Citizen Rules...Cinemaesque Chat-n-Review

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Trouble with a capital "T"
I love all the family stuff and buildup in Close Encounters. Unfortunately I pretty much hated the last act. I will give it another go again sometime. Gave it a 3.5.
The first half of the film with the mental crisis growing inside of Dreyfus's mind, was my favorite. I did like the actual encounter with the aliens, though it wasn't my favorite part and I would have done it slightly different

Dude...Blake Lively again, you're like Honeykid and Drew Barrymore.
It's kind of a running joke...but yeah she does look like her.

Read your E.T. review... seems like it's a personal thing more than anything. It seems as if you had some issues that are not exactly related to the overall quality and craftmanship of the movie itself.

So yeah... I didn't agree. I still love the movie. Best rewatch in a while for me.

I watched Close Encounters for the Sci-Fi countdown for the first time since seeing it at the movies. I wouldn't say I disliked it, but I didn't like it.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Read your E.T. review... seems like it's a personal thing more than anything. It seems as if you had some issues that are not exactly related to the overall quality and craftmanship of the movie itself.
No, I didn't have a personal issue with E.T. the movie. You're not becoming another Iro's are you. Why would you even say that? Because I said it was odd that there was smoke coming from the kitchen table and yet no one was shown smoking. Believe me that didn't ruin the movie for me.

I was forthright, that I couldn't believe that ET was a real creature and not a puppet and I generally don't like kids/fantasy movies.

Conspiracy theory: Terri Garr is the same wife character in Close Encounters as she is in Oh God (except, by the end of Oh God, her husband receives some vindication in her presence.)

Trouble with a capital "T"
I was checking out Teri Garr's movies today at IMDB and seen she was in Oh God. I had no idea she was in that. Expect a review one of these days

I was checking out Terri Garr's movies today at IMDB and seen she was in Oh God. I had no idea she was in that. Expect a review one of these days
Yes - she plays a role remarkably similar to the one in Close Encounters as she's asked by her husband to believe something rather inexplicable without any proof, except...

WARNING: "Potential Spoilers:" spoilers below
John Denver kind of proves to her (and a courtroom full of people) that he's been talking to God, so Terri stands by her man - whereas, if I remember Close Encounters correctly, Richard Dreyfus just leaves her and I don't think she's referred to again, yes?

I remember when that came out, but never got around to seeing it. I like John Denver's music so maybe he can act too? I'll have to see that.
It's a classic - but then, I said that about Airplane! and we saw how that played out.

Oh, God! (1977) is a light-hearted comedy about personal faith - it's a bit corny at times, but warm hearted. A good family type movie. You can't beat George Burns playing God and John Denver is pretty good as a reluctant supermarket manager called upon to spread God's word (oh, and my favorite part is the great Paul Sorvino playing a Jimmy Swaggart-type televangelist!)

You may want to skip the two sequels - I don't remember much about them, just that they lacked the charm of the first one (in the third one Oh, God! You Devil (1984) George Burns plays both God and Satan).

No, I didn't have a personal issue with E.T. the movie. You're not becoming another Iro's are you. Why would you even say that? Because I said it was odd that there was smoke coming from the kitchen table and yet no one was shown smoking. Believe me that didn't ruin the movie for me.

I was forthright, that I couldn't believe that ET was a real creature and not a puppet and I generally don't like kids/fantasy movies.
That you didn't believe in ET as a real creature, despite how the magic and wonder from everybody who loves the movie comes from the exact fact that they are enchanted by the creature, seems to me to be a personal problem. That's like saying you don't believe the Shark in Jaws and therefore find it silly and is taking out of the movie. It's still great craftmanship - unless you make a point against that instead - the effects just didn't hold up anymore.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.

Close Encounters of the Third Kind

Director: Steven Spielberg
Writer: Steven Spielberg
Cast: Richard Dreyfuss, François Truffaut, Teri Garr
Genre: Drama, Sci-Fi

: A series of unexplained encounters with U.F.O.s sets in motion a global search for answers...While a family man, Richard Dreyfuss seeks answers to his own close encounter with an unknown object.

Review: I first watched Steven Spielberg's opus to extraterrestrial first contact back in the early 80s. I was blown away by what I seen. After all these years, I rewatched this classic sci fi...and was still blown away! Thanks to Spielberg's mastery of film making.

I'm glad to see that you liked Close Encounters of the Third Kind. I was beginning to wonder about you after your recent reviews of 12 Angry Men and E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial.

Another secondary story that's hauntingly effective, is due to the mother's fear of losing her son. Both mom (Melinda Dillion) and the little kid are instrumental in building the story arch of what the aliens real intentions are?...And her little son (Cary Guffey) was so good an actor that Stanley Kubrick decided to use him in The Shining.

BTW, Cary Guffey wasn't in The Shining. Kubrick wanted him for the movie, but his parents wouldn't let him do it.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

Trouble with a capital "T"
That you didn't believe in ET as a real creature, despite how the magic and wonder from everybody who loves the movie comes from the exact fact that they are enchanted by the creature, seems to me to be a personal problem. That's like saying you don't believe the Shark in Jaws and therefore find it silly and is taking out of the movie. It's still great craftmanship - unless you make a point against that instead - the effects just didn't hold up anymore.
By that definition, all opinions are of a personal nature. My reviews are always right, from my standpoint. Just as yours are always right from your POV.

At any rate E.T., not my cup of tea.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I'm glad to see that you liked Close Encounters of the Third Kind. I was beginning to wonder about you after your recent reviews of 12 Angry Men and E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial.
You forgot Dial M for Murder, (I don't like that either).

I watched a 1 hour 41 min documentary on the making of Close Encounters. Fascinating stuff and lots of neat interviews with Spielberg and the cast.
I'll go out on a limb here and say Close Encounters does first contact with extraterrestrials much better than Arrival did.

I'm a fan of both Waterfront and Encounters - nicely done CR.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
You forgot Dial M for Murder, (I don't like that either).
What are we going to do with you?

I watched a 1 hour 41 min documentary on the making of Close Encounters. Fascinating stuff and lots of neat interviews with Spielberg and the cast.
I'll go out on a limb here and say Close Encounters does first contact with extraterrestrials much better than Arrival did.
I haven't seen Arrival yet, but I'll go out on that limb with you.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I'm a fan of both Waterfront and Encounters - nicely done CR.
Thanks Chyp, when I get a chance I'm going to try and catch more of Spielberg's big 80s hits. I haven't seen them since the days of spandex and big hair

What are we going to do with you?
I haven't seen Arrival yet, but I'll go out on that limb with you.
I think you'll like Arrival, I'm betting you'll feel about the same as I did. When you see it, pop in here and let me know, even if it's months from now. I always like to here how people perceive movies.

Legend in my own mind

On The Waterfront (Elia Kazan, 1954)
Director: Elia Kazan
Writers: Budd Schulberg(screenplay & original story)
Cast: Marlon Brando, Karl Malden, Lee J. Cobb
Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller

Terry Malloy, "You don't understand. I could've had class. I could've been a contender. I could've been somebody instead of a bum, which I am."
I watched the DVD extras before watching the movie. Several times they showed that taxi cab clip, and talked about how dynamic it was. Kazan himself was in awe of what Brando and Steiger did in that scene. It's considered one of the important scenes of cinema and the quote above, is one of the most quoted movies lines.

When I finally watched the movie...I was deeply moved by that scene. Even thinking about it as I type, makes me feel Brando's remorse. It's a helluva scene.

Needless to say I'm duly impressed by On The Waterfront! Brando almost always knocks it out of the ballpark, but here he's sanctified.

He's the embodiment of Kazan's theory on characters, 'that every protagonist should have a dark side, and every antagonist, a soft spot'. And Brando does, he's both sensitive & gentle...and violent & powerful. Brando makes this film!

Father Barry is the crux to the story, it's him who turns the tide by his impassioned speech about the evils of looking the other way as wrong is done in the world. Strong stuff, he is Kazan speaking to the audience. Father Barry's part is well written. But I couldn't help but seeing Karl Malden instead of the priest. In Streetcar I bought that he was his character, but here I didn't. I liked the character, but didn't like Malden in it.

Eva Marie Saint, I thought she was real and believable. I read that Grace Kelly had been asked to do the role but declined in favor of doing Rear Window. Thank Goodness!

Rod Steiger was a power house and one of my favorite actors, Lee J. Cobb really made this a memorable film. All around a fine cast.

You know the writer never gets enough credit. On The Waterfront won 8 Academy Awards, including
Best Writing, Story and Screenplay: Budd Schulberg, who also wrote: (A Face in the Crowd, The Harder They Fall).

The script is tight! Kazan said the producer Sam Spiegel (who he did not like), kept asking Budd to rewrite the script to sharpen it to a fine point. Kazan said it was the best script he had worked on.

The movie has so many elements that are layered, like Terry Malone's past as a prize fighter who was ordered to take a dive for the big boss....And the entire subplot of caring for pigeons among the hawks of organized crime.

I'm glad I rewatched this as it gave me a new appreciation for the film.

Another for the watchlist
"I don't want to be a product of my environment, I want my environment to be a product of me" (Frank Costello)

Thanks Chyp, when I get a chance I'm going to try and catch more of Spielberg's big 80s hits. I haven't seen them since the days of spandex and big hair
Yes, it'll be interesting to see how they hold up now presumably you no longer have big hair or dress the same

Trouble with a capital "T"
I love all the family stuff and buildup in Close Encounters. Unfortunately I pretty much hated the last act. I will give it another go again sometime. Gave it a 3.5.
I wanted to ask what you didn't like about the ending in Close Encounters?

I think I know and I bet it's the same thing that bothered me.

While I did like the secret landing site in a hidden canyon of Devil's Tower. And I did like the way the site looked. And the way they had the set dressed with module buildings for the scientist with huge lights and the music greeting too. And I thought the entire ending with the scientist and officials anxiously waiting to make first contact was well done. But...

I didn't like Richard Dreyfus going into the ship and leaving with the aliens. I mean he has a loving family and he just ditches them. He was a nice, regular guy and that didn't fit with his personality. It doesn't ruin the movie for me, but I wish that part had been left out. I'm wondering is that what you didn't like about the ending?