2nd Chance Hall of Fame


Trouble with a capital "T"
Can someone explain to me what does participation in this entail?
If you join, you have to watch all the movies that get nominated. You get to nominate a movie and everyone who's joined watches your nomination.

And you have to write up your thoughts on the movie as you watch them, you can't nominate then just disappear, Hofs are about participation.

When the Hof is over you send in a voting list ranking all the nominations from your #1 choice on down to your least favorite of the movies in the HoF.

See the 1st Post for the specific details. Raul is the host so he sets the rules/guidelines.

Trouble with a capital "T"
So far 4 confirmed members


Hopefully we can get a few more, but I'm cool with a little Mini Hall of Fame too.
I wonder if @Thursday Next would like to join? She hasn't been in an Hof for awhile.

I fully intended to join since it was first mentioned in the other thread, and I thought I even knew what I wanted to nominate. But I don't really want to go with that film any more, and I can't seem to pick a replacement.

Also answers to Jabba
That's pretty good. Count me in. I will send my nomination a bit later, once I see what films are eligible for this.

Edit: Actually there was one film I really wanted to nominate irregardless of rules and I just saw it is eligible for this so I'm good.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
I fully intended to join since it was first mentioned in the other thread, and I thought I even knew what I wanted to nominate. But I don't really want to go with that film any more, and I can't seem to pick a replacement.
Just pick a former one of mine, then you are good

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
That's pretty good. Count me in. I will send my nomination a bit later, once I see what films are eligible for this.

Edit: Actually there was one film I really wanted to nominate irregardless of rules and I just saw it is eligible for this so I'm good.
WELCOME to the Hall of Fame Jabs!!
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

Weird is relative.
I'm in. Just need to chose a nom.

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
I wonder if @Thursday Next would like to join? She hasn't been in an Hof for awhile.
What counts as a while? The 1930s only just finished! I feel like I've been in halls of fame non-stop

I always intended to join this one, just didn't get round to signing up. Just need to narrow down my list of potential nominations.

Also answers to Jabba
I'm sincerely hoping for films I've never seen before. Would be a shame to not be introduced to new stuff during something like this.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I sent in my nom I decided to limit myself to the General main Hofs 1-7, as I joined for the first time in the 8th Hof.

It might be fun to include what HoF our movies were from and who original nominated, well that's up to Raul

I'll take nominations through Saturday, then I'll do the reveal Sunday

I'm 50/50 on this one, If its not an issue I'd like to wait till after the reveal. Right now I'm in three Hall of Fames and doing the horror-thon so time is an issue. I also don't know if I see much from those Halls' that I would want to vote for let alone rewatch. However if the competition is small enough like the Russian Hall than I'll do it. How many subs do you have right now?