Suggestions for future countdowns


Trouble with a capital "T"
Id like to see Foreign list next, or just jump straight to a 2010s countdown
Foreign sounds good to me, but who can host? not me I've already done one. Could you do it?

Id like to see Foreign list next, or just jump straight to a 2010s countdown
If a Foreign one was done, would you do all or by region or country?

Trouble with a capital "T"
If a Foreign one was done, would you do all or by region or country?
I think it would be open to all non English films from all countries. That's how I'd do it. But I'm not volunteering to host

I'd have to count myself out of a foreign language list tbh. Simply haven't seen enough of them.

I guess I could put 25 together for a 2010s or a comedy list though.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
I'd have to count myself out of a foreign language list tbh. Simply haven't seen enough of them.

I guess I could put 25 together for a 2010s or a comedy list though.
Stop watching Young Guns and get to some Bergman and Ozu

Trouble with a capital "T"
I'd have to count myself out of a foreign language list tbh. Simply haven't seen enough of them.
Perfect, that's why we need to do it so MoFos can explore more foreign films

Comedy countdown could be good too.

A comedy movie countdown would be good. Maybe Will Ferrell will rule the day

Though usually we start talking about the next countdown right after the current one ends in a thread specifically for that...I thought this thread was for request to Yoda about tweaking or changing the sites list stuff and built in codes. I could be wrong.
I actually thought this thread was to make suggestions for future countdowns lists but we'll just wait until the current countdown is done and see what yoda has in store for us next.
No you could actually be right and I could be wrong
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I am definitely not saying Comedy is a bad idea (it isn't!), but I will predict that it would cause more anger and arguing than maybe any list we've done so far.
I'm sure you guys had plenty of that in the 100 horror movies countdown

Genre countdowns have been successful in the past, so that's something I'd like to see us explore more. I agree with Yoda that comedy might cause some issues, it's very broadly defined. Personally I'd love to see a war movies countdown (maybe top 50?).

I still vote for redoing a proper 2000-2009 list, followed by a 2010-2019 list. If the 2010-2019 list was done around the end of 2021 or sometime in 2022 that gives MoFos plenty of time to catch up on titles from the last couple years of the past decade. And there shouldn't be too much of a question about access to newer flicks.
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

I still vote for redoing a proper 2000-2009 list, followed by a 2010-2019 list. If the 2010-2019 list was done around the end of 2021 or sometime in 2022 that gives MoFos plenty of time to catch up on titles from the last couple years of the past decade. And there shouldn't be too much of a question about access to newer flicks.
This gets my vote too. The idea sounds perfect to me. The Millenium Countdown is a little odd and we've all seen plenty of films from the 00s, it's about time the decade got the list it deserves


With the excellent job you have done on this countdown combining traditional forum posts with your custom code/CSS work to create the beautiful list posts, I'm perhaps wondering if these could be preserved beyond the thread. Perhaps even a dedicated section on the site for our Countdown Lists. I wouldn't call this a priority but definitely something that could be cool.

This main idea I have for you that would make it a lot easier for future hosts:

Do away with sending in a PM with your list and combine the favourite film functionality with the Oscar predictions. In your Admin end create the ability to set up a List with a deadline, then Users can go on their profiles, click on a List with an impending deadline and arrange their top 25 films and save. Once the deadline is reached they're all locked in and then the code you've created automatically calculates the top 100 - only viewable to Admin/List host.

Are you still using my Excel spreadsheet? I'm guessing it wouldn't be too hard to translate the maths in that to whatever language this forum uses to generate the final 100, the work would be the submissions part.

I could probably help too, I was thinking if I ever hosted a future countdown about setting up some sort of small site to do this (handle submissions and sheet generation) but the two biggest hurdles would be: movie verification (for movies with same title - solved with this site's use of a Movie API) and also user verification (how do we verify submissions against user account - solved if done on this site with profile).

Saves future hosts a lot of work, removes human error entering numbers. I know it's a big undertaking that requires technical knowledge, but I have a feeling it's something you would have considered too

Genre countdowns have been successful in the past, so that's something I'd like to see us explore more. I agree with Yoda that comedy might cause some issues, it's very broadly defined.
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