Least Favourite Movie Genre


Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
Yeah, sure, almost every movie ever made has bored at least that many. I'll leave it at that.
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
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Kenny, don't paint your sister.
I almost never watch Horror, but out of the genres I do watch, I'd have to say War. A lot of times, I just can't get into drawn-out combat sequences and the stories of battles that I sometimes know the end to.

I don't go much for Film Noir either. There are a lot of classics in that genre, but I've find myself snoozing or nearly there during a number that fall under this category. I like a good thrill or mystery though so I guess that's why Horror and Film Noir are about tied with War.
Faith doesn't make things easy, just possible.

romantic comedies are worst because they are almost never entertaining

twilight movie saga comes to mind as utterly boring non-entertaining - but, they are good to watch if having problems falling asleep

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
I'd probably say horror for the same reasons as Yoda. The bad ones are REALLY bad. Other supposedly average movies like Saw just don't do it for me either.

Don't like horror or other films that throw blood at the camera instead of developing a storyline. I just can't stand pictures with lots of blood.

With the probable single exception of Jackie Chan, I don't care for martial arts (and even Chan couldn't drag me into a remake of The Karate Kid. Eccchhhh!), especially those from China where they can throw knives in a horizontal curve for a tremendous distance and hang in mid-air kicking and punching each other. Japanese films like Seven Samarai and Ran are entirely different, of course.

Don't care for most modern comics and Hollywood's current idea of comical films that rely so much on potty "humor" and the F-word. I still laugh my butt off at Buster Keaton and Judy Holiday and films like The Great Race, Arsenic and Old Lace, and the original The In-Laws and To Be or Not to Be and The Odd Couple and The Producers. Even though I've seen them again and again they're still witty.

And oh yes, car chases! Don't like it when a director runs out of ideas and sticks in a lengthy car chase to kill time (Two exceptions, It's a Mad, Mad, Mad World and the local resident trying to cross the traffic circle that David Niven, Robert Wagner, and the pursuing police keep turning up at in that scene of the original Pink Panther. Those are car chases with a purpose, as in The Great Race).