Officials are scrambling to find a cover story to hide the fact that it's all a sham. The war is real, the deaths are real, but the reasons for it aren't.

Originally Posted by Monkeypunch
Actually, the war wasn't just about the oil...There's defense contractors to think about too! The good old Millitary-industrial complex that "ike" Eisenhower tried to warn us about back in the 50's is back in full swing!
Oh, I know you didn't just misrepresent my boy Ike. From the same speech (his farewell address) in which he used the now famous "military-industrial complex" line:

"A vital element in keeping the peace is our military establishment. Our arms must be mighty, ready for instant action, so that no potential aggressor may be tempted to risk his own destruction."

Eisenhower recognized that such a thing was necessary, but was generally distrustful of any government expansion...a fact which is often, I feel, abused by the left in matters like these. I suppose I also have a distaste for the old "HISTORICAL FIGURE X would've taken THIS side..." claims.

Originally Posted by Monkeypunch
Think about who's profiting since we invaded Iraq. Did they contribute money to the government? More than likely.
There are six primary contractors, I believe. From 1999 to 2002, they gave a combined $2.4 million to the GOP, and $1.2 million to the Dems (I presume it's standard to play both sides). This $2.4 million made up less than 2% of the $190+ million that the Bush/Cheney campaign raised during the last election.

Of course, even if they'd given more (or even if you consider the sum substantial as-is), that still leaves us with one crucial question: which came first, the donation, or the policy? Did they construct policies to please those who had helped them, or did people help them because they knew they'd be pleased with their policies? The former is shady...the latter is not, and is rather the entire point of campaign contributions: to support the candidates who will implement what you believe are the best policies.

Originally Posted by Monkeypunch
Do you think the government really gives a sh*t about the poor oppressed Iraqis? they don't even care about the poor people in this country! They went into this knowing there were no WMD's and now our Elected (and selected) Officials are scrambling to find a cover story to hide the fact that it's all a sham. The war is real, the deaths are real, but the reasons for it aren't.
1 - Why are motivations more important to you than results? And even if you do believe the war was fought for selfish reasons, do you honestly believe those in power are so cold-hearted so as to be completely indifferent to Iraqi suffering?

2 - I think it's a stretch to imply that they knew they wouldn't find any WMDs. Making such a HUGE deal out of something they know is a lie is a bonehead move, politicially, and one that the administration is probably too savvy to make. You don't get into The White House on luck...I think the worst you can say about the WMD claim, if none are found, is that they were mistaken.