Omni's Random Video Noise

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Originally Posted by AboveTheClouds
Don't get all sensitive about this Omni, this isn't me picking a fight, just me trying to shed a little more light on an awesome film

American Psycho starts dropping hints about Patrick's twisted reality before the five minute mark, when he's at the bar speaking to the waitress,
Oh, well yeah, I figured that out. It's convenient that in most cases that he has revealing dialog that he's in loud environments where people might reasonably misunderstand him or the other person is drunk. Like I said, I like those scenes. They're just too few in my opinion and the stuff in-between them bores me to death.

Originally Posted by AboveTheClouds
And you can kind of gather from his vanity during the shower scene and how ridiculously meticulous he is about his grooming, and from his peak physical fitness that he is a total narcissist, which usually goes hand in hand with being delusional.
That's a scene in my favorite movie too. However it was a lot more subtle, took much less of my time, and repeatedly seeing this guy's morning routine served the alternate purpose of showing change over time.

Originally Posted by AboveTheClouds
Also making note that every video he seems to watch is hardcore porn or horror, which also kind of point in the direction of "nope". This point is again illustrated when he is having sex with the prostitutes, his need to tape the proceedings and how he barely pays attention to the girls, but watches himself in the mirror.
I thought that was kinda funny, actually.

Originally Posted by AboveTheClouds
Even when the scene with the exchange of the business cards is happening you can see he is clearly mortified that he doesn't have in his opinion the classiest card. "eggshell with romalian type, what do you think?" Patrick can barely even reply to him, his anxiety soars at this point.
Well, actually I liked those scenes. The whole "satire" angle I keep reading about makes the most sense when the guy is literally prepared to kill over a tiny slip of paper. I wished there were more extremes like that.

Originally Posted by AboveTheClouds
And after Patrick kills Paul Allen and drags the bag with the body, leaving a trail of blood through his lobby, right past a concierge before loading it into the trunk of the cab,
Yeah, well it's at this point that I think I should have worded my post a little differently. There are certainly clues to his delusions in the movie, they're just too infrequent for me. I might well have liked the movie better if all the filler wasn't bordering on a two-hour runtime.

Originally Posted by AboveTheClouds
Also it's not so much a satire of Upper Class life as a whole as it is a satire of a particular people and place, which is the players of 80's wall street and their yuppie attitude. And the film really does a good job of satirizing the need to be cool as it equates being able to get dinner reservations at Dorsia to essential godliness.
I get that, I just wasn't impressed by it. It's nothing I haven't seen in movies NOT satirizing the upper class.

Originally Posted by AboveTheClouds
Or who can spend more on a haircut which looks exactly the same. It pokes fun at the consumerism the narcissism and the rat race that these people lived and dealt with daily.
I thought Rat Race did that better.

Originally Posted by AboveTheClouds
Also if you didn't know Omni, there is actually a book that the film was based on.
I mentioned the book, actually.

Originally Posted by AboveTheClouds
I do agree with the arterial spray though, it wouldn't soak him the way it does. I understand where you're coming from I speak from experience as well.
Good to know I'm not the only one with effects artists going around and defaming my work.

Originally Posted by Miss Vicky
Good to see that you gave BJM a try, but obviously I disagree with your review. A lot.
Well, tell me why you like it. I just didn't get it. What am I missin'?

Did it make you laugh? 'Cause that would explain it. It wasn't entirely my brand of humor.
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Top 100 Action Movie Countdown (2015): List | Thread
"Well, at least your intentions behind the UTTERLY DEVASTATING FAULTS IN YOUR LOGIC are good." - Captain Steel

Taxi Driver
Drama / English / 1976

The Gunslinger45 posted the "Are you talkin' to me?" scene to foster's Movie Quotes thread and it reminded me that I still haven't seen Taxi Driver. People also don't have enough reason to hate me either.

It's strange that a movie like Taxi Driver, with a reputation for "greatest movie of all time" nearing that of Citizen Kane (another movie I haven't seen yet), feels so... weak.

Taxi Driver has honestly got to be one of the weakest vigilante movies I've ever seen. Isn't the point of a vigilante movie supposed to be for me to root for an underdog character who takes the law into his own hands? How can I do that if I don't like the character?

Robert De Niro as a nearly unrecognizably young Travis Bickle comes across as... a self-righteous wannabe in a bad way.

Before we're even given any reason to think vigilantism might even be necessary, Travis monologues about "all the scum on the streets" as if he was Rorschach or something.

I don't recall Rorschach wanting to "clean up the queens" though. >.>

Thing is, Rorschach is already a vigilante. Travis isn't yet. So we have to see what provokes him to become one.

Apparently one scene in which a hooker stumbles into his cab and gets dragged out by a pimp is enough for him to buy multiple guns, design a fancy hidden-gun-esque device for his arms, and then idle until the end of the movie to confuse the **** out of me with his motivations.

He talks up one woman which is just agonizing to watch.

Why would any sane woman agree to a date with someone who creepily stalks and approaches you for you looks alone? RED FLAG.

Then once they're on a date, Travis admits that he has an irrational hatred for her friendly co-worker, likely out of jealousy. RED FLAG.

Then he convinces her to see a porno. OOOOHHH!!! Step BACK! THAT'S CROSSING THE LINE! And here I thought you actually liked me for my personality and political beliefs!

The woman actually works for a senator's political campaign and despite having what seems to be a pleasant exchange in his cab, Travis's first target seems to be the senator himself. Why? What possible excuse could he have to kill the senator? What, does he believe it might somehow allow him to see the woman if there's no candidate for her to work for? Where's the dialog for that? What, why, how, when???????

He talks to probably one of the nicest and most genial pimps I've ever seen and suddenly he comes away with "that guy is the sickest worst scum of the earth", WHYYYY??? Haven't you seen worse by now?

I read that Travis is supposed to be "mentally unstable" which seems to be only reinforced by the medicine he's taking. Without that he might as well just be some random douchebag. And I hate saying douchebag, but really what does it add to the story to make him "mentally unstable"?

Okay, so this is the story about a mentally ill taxi driver who's unrealistic standards provokes him to almost shoot a politician and kill a few thugs to help one girl and impress another who left him? Save his go-go-gadget guns, I'm not impressed.

I liked the noir elements of the movie, the music and attention to detail really helped set the mood, but I was so distant from the characters that everything felt unnecessarily drawn out. Travis's "death scene" is followed by a nearly 3 MINUTE collection of pan shots away from his body which just goes to serve as probably the most egregious example of padding.

He doesn't even die either, which is sorta good. At least the vigilante lives to vigilant again... I guess?

I can think of a bunch of movies that did a better job of giving me reason to empathize with the vigilante:

The Brave One
Falling Down
The Crow
Batman Begins

V For Vendetta

Hell, friggen' DARK MAN, as stupidly cheesy and hilariously over-the-top as it is, did a better job making me feel bad about the hero and want him to beat the bad guys.

Final Verdict:
[Just... Bad]

Well, tell me why you like it. I just didn't get it. What am I missin'?

Did it make you laugh? 'Cause that would explain it. It wasn't entirely my brand of humor.
I find it bizarre, highly original, and yes, pretty damn funny. I find the story really engaging and - even though they're not exactly likable - Jonze manages to make me care about the people in it. It also has some really memorable imagery, particularly with the marionettes and the scene where Malkovich enters the portal.

I will admit though that I did not like it the first time I watched it.

I find it bizarre, highly original,
Gotta give it that.

Originally Posted by Miss Vicky
I find the story really engaging and - even though they're not exactly likable - Jonze manages to make me care about the people in it.
Likability is pretty important for me to care. Even if they're total bad guys.

Originally Posted by Miss Vicky
It also has some really memorable imagery, particularly with the marionettes and the scene where Malkovich enters the portal.

I'd actually heard "Malkovich, Malkovich, Malkovich" referenced before, but I didn't know what it was referring to. Now I know, and it makes sense given the context of the joke was a total mind**** nightmare sequence.

Originally Posted by Miss Vicky
I will admit though that I did not like it the first time I watched it.
Well now you know you were completely wrong not to like it.

I can't think of... any movies that completely turned around my opinion of them. I can think of a couple movies that grew on me after a while, but I already kinda liked 'em.

My friend has never seen Taxi Driver, and until you've seen Taxi Driver you're living a life of sin, so I'm hoping to get him to watch it one of these days.

You'll come to understand why Taxi Driver is a masterpiece.

Go watch more movies, experience more corners of cinema, come back and be like "wow, what was I doing not loving that film!?"


Your rating of Taxi Driver isn't gonna go over well with many of the members here. It's pretty much the most loved movie on MoFo.

The concept of subjectivity of taste escapes most people. I also didn't care about many well regarded novels, films, animation and manga. Thing is besides being good/well made it has to contain stuff that I might find interesting. Casablanca, for instance, put me to sleep with its 1940s American melodrama aesthetic style.

You'll come to understand why Taxi Driver is a masterpiece.

Go watch more movies, experience more corners of cinema, come back and be like "wow, what was I doing not loving that film!?"

Well at least he gave it 3/5, Madoka which is the Taxi Driver among animation fans he have it 2/5.

Originally Posted by MovieMeditation
You'll come to understand why Taxi Driver is a masterpiece.

Go watch more movies, experience more corners of cinema, come back and be like "wow, what was I doing not loving that film!?"

I dunno about that... I've seen a lot of "classics" by now. I tend to hold unpopular opinions in general.

Originally Posted by False Writer
Your rating of Taxi Driver isn't gonna go over well with many of the members here. It's pretty much the most loved movie on MoFo.
Good to know. >_>

Originally Posted by Guaporense
The concept of subjectivity of taste escapes most people. I also didn't care about many well regarded novels, films, animation and manga. Thing is besides being good/well made it has to contain stuff that I might find interesting. Casablanca, for instance, put me to sleep with its 1940s American melodrama aesthetic style.
I agree, Casablanca was not my thing.

Originally Posted by Guaporense
It lost to the Godfather in the 70s poll though.
I never finished The Godfather. I only got about 10 minutes in before I got bored. That was quite a few years ago though.

Originally Posted by Guaporense
Well at least he gave it 3/5, Madoka which is the Taxi Driver among animation fans he have it 2/5.
Madoka isn't THAT popular is it? Taxi Driver's more like... Akira. I think.

Mean Girls
Comedy / English / 2004

I keep seeing Mean Girls mentioned on here, most recently from CiCi who mentioned it as the movie he's got best memorized. I've seen Mean Girls before, but despite vaguely pleasant memories I have it down as [Meh...], so it's time I reassessed my thoughts on it.

Hmmm... Taxi Driver, "one of the greatest movies ever made."

Or Mean Girls, "that one Lindsay Lohan movie with Tina Fey."

Look, here's the deal: I was never bored with Mean Girls. That's not something I can say about American Psycho, Being John Malkovich, or Taxi Driver.

It keeps up the pace, it remains consistent, and the character arcs all follow logically so I'm not waiting for the next plot beat, I'm not lost as to meaning of what's going on, and I'm not confused about character motivations.

That's not a point in Mean Girls' favor, though, that's just what I want bare minimum, at least from a comedy.

What IS a point in Mean Girls' favor though are these:

"Love to hate" comes to mind, and it feeds directly into what I was saying to Miss Vicky about needing to like the characters to care.

I like the 'Plastics' insofar as I want to punch them in the face which is precisely the point of the movie. Getting vengeance on them is SUPER SATISFYING simply because they were made so hateable.

So Travis Bickle shot a few pimps. Who cares?

Regina George got hit by a bus. And it was fantastic.

Similarly, it's easy to relate to Cady. I HATE school, so it's refreshing to have an outsider perspective of just how nightmarish and stupid it can be.

Cady's friends seem like friends I could see myself having and when she drifts dangerously towards the dark side (for believable reasons), it's equally satisfying to have karma bite her back hard.

For the most part I like the humor. A couple jokes are crude or stupid (no thank you, fart joke, you're not welcome), but most of those played off of the characters are pretty good. I'd list some of my favorites, but this is meant to be short.

Altogether, it has a few choices that hold it back for me, but mostly it's a movie that justifies returning to it every once in a while for a gag.

Final Verdict:
[Pretty Good]
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Holy Mother of God, you dislike Taxi Driver, Casablanca, AND The Godfather!?

Now it's just getting ridiculous...

- And this is just one random page in your thread. I don't even wanna ask what you think of some other cinema milestones. I might die of pure shock.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Holy Mother of God, you dislike Taxi Driver, Casablanca, AND The Godfather!?

Now it's just getting ridiculous...

- And this is just one random page in your thread. I don't even wanna ask what you think of some other cinema milestones. I might die of pure shock.

Everyone's entitled to their opinion. I'm not a fan of Taxi Driver or The Godfather either, but I like Casablanca.

And don't even ask me what I think of Pulp Fiction or A Clockwork Orange.

Originally Posted by MovieMeditation
Holy Mother of God, you dislike Taxi Driver, Casablanca, AND The Godfather!?
Hey! I haven't finished The Godfather yet.

Originally Posted by gbgoodies
And don't even ask me what I think of Pulp Fiction or A Clockwork Orange.
Wasn't a fan of Pulp Fiction. Haven't see A Clockwork Orange.