Upcoming Movies on TV Thread


There's Secondhand Lions, The Alamo and Jarhead on today in Australia.

Any worth a watch?

Depends what you want. From what I know of them, I think Secondhand Lions is worth a look, but you won't find anything special cinematically there.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

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2001 A Space Odyssey coming soon at 12:45pm ET on TCM - I've been wanting to watch this for years (saw it the first time a decade ago, don't remember too much), but there's a little get-together; my brother is asking for the hand of a girl, an official "get engaged" day...

One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest is coming at 10 or 11pm ET tonight also on TCM

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Wow! Some of my favorite films coming up on TCM.. If you have DVR, this would be a great opportunity.

-10:30 - One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest (My #4)
-1am - Dog Day Afternoon
-3:15am - Network (#5)
-5:30am - Bound For Glory (7/10)

I went ahead to see what was coming in the future.. Very themed, similar types of films consecutively. I even see "Lord of the Rings" in order (haven't seen them yet), as well as the Best Pictures in the last 5 years.

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8pm ET on TCM
-Annie Hall (followed by a short documentary "100 Years At The Movies"

and later at midnight is "All The President's Men" (followed by Barry Lyndon - very underrated film)

Trouble with a capital "T"
I've been watching Woody Allen films, trying to get a feel for his films, but haven't seen Annie Hall yet.

Barry Lyndon was very high on my 1970s Top 100 list

After Lucia - Channel 4 - 1:25am
Dazed & Confused and- Film4 - 11:05pm
Fear - Horror Channel - 12:45am
The World Of Apu - Film4 - 1:35am

The now Oscar winning documentary CITIZENFOUR is on Channel 4 on Wednesday night at 11:05pm.

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I've been wanting to see Dazed & Confused since it came out.
I think you'd love "Annie Hall" it's a great film.. I'd consider "Annie Hall" and "Manhattan" to be Woody's best.

The Caine Mutiny and Marty are 2 must sees

I've never seen Blackboard Jungle.
I've never seen Marty but have always wanted to...Ernest Borgnine would be on my list of actors incapable of giving a bad performance.

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I've never seen Marty but have always wanted to...Ernest Borgnine would be on my list of actors incapable of giving a bad performance.
Marty is a really, really good film. Only wish it was longer..

Film Town on Trial (1957) - Film4 - 1:15pm
Twins Of Evil - Horror Channel - 10:50pm
CITIZENFOUR is on Channel 4 on tonight at 11:05pm.
Crap!! Somehow I missed this thread and had no idea Citizenfour was on. Oh well.. I'll see it some other time, or hopefully it repeats soon.

Dying Young, Song movies, 9pm
Wolf Creek, horror channel, 10:50pm
The Killer Inside Me, ITV4, 11:05pm
Re-Animator, horror channel, 12:45am
Mysterious Skin, Film4, 2:20am
Countess Dracula, horror channel, 2:30am

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Crap!! Somehow I missed this thread and had no idea Citizenfour was on. Oh well.. I'll see it some other time, or hopefully it repeats soon.
I know HBO is playing CitizenFour quite a lot, that's if you're in the U.S.. But you can always stream it..